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Were you looking for the setting of this level, the GFO Oil Rig?

"Bad news, Fisher. Something got the military's attention."
Irving Lambert

Oil Refinery is the fourth solo campaign level in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell and the third solo campaign level in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Essentials. Splinter Cell agent Sam Fisher must infiltrate the GFO Oil Rig and retrieve the Georgian communication data being sent from it.


09:38 / 09:47 / 10:03 – Retrieve Georgian communication data

NATO and U.S. intervention has pushed most of the Georgian commandos from Azerbaijan, with only a few well-hidden cells remaining. One of those cells, entrenched in an oilrig on the Caspian Sea, is exchanging data with the Presidential Palace in Georgia via a secure network.

Data & Transcript[]


Infiltrate the oil refinery by the main pipeline.
Trail the mercenary technician.
Get the technician's briefcase by any means. Retrieve the laptop from the mercenary technician's briefcase.
🗣 [Lambert] Avoid coming into contact with the mercenary technician and his escort at all costs before he uses his encryption key. Revealing your presence will compromise the mission.
💻 [Laptop in the kitchen] To unlock a bonus mission, enter the code P23199912C at the following website: www.splintercellessentials.com. [PSP only]
Pick Lock
🔑 [Technical Water Supply Pump] 4-pins: ← ↑ → ↓ [Xbox/PC/PS3 only]



Fisher climbs a pipe toward the main rig as the Georgians get ready to destroy the pipeline bridge leading to the platform.

Fisher arrives on the rig and infiltrates the structure by crossing the pipe struts connecting the pipeline together. As he comes upon the bridge, the paranoid Georgian soldiers set up explosives and detonate them, destroying it. Fisher is then forced to actually make his way through the pipeline through a hole as it still continues to pump oil. As he follows the line to one of the pumping rooms and heads out of the interior through a hatch, Lambert informs Fisher that the Oil Derrick has been 'bumped up to the top of NATO's Strike List' and US Marines are now en-route to attack the platform.

As Fisher comes up, a Georgian technician, Piotr Lejava, and his escort arrive on a boat. They walk onto the walkway and make their way up toward the data hub. Fisher climbs the ladders on the side of the strut and climbs across to the opposite side using an overhead pipe. As he climbs across, he overhears Georgian radio chatter regarding "American fighter planes". He drops down and trails Piotr, and his bodyguards, as F-15s begin bombing the platform.


Fisher knocks out Piotr and retrieves his briefcase.

Fisher eventually catches up with Piotr as he gets to the data hub. When he is finished with the transmission, he and his escort flee, destroying all evidence of their activities. Fisher gives chase as american air strikes intensifies. When the Piotr tried to evacuate by helicopter, the American Fighters destroy it, forcing them to re-route back to the boat. All the while, american Helicopters arrive to drop troops to attack the commandoes head on.

Fisher eventually catches up with Piotr, dispatches him, and recovers the laptop and encryption key from his briefcase. He flees the scene as the oil rig is finally destroyed.


Communication data retrieved from the oilrig has proved to be invaluable. The records are full of vague hints concerning an impending retaliation against the U.S. More concretely, they show evidence of a leak in the U.S. Intelligence community, suggesting that the Georgians may have a mole inside one of America’s agencies.


  • This version shows the mission taking place in the morning with a full sun in the background.
  • There are two ways Fisher can take the satchel from the first enemy, who leaves the oil pipeline: either by killing him from a long distance with a headshot, or by killing him with multiple shots to the torso.
  • Lambert does not mention B-2's planning to blow up the rig when Fisher chases Piotr, nor is any countdown timer imposed.
  • Four enemies will perish from explosions in the final part of the mission.
  • Some oil pumps are still intact without Fisher being involved.
  • All laptops are destroyed immediately after Piotr leaves the data hub.
  • There are searchable rooms near the helicopter. One contains a Disposable Pick, and another contains a medical kit.
  • The room in which Piotr is hiding can only be accessed from the front, and only the corpse of an American soldier and Georgian oil worker are present. However, both exits from this room are accessible.

  • This version shows the mission taking place at night with a full moon in the background. Despite this, the times on the loading screens are the same as the Xbox/PC/PS3 version.
  • Fisher must kill the soldier who escapes the pipeline with a headshot to get his satchel.
  • Lambert mentions B-2's are going to bomb the rig when Fisher chases Piotr, which starts a one minute-fifteen second timer. The rig will be destroyed when time runs out.
  • Six enemies will perish from explosions in the final part of the mission.
  • All oil pumps are destroyed immediately without Fisher being involved.
  • There is a bug with the disappearance of the destroyed computers and equipment when Fisher reaches the next checkpoint, so that he can use the two destroyed laptops (although nothing will be on them).
  • There are no rooms near the helicopter.
  • The room in which Piotr is hiding can be accessed both from the front and from the back, although there will be no one there. Also, the second exit from this room is blocked.

  • This mission returns in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Essentials, with a few changes for the portable platform. In this version, the level acts as a flashback, with Fisher recalling the events. It resembles the PS2/GameCube version of the mission.
  • This version is nearly identical to the PS2/GameCube version, but Fisher has a knife and the HUD has a noise sensor.
  • There is no full moon in the first part, the sky is more like a shadow red sunset.
  • The soldier who escapes the pipeline does not have a satchel. Also, the soldiers do not run away when they are being shot at.
  • The pistol's automatic sight offers to shoot oil barrels that have already been destroyed.
  • Regardless of the results in the third part, the first enemy disappears closer to the final (bag).
  • There is only one bottle next to the pump switch which is missing.
  • There are only two satchels to be found: from the guard in the kitchen and the accompanying guard.
  • There is only one Medical Kit in the kitchen. The healing mechanism is identical to that of Pandora Tomorrow.
  • There is a laptop in the kitchen that contains the code to unlock a bonus mission.
  • Two helicopter pilots are dressed in a blue uniform. Also 5.72mm ammo can be found on the bedside table next to laptops.
  • The staircase opposite the helicopter is broken, and the soldier at the top is missing.
  • There are no U.S. Marines.
  • Only two pilots will perish from explosions in the last part of the mission.

  • Trivia[]

    • Sam uses a Zodiac (CRRC) to reach the rig.
    • Before the bridge is blown up at the beginning of the mission, an enemy soldier escapes atop the oil line that runs to the rig. This soldier has a satchel with a data stick that contains an email to his sister (see Data Stick #1). It seems impossible to obtain this data stick without using console commands.
    • The "American warplanes" mentioned by the Georgians are F-15 Eagle tactical fighters.
    • There are puddles of oil around the floor areas of the rig which both enemies and Fisher can walk in, leaving footprints stained with oil.
    • During the mission, Fisher may come across the body of a dead U.S. soldier, evidently having been gunned down by one of the Georgian soldiers. A satchel is on the body containing a Data stick.
      • The bodies of several rig workers are also present at the scene. It is likely they were massacred when Nikoladze's men commandeered the rig for their own usage.
    • Piotr is wearing a Ubisoft shirt in Xbox/PC/PS3 version.
    • Piotr can be killed or knocked out, his fate is left up to the player. He eventually runs to the docks only to find that the boat has been blown up.
      • Fisher can also simply walk up to Piotr and grab him as he will not run away or resist. The main objective is to simply obtain his briefcase, and the mission ends as soon as Fisher does.
      • Fisher can interrogate Piotr for some extra conversation dialogue. During this conversation, Piotr mentions The Ark, which he only knows to be "what Nikoladze wants most".
    • Fisher's actions are referenced in Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory in the Hokkaido level by a Displace mercenary who mentions a "ninja" that attacked the oil rig he was contracted on.
    • In the dialog boxes, some enemy soldiers are displayed as "GSOLD", which is the code for Georgian soldiers. It is most likely an error by the developers.
    • Jumping into the water will cause the mission to fail.
    • A datastick on a fallen US Solider reveals that they had plan to set up C4 on the oil rig to ensure there is an explosion when the Raptor III drone strikes, as FWN that will be covering the event live and the PR department of the military are eager to show off the capabilities of the Raptor III.
    • In the PSP version, the objective bar never changes from "Infiltrate the oil refinery by the main pipeline", even after Fisher has already done so.



