The United States of America (also known as the United States, U.S. or U.S.A.) is a federal republic composed of 50 states and a federal district.
Notable U.S. Locations[]
Washington, D.C.[]
Washington, D.C. (formally the District of Columbia, commonly referred to as Washington, the District, or simply D.C.) is the capitol of the United States of America.
Maryland is a mid-Atlantic state that borders Virginia, West Virginia, Washington, D.C., Delaware and Pennsylvania. Splinter Cell agent Sam Fisher lived in Maryland and it is also where the NSA's Fort Meade headquarters is located.
Fort Meade[]
Fort Meade is a United States Army installation that includes different U.S. military commands and the National Security Agency.
Virginia (known officially as the Commonwealth of Virginia) is a U.S. state that borders Maryland, Washington, D.C., West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennesse and North Carolina. The Central Intelligence Agency is headquartered here, Price Airfield, as well as Kalinatek during the Georgian Information Crisis.
CIA Training Farm[]
The CIA Training Farm is a training facility located in Camp Peary; it is used to train CIA's field operatives. The Training Farm was the first mission in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell and served as the first course Sam Fisher ran before being entered into Third Echelon's Splinter Cell program.
CIA Headquarters[]
The CIA Headquarters is the central office building of the Central Intelligence Agency, based in Langley, Virginia.
Kalinatek was a front company working for Kombayn Nikoladze based in Langley, Virginia.
Price Airfield[]
Price Airfield is used by Black Arrow, an American private military company, and is located at Old Tavern in Virginia.
- While David Bowers is the US President from at least 2004-2007/2008, Patricia Caldwell serves as the US President from at least 2008-2013. In Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter and Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 however, James Ballantine is said to have been serving as president since 2012.
- In the Splinter Cell series, Patricia Caldwell is the first female US president, serving as a member of the Democratic Party (along with her Vice President, Calvin Samson).