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Splinter Cell Wiki

Train Station: Subway is a third part of the Train Station (PS2/GameCube) mission in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory on PS2/GameCube. When raising 3 alarms, it failure.


Primary Objectives
Deactivate the last bomb. Deactivate the bombs under Grand Central Station and exit to the station.
Exit the area and continue your way to GrandCentralStation.
Opportunity Objectives
Find information on how to disarm the bombs. Colonel Kim and his men have taken over Grand Central, but have not yet issued any demands. Discover what their plans are and stop them.
💻 [Computer] To disable a bomb, both agents must simultaneously cut the hot wire.
Pick Lock
🔑 [Exit on Station] 6-pins: ←↑ ←↑ ←↑ ←↑ ↓→ ←↑


Agent One Agent Two
SC-20K 60 bullets 60 bullets
Sticky Camera 2 2
SC Pistol 40 bullets 40 bullets
Frag Grenade 1 1
Adrenaline Syringe 2 2
Wall Mine +1


