Splinter Cell Wiki
Splinter Cell Wiki

Intro Cutscene and Briefing[]


Morris Odell: Initial estimates place the combined casualty count for the first 24 hours at... oh my god, 6000? Is this a typo?

(Scene cuts to Lambert and Secretary Frank Mason and President David Bowers at the meeting table)

Mason: 90% or more of those are enemy casualties. Estimates put our losses at less than a thousand men.

Bowers: Less than a thousand? You say that like it's a good thing.

Lambert: Sir, it's paranoia. Our saber rattling has their leadership in a panic. It's a preemptive strike. Our own intelligence indicates that they didn't launch that missile intentionally. Until we can prove it, Seoul is on the block.

Bowers: What are our military options for holding the city?

Mason: No reasonable strategic assessment has ever claimed it was possible without nuclear capability, and if that's the way it has to be...

Colonel Irving Lambert: Thirty-eight hours ago, the NKA committed to open war on the Korean Peninsula. We've known for fifty years that their objective would be to capture Seoul within seventy two hours. It appears they have a real shot at it. South Korean and US Forces are using orchestrated retrogrades to channel individual NKA divisions along discrete corridors. Six hours ago, the first of those divisions reached Seoul and is seeking to capture critical infrastructure. High on their list is a telecommunications switching station north of the city. Unfortunately, the IW attack that sank the Walsh came through this switching station. If the NKA gets their hands on that information, they'll be able to justify their invasion and possibly force the world to allow them to hold the country. We need to get that information before they do.

Anna Grimsdottir: The information warfare attacks that launched the missile that sank the Walsh came through Seoul. I wasn't able to trace them back any further than the switching station, and I don't even know for sure that they didn't originate there. It's entirely possible that South Korea has manipulated us into war by forcing the North to attack the US. I would just try and hack my way in, but this is a fat, secure data pipe, and damage caused by the fighting has already isolated most of the entry ports. You need to get in there and recover the data manually, then broadcast it out point-to-point so we can take a closer look.

William Redding: CIA maintains several safe houses in Seoul to facilitate insertion of agents and recovery of possible defectors. Usually they are set up to look like ordinary residences. I'm currently working out a plan to have you forward-inserted into one of these safe houses before 2 I.D. performs another major retrograde. Once you're in, our boys will retreat, and the NKA front will overrun and bypass your location, leaving you in the wake of the main force, but still in advance of the support troops. You'll have a small zone of comfort and I would strongly advise you not to stray from your A.O. You don't want to encounter a battalion sized force.

Secretary Frank Mason: The USS Ronald Reagan is ready to launch an EA-6B Prowler rigged with a point-to-point laser receiver rig. Your man will be given a special transmitter that will track the plane and transmit the data. This comms set-up is 100% secure. Nothing is broadcast, so nothing can be intercepted... never mind decrypted. Once your man is in position, we'll send in the plane and get the data... but this is still a highly risky operation... whatever you're promising me better be worth it. These planes are worth sixty-million dollars you know.

In-game (Seoul 1)[]

(Sam starts in the bedroom of a safehouse in Seoul)

Lambert: Welcome to the three-block war, Fisher. The main advance has bypassed your position, but expect sporadic fighting among units separated from the main force.

Sam: Whose side am I on here?

Lambert: Your own. You are not a legal combatant. Anyone who sees you will attack on sight... friend or foe.

(Sam leaves the room of the safehouse, revealing a destroyed landscape.)

Redding: Listen, there aren't any alarms to worry about, but anyone you encounter will probably already be alert.

Sam: I'll be careful.

(Sam rappels down a wall outside and makes his way into an alley with a wall mine.)

Lambert: Fisher... critical update... I have other assets on the ground, not far from your position.

Sam: Another Splinter Cell?

Lambert: Splinter Cells in training. They're on a black bag op, but their target was just relocated by NKA Special Forces.

Sam: So I need to bring in the target?

Lambert: No. You need to interrogate one of those Special Forces to find out where they took him.

Sam: Okay.

Lambert: Don't kill them before you talk to them, or I'll pull you out.

(Sam climbs over the wall. Two special forces agents are talking:)

Special Forces 1: Look, here. We were here, and we crossed the line to the south. Here, that puts us in-

Special Forces 2: I know where we are! I was looking at the map while you were driving!

Special Forces 1: Well, you were not looking very closely, were you?

Special Forces 2: Look, fine! You think you know where we are? You navigate! I'm going to take a leak!

Special Forces 1: Don't get lost.

Special Forces 2: Shove it!

(Sam interrogates a special forces agent to complete the objective:)

Sam: Stay quiet and you might live.

Special Forces: What? Oh!

Sam: Shut up. (over radio) Lambert, I've got one.

Lambert: Good job, Fisher. I'm gonna patch you through direct. Hold on.

Sam: (to special forces agent) Stay calm, this will just take a sec.

Special Forces: O-okay.

Lambert: (after a few seconds) All right, Fisher. Go ahead.

Sam: (to radio) I've got someone who wants to talk to you.

Radio: Roger. Ask him where they took Jong.

Sam: (to special forces agent) Where did you take Jong?

Special Forces: I-I don't know what you're talking about.

Sam: (to radio) He's not answering. Should I kill him?

Radio: Negative, negative!

Sam: All right. (to special forces agent) They say I should kill you so-

Special Forces: Wait! Okay! Jong, we've moved him to a cyber-cafe just off the fish market by the river.

Sam: (to radio) Is that what you needed to know, guys?

Radio: Uh, affirmative. Thanks a lot sir. We owe you one.

Sam: Welcome to the team.

(additional interrogation)

Special Forces: I don't know anything else! (OR) No! What are you going to do?

(after Sam interrogates a special forces agent:)

Sam: You want to tell me what's going on, Lambert?

Lambert: Sorry, Fisher... but you're getting too old for this kind of work.

Sam: Stop listening to Grim. If you go by her definition of old, you'd need to issue diapers with every set of goggles.

Lambert: If I listen to you much longer, it'll be adult undergarments.

Sam: That was cruel.

(if Sam takes out one of the special forces agents without completing the objective:)

Lambert: Fisher, you need to interrogate one of their Special Forces troops to find out where they left their passenger.

(if Sam takes out the other special forces agent without completing the objective:)

Lambert: Dammit, Sam, you needed to interrogate one of those men. The mission is over. [Mission failed]

Opportunity Objective: Stop the North Korean propaganda broadcasts.[]

(Throughout Seoul 1, Sam can disable or destroy loudspeakers broadcasting propaganda. The dialogue depends on how many loudspeakers have been disabled or destroyed so far)

(if loudspeaker is in the area with the Special Forces)

Lambert: Good thinking Fisher... shut down those propaganda broadcasts and our boys will be in better spirits.

Sam: *Our* boys? I'm just doing it because it's annoying.

(if loudspeaker is either of the two in the area with the Mobile Command Center)

Lambert: Good job, Fisher. Taking down their psy-ops will make everyone happier.

Lambert: Good job, Sam. There is only one more propaganda broadcast set-up in your area.

Lambert: Way to go, Fisher. That's the last of their propaganda stations in this area.

Sam: Thank god... I was starting to lose my mind.

(Sam can disable one of the loudspeakers in this area. He then climbs a pipe onto a raised outer walkway leading towards a Mobile Command Center.)

MCC area (Seoul 1)[]

Grim: Sam, a Predator drone just spotted a Mobile Command Center in the area up ahead. See if you can tap it for intelligence.

Sam: You don't want me to take it out?

Grim: No... we could have done that with the Predator.

(if Sam taps into the MCC to complete the secondary objective:)

Grim: Good job, Sam. With an inside line on the NKA's command network, we should be able to funnel useful intelligence to the reg's.

Fisher: Always happy to lend a hand.

(Sam can also disable a loudspeaker near the MCC, as well as a loudspeaker on the roof of a building near a wall mine. Two soldiers near the MCC have a conversation:)

Soldier: All right, I'm going to initiate the test.

Soldier 2: Wait, wait!

Soldier: What is your problem?

Soldier 2: Well, I may need to worry. Won't we be a giant flashing light on someone's scope once we start the test?

Soldier: The Americans know where we are. If they haven't bombed us already, either we've won this war, or they have left us alive for a reason.

Soldier 2: Wow, I feel safer already.

Soldier: I'm going to start the test.

Soldier 2: All right.

(If Sam interrogates a soldier in this area other than the one operating the MCC inside the truck:)

Sam: What's with the truck?

Soldier: Oh, damn! It's a Mobile Command Center for battlefield management.

Sam: It's tied into the NKA central networks?

Soldier: Yeah.

Sam: I bet a curious guy could get a lot of useful intelligence out of one of those.

Soldier: You didn't hear it from me.

(additional interrogation)

Soldier: We have orders to protect the MCC, but... I'm on a break.

(If Sam interrogates the soldier operating the MCC inside the truck:)

Sam: Nice truck.

Soldier: Ugh! Oh! I-it's not mine.

Sam: So you probably won't mind if I access it for a second.

Soldier: Well, I won't mind as long as you don't kill me.

Sam: I'll think about it.

(additional interrogation)

Soldier: I-I'm just a stupid technician. (OR) Please! I don't want to die for a stupid truck.

(Sam can either enter the door and reach the National Data Trunk that way, or enter a vent from the roof where a loudspeaker was and infiltrate directly into the National Data Trunk.)

National Data Trunk[]

(If Sam infiltrates directly into the National Data Trunk, Grim will have the following dialogue:)

Grim: Fisher, those are the main servers for the National Data Trunk. Every bit of data that moves through here gets tagged in transit.

Sam: It's smaller than I thought.

Grim: And getting smaller every year. Listen, you need to recover the main drives so I can see if the attack that launched the missile came from somewhere else first.

(Two soldiers outside the National Data Trunk are discussing how to force their way in using an explosive charge:)

Soldier: You think that's enough?

Soldier 2: I don't know. You're the demolitions expert, you tell me.

Soldier: Well, I guess it's enough.

Soldier 2: You guess? What if it's too much?

Soldier: Oh, I didn't even think of that.

Soldier 2: Well, you think it. If we destroy the stuff inside, then what's the point?

Soldier: No, no I think it should be okay.

Soldier 2: You think?

Soldier: Yeah, it's fine. Let's do it, let's blow it.

Soldier 2: Well let's take cover first.

Soldier: Oh yeah. Good idea.

(The door blows up.)

(If alerted before the door is blown up.)

Soldier: Blow the door!

Sam: Shh. Quiet or I'll have to hurt you.

Soldier: Oh no.

Sam: What is your mission?

Soldier: We're here to secure the structure and tap into the South Korean National Data Trunk.

Sam: What are you looking for?

Soldier: As far as I know, nothing specific, but, uh, since you're here, maybe we'd like to look for whatever you're looking for.

Sam: I guess I have to make sure no one knows you saw me.

Soldier: Oh god please don't kill me.

(additional interrogation)

Soldier: I'll give you all my money. Please! (OR) I feel sick.

(after Sam picks up the drive inserted near the computer in the National Data Trunk:)

Grim: Good. Now get that drive up to the roof and we'll transmit it to the EA-6B.

Sam: Why can't you just read it from here?

Grim: It will take too long to guarantee a secure link, and if the DPRK intercepts it...

Sam: Then this mission is a waste of time.

(if Sam goes to the elevator before recovering the drive:)

Lambert: Fisher, don't bother to wait for the elevator, you need to grab the drives out of the NDT before you go to the roof to transmit.

(if Sam uses the call elevator button before recovering the drive:)

Lambert: Fisher, you need to grab the drives out of the NDT before you go up to the roof to transmit.

(After Sam has picked up the drive, he goes towards the elevator in the back of the building. As Sam approaches, the elevator door opens with two soldiers inside who have a conversation:)

Soldier: Nice view up there, though.

Soldier 2: I'll say, there's something strangely mesmerizing about anti-aircraft trace fire lighting up the night sky.

Soldier: Beautiful. Better than looking at boring old stars, that's for sure. Hehe. A kind of a, a do-it-yourself constellation kit, hehe.

Soldier 2: There, I'm going to check on Bong and Fang. See how he's coming with that door.

Soldier: They probably blew themselves up.

Soldier 2: Hah. Yeah, see you later.

Soldier: Later.

(Sam uses the elevator:)

Lambert: Next stop, top floor.

Sam: Once I transmit the data, I'm on to extraction?

Lambert: That's the plan. If we can confirm the LZ is safe, we'll extract you directly from the rooftop.

Sam: And if it's not safe...

[To be continued...]


In-game (Seoul 2)[]

(Sam is on a rooftop)

Lambert: Fisher, the plane went down before they could purge the data. You need to get to the wreckage and make sure the North Koreans don't recover it.

Redding: NK regulars are setting up Portable Radar Reconnaissance Receivers. See if you can take them all out.

Opportunity Objective: Disable portable radar reconnaissance receivers.[]

(Throughout Seoul 2, Sam can disable or destroy P3R's. The dialogue depends on how many P3R's have been disabled or destroyed so far)

Redding: Good job, Sam. RF monitoring indicates at least four more P3R's active in your A.O.

Redding: Sam, we have RF confirmation that there are only two P3R's left in your area.

Redding: One more P3R to go, Fisher.

Sam: I'll find it...

Redding: Way to go, Sam. With those P3R's out of commission, it'll be a lot safer to extract you.

Sam: Wow... you mean you're actually planning to get me out of here alive one day?

(If Sam goes too far forward without disabling or destroying a P3R in an area:)

Redding: Fisher, it looks like you just bypassed one of the P3R's. There's no way back... you might as well forget the objective.

(The objective is cancelled and all other dialogues in this section are skipped.)

First rooftop[]

(A soldier is walking around on the rooftop, with a UAV flying nearby. Sam can interrogate the soldier:)

Sam: You're not thinking of jumping, I hope.

Soldier: No!

Sam: Then what are you doing up here?

Soldier: I need to check the P3R. See if it tracked the plane that just flew over.

Sam: P3R.

Soldier: A Portable Radar Reconnaissance Receiver.

Sam: Tell you what. You take a nap. I'll check it for you.

(additional interrogation)

Soldier: Anything you say, just don't hurt me! (OR) I'm afraid of heights!

(Sam can disable the P3R in this area. He takes a zipline to the second rooftop.)

Second rooftop[]

(Sam gets past another wall mine and crosses a gap. Two soldiers here are talking.)

Soldier: I thought you said we'd be safe up here.

Soldier 2: We *are* safe up here.

Soldier: What!? The bomb just hit the building!

Soldier 2: Oh, that. Well, we're not safe from bombs.

Soldier: What are we safe from then?

Soldier 2: Infantry. Listen, bombs don't want to kill you. It's purely statistical. But there is nothing in the world more dangerous than an infantryman with a rifle. I'd rather take my chances with the bombs.

Soldier: You are scaring the crap out of me!

Sam: Quiet. I won't hurt you.

Soldier: I'm not afraid of pain.

Sam: Maybe you haven't been properly introduced.

Soldier: Ah, my wrist! Ah! A-alright! A-alright!

Sam: Tell me something interesting.

Soldier: I'm just supposed to make sure the roof is, yeah, well the guys up top set up the P3R.

Sam: You're not doing a very good job.

Soldier: You're right. Why don't you let me get back to work?

(additional interrogation)

Soldier: Ask the other guys. I'm just a private! (OR) I don't know anything else!

Sam: Stay calm and you'll live.

Soldier: W-who!?

Sam: What unit are you with?

Soldier: We're the second wave. We are here to reinforce the first battalion and secure the area.

Sam: Reinforcements. You must pack some supplies and extra equipment.

Soldier: Our resupply kit. We carry some NATO 5.56 by 45 in there... in case we were to cover American rifles.

Sam: Thanks for the tip.

(additional interrogation)

Soldier: Look out for bombs. (OR) That's all we have, I-I swear!

(Sam can disable a P3R here. Sam makes his way into the nearby building and enters a bathroom whose wall is completely destroyed and facing a rooftop, which Sam reaches.)

Third rooftop and building[]

(Sam can disable a P3R here. A soldier comes out of the door, who Sam can interrogate:)

Sam: What are you doing here?

Soldier: Agh, ugh! Just my luck.

Sam: What are you talking about?

Soldier: Sitting in there, minding my own business and, "crash"!

Sam: What happened?

Soldier: You crazy maniacs dropped a giant bomb on my head.

Sam: Bomb?

Soldier: You weren't in there. Went right through the room. Just missed me.

Sam: Didn't explode?

Soldier: Not yet. Doesn't matter now, you're probably going to kill me anyway.

(additional interrogation)

Soldier: I knew I should have, ugh, stayed in bed. (OR) Fine, do your worst!

(Sam enters the building and drops down a hole in the floors formed by the missile. Two soldiers are on the bottom floor talking.)

Soldier: Uh, Shin?

Soldier 2: Yeah, what is-

Soldier: Oh, I found out what that beeping sound was.

Soldier 2: Is it... is it a dud?

Soldier: I don't know.

Soldier 2: Check it!

Soldier: You check it.

Soldier 2: Okay.

Soldier: Easy.

Soldier 2: Take cover!

Soldier: I want my mommy!

Soldier 2: We're still alive.

Soldier: Easy.

Soldier 2: Look, let's just take that patrol data into the UAV and get out of here before it does go off.

Soldier: Good idea.

(Sam can interrogate the wandering guard.)

Sam: Boo.

Soldier: Oh no! Please, be quiet. You might set off the bomb!

Sam: Tell me what I want to know and I'll let you leave.

Soldier: Anything. I just want to get out of here before-

Sam: Do you have any equipment or supplies?

Soldier: There's some medical supplies in the basement, I think.

Sam: Thanks.

Soldier: And we have the UAV command unit in the kitchen.

Sam: Interesting. You've been very helpful.

Soldier: I'm very scared of that bomb.

Sam: Well, if it goes off, you won't notice.

(additional interrogation)

Soldier: Please, don't leave me near that bomb! (OR) I'm scared of giant explosions!

(if Sam accesses the laptop in the kitchen)

Redding: Whoa... good grab, Sam. Looks like the complete technical specifications on North Korean UAV's

Sam: So what, we can just switch them all off now?

Redding: Ha. No. But we can pass it up the chain and inside of a few months find ways to disable them...

Sam: Well that's not much help to me then, is it.

Outside ground level[]

(Sam enters the next area, where a North Korean and South Korean soldier are fighting. The North Korean soldier dies.)

(Sam can interrogate the South Korean soldier:)

Sam: What are you doing here?

SK Soldier: Agh, wait! You're American. I am South Korean. We're allies.

Sam: I can see that from the uniform. What are you doing here?

SK Soldier: I'm the advance scout for my unit. They're not far behind.

Sam: How many?

SK Soldier: Four more allies. Allies. We're badly reduced. Can you help us?

Sam: I'm afraid I'm a little busy.

SK Soldier: Who are you?

Sam: I'm the guy you never saw.

(additional interrogation)

SK Soldier: If you don't let me go, my unit... they won't know you're on our side! (OR) Please, we're allies!

(If Sam kills a South Korean soldier:)

Lambert: Sweet Jesus Fisher... what did you do?

Sam: It was an accident.

Lambert: We don't have room for accidents. Watch your fire.

(Sam approaches a fence leading to an open area with heavy fighting:)

Redding: We have multiple reports of more active armor in your immediate A.O.

Fisher: Great.

(Sam climbs over a fence. There is a wall mine and a battle going on between NK and SK soldiers, and an infantry fighting vehicle which Sam can destroy by throwing a frag grenade in its hatch.)

(Sam climbs a ladder at the end of the area. A P3R is up here, which Sam can disable. If soldiers have died in the previous battle, a soldier shows up on the rooftops who can be interrogated:)

Sam: Nice perch you have here. Where's your spotter?

Soldier: Ugh! Ngh! H-He's dead!

Sam: Tell me something interesting or you'll be reunited very shortly.

Soldier: Ugh, ah! You must be after the plane that crashed.

Sam: Maybe.

Soldier: On the other side of this building. Down the street. Left into the alley, and over the wall. You can't miss it.

Sam: Thanks for the directions.

(additional interrogation)

Soldier: I promise, I won't shoot you. (OR) Be careful, a QRF is heading to the crash site.

(Sam enters the building and drops down a hole.)

MCC area (Seoul 2)[]

(If Sam did not tap the MCC in Seoul 1, he will need to tap the MCC in this area. In that case, Grim will have the following dialogue:)

Grim: Fisher, there's another Mobile Command Center up ahead. This might be your last opportunity to tap into one.

Sam: Those Predator drones are busy little bees, aren't they.

(Sam drops down to ground level. He can interrogate a soldier in this area:)

Sam: What are you doing here?

Soldier: Ugh, I-I just dropped off some men to help secure the area.

Sam: How many men?

Soldier: A sniper, who went into the building. Another guard to protect the MCC. And a rapid squad just up ahead to the crash site.

Sam: How long until they reach the plane?

Soldier: I don't know. They have orders to investigate, and wait for an IFV to support them.

Sam: How long until the IFV arrives?

Soldier: Should be any minute.

(additional interrogation)

Soldier: I... surrender? (OR) I'm just the driver.

(if Sam did not tap the MCC in Seoul 1 and tries to advance without tapping the MCC in this area:)

Grim: I hate to be a pain, Fisher, but I really need you to tap that MCC before you go any further.

Sam: I'll double back.

(once Sam taps the MCC:)

Grim: Good job, Sam. With an inside line on the NKA's command network, we should be able to funnel useful intelligence to the reg's.

Fisher: Always happy to lend a hand.

(if Sam taps the MCC here even when he already tapped the MCC in Seoul 1:)

Grim: Good job Sam. Never hurts to have another line into the NKA command network.

(Sam goes through an alleyway where a barrier at the end has collapsed from an explosion. Sam goes through to the crash site.)

Crash site[]

(Sam approaches the front of the wrecked plane. The dialogue is different if both pilots are already dead:)

Lambert: The plane is too badly damaged to recover the data. You need to fall back and designate the target for an air-strike. Use the structure down the street for your platform.

Fisher: Let me get the pilots to safety first.

Lambert: We don't have a lot of time, Sam. An NKA recovery team is en route.

Fisher: Are you ordering me to leave these guys here and call in an air-strike?

Lambert: I'm telling you what the objective is. I'm trusting you to complete it. You have your orders.

Lambert: What's the situation, Sam?

Sam: The plane is smashed... I don't think I can recover the data.

Lambert: If you can't recover it, we need to make sure no one can. Fall back to a safe distance to designate the target. I'll get on the horn with Flight Ops on the Reagan.

Sam: On my way.

(Sam can start climbing the scaffolding leading to the top. If Sam has not yet visited the wreckage:)

Lambert: Sam, you need to get to the plane and try to recover that data before we can extract you.

(if Sam has already visited the wreckage:)

Lambert: You should be able to designate the wreckage with your EEV from the top of this structure.

Sam: Alright.

(Sam can destroy an infantry fighting vehicle in this area with a frag grenade. If Sam destroyed both IFVs for the bonus objective, Redding will say the following line:)

Redding: Good job Fisher... you've seriously impaired North Korea's armored advance.

Scenario: Saving the pilots[]

(Sam can choose to rescue the pilots. The following scenario lists the resulting dialogues.)

(Sam carries the first pilot halfway:)

Lambert: Fisher... if you compromise this mission for those men...

Sam: Save it Irving... you gave me my orders already.

(Sam carries the first pilot to the alleyway:)

Lambert: Alright Fisher, good job. He should be safe from the blast here. Designate the wreckage with your EEV from the roof.

(Sam returns to the wreckage for the second pilot:)

Lambert: Sam, you need to designate the-

Sam: No point in rescuing one and leaving the other.

(Sam carries the second pilot halfway:)

Lambert: You don't even exist, Fisher... you can't get a medal for this.

Sam: Medals don't help me sleep at night, Lambert.

(Sam carries the second pilot to the alleyway:)

Lambert: Alright, the pilots are safe. Now take out that plane.

Sam: With pleasure.

(if Sam carries the body of a pilot when that pilot is dead:)

Lambert: Forget him Fisher. He's dead.

Ending the mission[]

(Sam climbs to the top of the scaffolding and designates the wreckage for an air-strike)

(if Sam did not save both pilots:)

Sam: God forgive me.

(the dialogue continues from here:)

Lambert: Alright, Fisher, you have an F-117 inbound... standby.

Sam: Roger. Target is painted.

US Pilot: Hello there paperboy. This is postman. We have your glare. Stay on target.

Sam: Affirmative, postman.

US Pilot: And... there you go paperboy. The package is in the mail.

(The pilot sends an air-strike to destroy the wreckage.)

Sam: Confirm visual on the package, postman.

US Pilot: Have a better one. Postman out.


[Mission complete]
