Splinter Cell Wiki
Splinter Cell Wiki

Splinter Cell[]

🔑 4-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only] ↑ ↓ → ←
🔑 3-pins
🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
↑ ↓ →
←↑ ↓→ ↑→
Police Station
🔑 [Exit From Elevator] 4-pins
🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
↑ ← ↓ ↓
←↑ ←↓ ↓→ ↓→
🔑 [A Room With a Police Officer at The Station] 3-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only] ← ↑ →
🔑 [Interrogation Recording Room] 3-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only] ↓ ← ↑
🔑 [Interrogation Room] 3-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only] → ↑ ↓
Defense Ministry
🔑 [Balcony] 3-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only] ↑ ↓ ↑
🔑 [Courtyard – Lighting Control] 3-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only] ↓ ↑ →
🔑 [Room on 7th Floor] 3-pins
🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
→ ← ↓
↑→ ←↓ ↓→
Oil Refinery
🔑 [Technical Water Supply Pump] 4-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only] ← ↑ → ↓
🔑 [Entrance – Door on The Right] 4-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only] ← ↓ ↑ ↓
🔑 [Security Station A] 2-pins
🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
→ ↑
↑→ ←↑
🔑 [Armament Testing Department] 3-pins
🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
← ↑ ↓
←↓ ←↑ ↓→
🔑 [Office 509] 4-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only] → ↑ → ←
🔑 [Auditorium] 4-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only]
🔑 6-pins [PS2/GameCube only]
← ↑ ↓ →
←↑ ↑→ ↓→ ←↑ ↑→ ←↑
🔑 [UFO Sighting Office] 4-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only] → ↑ ↑ ←
🔑 [Office 512] 4-pins [PS2/GameCube only] ↑→ ←↑ ←↑ ←↓
🔑 [Parking on Second Floor During a Thunderstorm] 6-pins [PS2/GameCube only] ←↑ ←↓ ↓→ ←↑ ↑→ ←↑
🔑 [A Room on Second Floor During a Thunderstorm] 4-pins [PS2/GameCube only] ←↑ ↑→ ↓→ ←↓
🔑 [The Corridor Behind Metal Detector] 2-pins [PS2/GameCube only] ←↑ ↑→
🔑 [The Room Behind Metal Detector] 6-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only]
🔑 5-pins [PS2/GameCube only]
↑ → ↑ → ↓ ↑
←↑ ↑→ ←↑ ↑→ ↓→
🔑 [The Room Opposite The First Wall Mine] 6-pins [PS2/GameCube only] ←↓ ↑→ ←↑ ↓→ ←↑ ←↑
🔑 [The Archives] 6-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only]
🔑 4-pins [PS2/GameCube only]
↑ ↓ ← ← ↑ ↑
↓→ ↑→ ←↓ ←↑
🔑 [First Room on Fourth Floor on The Left] 4-pins [PS2/GameCube only] ↑→ ↓→ ←↑ ↓→
🔑 [Second Room on Fourth Floor on The Left] 4-pins [PS2/GameCube only] ↑→ ↓→ ←↑ ←↓
Nuclear Power Plant
🔑 [Technical Room] 4-pins ↑→ ↓→ ←↑ ←↓
🔑 [Exit to Elevator] 3-pins ↑→ ←↓ ↓→
🔑 [Rooftop] 4-pins
🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
← ↓ ↑ →
←↓ ↓→ ←↑ ↑→
Presidential Palace
🔑 [Room to The Left of Lasers] 6-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only] ↓ ← ↑ ← → ↑
🔑 [Room Behind The Stairs on Second Floor] 6-pins [PS2/GameCube only] ↓→ ←↓ ←↑ ←↓ ↑→ ←↑
🔑 [President's Office] 6-pins
🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
↓ ↑ ← ↑ → ↑
↓→ ←↑ ←↓ ←↑ ↑→ ←↑
🔑🔑 [Sniper Position – Both Doors on Second Floor] 6-pins
🔑🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
→ → ← ↑ ← ↓
↑→ ↑→ ←↓ ←↑ ←↓ ↓→
Kola Cell
🔑 [Second Floor] 6-pins → ↑ ← ↓ ← →
Vselka Infiltration
🔑 [Second Door] 3-pins ↑ → ←
🔑 [Third Door] 3-pins ↑ ← ←
🔑 [Fouth Floor] 3-pins → ↓ →

Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow[]

Dili, Timor
🔑 [Handcuffs] 2-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only] ↓ →
🔑 [Second Door] 2-pins
🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
↑ ↓
←↑ ↓→
🔑 [A Hut in Village] 3-pins [PS2/GameCube only] ←↑ ↓→ ↑→
🔑 [Toilet in Embassy] 3-pins
🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
← ↓ →
←↓ ↓→ ↑→
Paris, France
🔑 [Third Room] 3-pins
🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
↓ → ↓
↓→ ↑→ ↓→
🔑 [Exit From The Morgue] 3-pins [PS2/GameCube only] ↓→ ←↑ ↑→
🔑 [Room With The Bomb] 3-pins
🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
→ ← ←
↑→ ←↓ ←↑
🔑 [Server Room Corridor] 4-pins
🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
↓ ← → ↑
↓→ ←↓ ↑→ ←↑
🔑 [Exiting The Lab] 4-pins
🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
→ ↑ ← →
↑→ ←↑ ←↓ ↑→
Jakarta, Indonesia
🔑 [Entrance to Store] 2-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only] ↑ ↓
🔑 [Booth Behind The Bus in Front of The Store] 3-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only] ↑ → ↓
🔑 [Store Balcony] 1-pins [PS2/GameCube only] ←↑
🔑 [Exit The Store] 2-pins [PS2/GameCube only] ←↑ ↑→
🔑 [Parking Booth] 3-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only] ↑ → ↓
🔑 [Booth Behind The Mines] 3-pins
🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
↑ ↓ →
←↑ ↓→ ↑→
🔑🔑 [Both Doors to Studio] 6-pins [PS2/GameCube only] ←↑ ←↑ ←↑ ←↑ ←↑ ←↑

Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory[]

🔑🔑 [First Door And Exit From Fortress Tower] 2-pins [PS2/GameCube only] ←↑ ↑→
🔑 [Exit From Fortress] 3-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only] ↑ ← ↓
🔑 [Fortress Tower] 2-pins [PS2/GameCube only] ←↓ ↑→
🔑 [Front Entrance] 4-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only] ↑ ← → ↑
🔑 [Rooftop] 4-pins
🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
↓ ↑ → ↑
↓→ ←↑ ↑→ ←↑
🔑 [Technical Room] 3-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only] ↑ → →
🔑 [President's Office] 3-pins
🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
← ↓ ↑
←↓ ↓→ ←↑
🔑 [Bank Storage] 4-pins
🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
← → ↓ ←
←↓ ↑→ ↓→ ←↓
🔑 [Access to Roof of Penthouse] 3-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only] ↑ ← ←
🔑 [Sunroof Cover] 4-pins
🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
← ↓ ← ↑
↑→ ←↓ ←↓ ←↑
🔑 [Storage Room] 4-pins
🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
↓ → ← ↑
↓→ ↑→ ←↓ ↓→
🔑 [Room With Elevator] 5-pins
🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
← → ↑ ↓ ←
←↓ ←↑ ↓→ ←↑ ↑→
🔑 [Room With Bombs] 4-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only]
🔑 5-pins [PS2/GameCube only]
← ↑ → ↑
←↓ ←↑ ↑→ ←↑ ←↓
Kokubo Sosho
🔑 [Entrance on The Left] 6-pins [PS2/GameCube only] ↓→ ←↑ ↑→ ←↑ ←↓ ↑→
🔑 [Second Door] 5-pins [Xbox/PC/PS3 only]
🔑 6-pins [PS2/GameCube only]
→ → ← ↓ ↑
←↑ ↑→ ←↑ ↓→ ↓→ ←↓
🔑 [Storage Room] 5-pins
🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
↑ ↑ ↓ ↑ →
↑→ ←↑ ←↓ ↑→ ↓→
🔑 [Open The Handcuffs] 6-pins
🔑 [PS2/GameCube]
← ← → ↓ → →
←↓ ←↓ ↑→ ↓→ ↑→ ↑→
Seoul 3
🔑 [Booth in Front of Hotel Entrance] 4-pins ↓ → ↑ ←
🔑 [Entrance to Hotel] 2-pins ↑ ↓
🔑 [Hotel Room] 4-pins ↑ ↓ → ←
🔑 [Exit From Cyber Cafe] 4-pins ← ↓ → ↑
Seoul: Fish Market
🔑 [Entrance to Cyber Cafe] 4-pins ←↑ ↑→ ←↓ ↑→
Chemical Bunker: Silo
🔑 [Door to Laboratories] 3-pins ↑→ ←↓ ↑→
Train Station
🔑 [Bomb 1] 5-pins ↑ ↓ ← ↓ →
🔑 [Bomb 3] 5-pins → → ← → ↑
🔑 [Warehouse] 5-pins ↑ → ← ↑ ←
Train Station: Train Repair Station
🔑 [Exit on Station] 6-pins ←↑ ←↑ ←↑ ←↑ ↓→ ←↑
United Nations Headquarters
🔑 [Rooftop] 6-pins ↓ ↑ ← ↑ → ↑
🔑 [Stairs Near Elevator on Top Floor] 6-pins ↓ ↑ ← → → ↑
🔑 [Technical Room on Middle Floor] 6-pins → ↓ → ← ← →
🔑 [Stairs Near Elevator on Lower Floor] 6-pins ↑ → ← → ↓ →
🔑 [Toilet Near Metal Detector] 6-pins ← → ↑ ↓ ← →
🔑 [Left Ventilation Room in Front of Central Hall] 6-pins ↑ → ← ↑ ↓ →
🔑 [Right Technical Room in Front of Central Hall] 6-pins ← → ↑ ↓ → ↑

Splinter Cell: Double Agent (Version 1)[]

Ellsworth Penitentiary
🔑 [Exit From Observation Room] 2-pins ↑ →
🔑 [Exit to Dining Room] 2-pins ↓ →
🔑 [Entrance to Central Tower] 3-pins ← ↓ ↑
JBA Headquarters - Part 1
🔑 [Training] 3-pins ← ↓ ↑
🔑 [Enrica's Room] 3-pins ↓ ↑ →
🔑 [Antenna on Roof] 2-pins ↑ →
Sea of Okhotsk
🔑 [Ship Communication System] 3-pins → ← ↑
Shanghai - Hotel
🔑 [Exit From Helipad on Roof] 3-pins → ← ↓
JBA Headquarters - Part 2
🔑 [Training] 3-pins ↑ → ←
🔑 [Enrica's Room] 3-pins ← ↓ →
🔑 [Jamie And Stanley's Room] 3-pins ↑ ← →
🔑🔑 [Emile's Office and Enrica's Bedroom] 4-pins ↓ ↑ ← →
🔑 [A Room in Hall With Slot Machines] 2-pins ← ↑
🔑 [Left Exit From Hall With Slot Machines] 3-pins → ← ↑
🔑 [Right Exit From Hall With Slot Machines] 3-pins → ↓ ↑
🔑 [Forward Deck] 3-pins ↑ → ←
🔑 [Emergency Hatch] 3-pins ↓ ← →
JBA Headquarters - Part 3
🔑 [Training] 3-pins ↑ ↑ ↑
🔑 [Enrica's Room] 3-pins ↑ → ↓
🔑 [Jamie And Stanley's Room] 3-pins ↑ → ←
🔑 [Emile's Office] 4-pins ← ↓ → ↑
🔑 [Enrica's Bedroom] 4-pins ↑ → ↓ ←
🔑 [Moss' Room] 5-pins ↑ ← ↑ → ↓
🔑 [Hotel Roof] 4-pins → ↑ → ↑
🔑 [Exit From Parking Lot] 2-pins → ←
JBA Headquarters - Part 4
🔑 [Enrica's Room] 3-pins ← ↑ →
🔑 [Jamie And Stanley's Room] 3-pins ← → ↑
🔑 [Enrica's Bedroom] 4-pins ← → ↓ ←
🔑 [Moss' Room] 5-pins ↓ ↑ → ↑ →
Coast Guard Boat
🔑 [Bomb] 6-pins ↓ → ← ↑ → ←

Splinter Cell: Double Agent (Version 2)[]

🔑 [Entrance to Second Floor of Turbine Hall] 2-pins ↑→ ←↑
🔑 [Exit From Second Floor of Turbine Hall] 2-pins ←↑ ←↓
🔑 [Metal Grating on Stock] 2-pins ↑→ ←↑
🔑🔑🔑 [Three Doors in The Foundry] 2-pins ←↑ ←↑
Ellsworth Penitentiary
🔑 [Trap] 2-pins – Total Population ←↓ ←↑
🔑 [Prison Cell] 2-pins – Total Population ←↓ ←↑
🔑 [Gas Chamber Control Room] 2-pins – Old Prison Block ↓→ ←↓
🔑 [Morgue] 2-pins – Old Prison Block ←↓ ↓→
🔑 [Roof] 3-pins – Chapel [Xbox only]
🔑 2-pins [PS2/GameCube/Wii only]
←↓ ↑→ ←↑
←↓ ←↑
JBA Headquarters - Part 1
🔑 [Alarm – Server Room] 4-pins [Xbox only]
🔑 3-pins [PS2/GameCube/Wii only]
↓→ ←↑ ↑→ ↓→
←↑ ←↓ ↓→
Money Train
🔑 [Metal Grating] 3-pins ↓→ ←↑ ←↓
🔑 [Exit to Sewer] 3-pins ↑→ ←↓ ←↑
🔑 [Boat] 4-pins ↑→ ←↑ ↑→ ↓→
🔑 [Handcuffs] 6-pins [Xbox only]
🔑 6-pins [PS2/GameCube/Wii only]
←↑ ↓→ ↓→ ↑→ ←↓ ←↑
←↑ ←↓ ←↑ ↓→ ↓→ ↑→
🔑 [Escape From Prison Room] 2-pins ↑→ ←↓
🔑 [Room 905] 4-pins [PS2/GameCube/Wii only] ←↓ ↓→ ↑→ ↓→
🔑 [Room 1002] 4-pins [PS2/GameCube/Wii only] ←↑ ←↓ ↑→ ↓→
🔑 [Room 1003] 4-pins [PS2/GameCube/Wii only] ←↓ ←↑ ←↓ ←↓
🔑 [Room 1005] 5-pins [Xbox only] ↓→ ←↑ ↓→ ↓→ ↑→
🔑 [Exit From Hotel] 5-pins [Xbox only] ←↓ ↓→ ←↓ ←↓ ↑→
JBA Headquarters - Part 2
🔑 [Alarm – Server Room] 4-pins [Xbox only] ↓→ ←↑ ↑→ ↓→
🔑 [Alarm – Trap in Warehouse] 4-pins [PS2/GameCube/Wii only] ←↑ ↑→ ↓→ ↑→
New York
🔑 [Storage Room] 5-pins – Snowbound Rooftops
🔑 [Xbox]
←↓ ←↑ ↑→ ↑→ ←↓
←↓ ←↑ ↑→ ↑→ ↑→
🔑 [Exit to Jamie And Sykes] 5-pins – Snowbound Rooftops
🔑 [Xbox]
↓→ ↑→ ↑→ ↓→ ↑→
←↑ ↑→ ←↑ ←↓ ←↑
🔑 [Elevator Trap] 6-pins – The Dark Offices
🔑 [Xbox]
↑→ ←↓ ←↓ ↓→ ←↑ ↑→
↑→ ←↑ ←↓ ↓→ ←↑ ↓→
🔑 [Exit to Roof] 5-pins – The Dark Offices
🔑 [Xbox]
↓→ ↓→ ←↑ ↑→ ←↓
←↓ ↓→ ←↑ ↑→ ←↑
🔑 [Exit From the Turbine Hall] 5-pins – The Fifth Freedom
🔑 [Xbox]
↓→ ←↓ ↑→ ←↑ ↑→
↓→ ←↓ ↑→ ←↑ ↓→
🔑 [Room on The Left in Front of Emile] 5-pins – The Fifth Freedom
🔑 [Xbox]
↑→ ←↑ ↑→ ←↑ ↑→
↑→ ←↑ ↑→ ←↑ ←↓
🔑 [Room on The Right in Front of Emile] 5-pins – The Fifth Freedom
🔑 [Xbox]
←↑ ↑→ ←↑ ↑→ ←↑
←↑ ↑→ ←↑ ↑→ ←↓
Iceland – The Thermal Base
🔑 [First Door] 4-pins [Xbox only]
Iceland – The Foundry
🔑 [Passage Between Foundries] 5-pins [Xbox only]
Ellsworth Penitentiary – The Insertion
🔑 [Exit From Roof] 3-pins ←↑ ←↓ ↑→
Ellsworth Penitentiary – The Riot
🔑 [Exit From Prison Cells] 6-pins ↓→ ←↓ ←↑ ↑→ ↑→ ↓→
Kinshasa – The Front
🔑 [Server Room] 4-pins ↑→ ←↓ ↓→ ←↑
Kinshasa – The Chemical Depot
🔑 [Warehouse] 4-pins ←↑ ↓→ ←↓ ↑→
Tanker On The Way
🔑 [Engine Room] 6-pins ←↑ ↓→ ↑→ ↓→ ←↓ ↑→

Splinter Cell: Essentials[]

Norte de Santander
🔪 [Escape From Captivity] Broken
🔪 [Prison Cell 2 – Douglas Shetland] Broken
🔑🔑 [Prison Cells 1 and 3] 6-pins ←↑ ←↑ ←↑ ←↑ ←↑ ←↑
🔑 [Exit From Prison Cells] 3-pins ↑→ ←↓ ↓→
Belgrade City
🔑 [Captain's Cabin] 3-pins ←↓ ↑→ ←↑
United States Penitentiary
🔑 [Prison Cell] 4-pins ↓→ ←↓ ↑→ ←↑
🔑 [Storage Room] 3-pins ↑→ ←↓ ↓→
🔑🔑 [The Observation Room And Passage Between Rooms] 4-pins ←↑ ←↓ ↓→ ↑→
🔑 [Block Management Room] 4-pins ↑→ ←↓ ←↑ ↑→
🔑 [Rooftop] 6-pins ↓→ ←↓ ←↑ ↑→ ↓→ ←↓
Delta Atlantic Warehouse
🔑 [Moss' Room] 4-pins ↑→ ←↓ ↓→ ←↓
Jakarta, Indonesia
🔑 [Store Balcony] 1-pins ←↑
🔑 [Exit The Store] 2-pins ←↑ ↑→
🔑 [Booth Behind The Mines] 3-pins ←↑ ↓→ ↑→
🔑🔑 [Both Doors to Studio] 6-pins ←↑ ←↑ ←↑ ←↑ ←↑ ←↑

