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The Maria Narcissa was a Portuguese cargo ship that operated primarily among the Pacific trade routes. It was used as a base of operations by the "People's Voice", a Peruvian communist militia led by Hugo Lacerda to facilitate the groups many lucrative deals across the black market.


The Maria Narcissa is owned and operated by the Portuguese shipping company Celestinia, Inc., registered in the Philippines and presently maintains numerous Pacific freight contracts. As of 2007, it was captained by Captain Diego. By this year, it had been contracted by Peruvian militia leader Hugo Lacerda of the People's Voice to aid in funneling his various trade deals across the globe, and aided in the smuggling of illegal weapons acquired for the group and other such organizations globally.


2007: East Asia Crisis[]

In June 2007 as political tensions were escalating in East Asia, Third Echelon was informed of the kidnapping and torture of American computer engineer Bruce Morgenholt in Peru by the People's Voice. Morgenholt's intimate knowledge regarding the Masse Kernels used to engineer the Georgian Information Crisis in 2004 was deemed a serious breach of national security, and Splinter Cell Sam Fisher was deployed to suppress the spread of this information and to rescue Morgenholt. Too late to stop Morgenholt from being brutally tortured to death, Fisher was tasked with tracking down Lacerda before he could pass on his knowledge of the Masse Kernels to the highest bidder. Fisher learned that Lacerda had departed for the Maria Narcissa off the Peruvian coast, and was ordered to give chase.

Fisher inserted onto the bow of the vessel, which was manned by three dozen guerrillas and armed crew members. Fisher penetrated the lower levels of the ship, and discovered more of the high tech weaponry Lacerda had at his disposal. Fisher placed trackers on all shipments found aboard the vessel to enable Third Echelon to track Lacerda's illegal dealings. During this, the Maria Narcissa sent out a distress signal regarding a hull leak that threatened to sink the freighter, so Fisher activated the forward bilge in the engine room to pump out the forward compartments. The vessel also suffered a major gas leak, forcing Fisher to traverse the engine room without firing his weapon to avoid a potential inferno.

Fisher made his way up to the crew levels and searched throughout for Lacerda and any information on his underground contacts. Fisher took Captain Diego hostage and forced him to reveal that Lacerda had taken up residence in the captain's personal quarters along with a pair of hired mercenaries provided to him by his allies. Fisher made his way down below and eavesdropped on the guerrilla leader's rants, learning that he had extensive dealings with Mercantil Costa Afuerda Securidad de Panama, a Panamanian bank that had supplied him the means to acquire his arms. Fisher grabbed Lacerda when he briefly left the protection of his guards and was promptly executed to stop him from further divulging what he knew of the Masse Kernels.

With Lacerda eliminated and his dealings uncovered, Fisher fled to the bridge's lifeboat ramp where he signaled for extraction from the Maria Narcissa.



  • "Maria", from Latin, can be translated as 'Star of the Sea'.
  • The Maria Narcissa is similar to the RSS Rublev, an oil tanker that Sam Fisher had to infiltrate during his involvement in the the undercover operation in the JBA during the Red Mercury Plot.
  • Sam Fisher infiltrated the Maria Narcissa by being inserted in the waters in the path of the cargo ship, a plan disclosed by Arthur Partridge.
  • At the aft section of the ship, where a weapons crate is located, is a flag of the Republic of the Philippines, thus confirming its registry.