Splinter Cell Wiki
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Intro Cutscene and Briefing[]

(Scene over New York)

Announcer: (radio) Now coming to you from our New York City broadcast center. We have Patrick Dunn of Watershed Electric on the line. Mr. Dunn, what do we know at this moment.

Mr Dunn: (radio) All we know so far is that this was not an accident...

(Frank Mason, who is inside a car at this time, speaks to no one in particular:)

Mason: If it's not an accident then it must be intentional. Both us and the Japanese have been hit by this thing. I think it's pretty obvious who's responsible.

(In Third Echelon headquarters, Grimsdottir and Lambert are waiting for a video call.)

Grim: Here's Otomo.

Lambert: It appears we have something in common, Admiral.

Admiral Toshiro Otomo: Our analysis of the informational footprint shows that the pressures which collapsed our power grids appear in many ways similar to those that collapsed our markets. I am certain the Koreans and the Chinese are involved.

Lambert: Let's not jump the gun here, Admiral. We've had out microscope on a man named Zherkezhi. He had access to weaponized IW algos following that business in Georgia. He was also a major DOE consultant after the blackouts here in 2003.

Otomo: Yes, we are aware of this connection. Has Zherkezhi been found?

Lambert: Not yet, but it won't take long. I'll keep you posted.

Colonel Irving Lambert: Fisher, I'm afraid we might be facing an orchestrated attempt to push the world into a major crisis. Zherkezhi might know more about information warfare than anyone on earth, and the fact that Displace is combat-ready, essentially stateless, and better equipped than most governments... we need to find out fast whether this is a coincidents, or whether someone inside Displace is making a major move. That said, State Department has several very significant contracts with Displace. This thing is extremely political. I hate to do this to you, but keep it clean. Recon only. No fatalities.

Anna Grimsdottir: Displace's Offices are on the top three floors of the Hantz Center Tower in downtown Manhattan. Recent financials indicate that they have invested heavily in their local infrastructure in order to maintain full operational capacity following even a major terrorist incident.

William Redding: Satellite confirms Grim's data. Displace is up and running and near-to-full capacity. It looks like they might be holding a meeting with members of New York City Council... possibly making a bid for protection or policing services to supplement the National Guard. They're prepared and opportunistic, that's for sure, but I wouldn't expect anything different. My money says they're playing fair, but if the boss want to take a closer look, then that's what we'll do.

In Game:[]

(Sam starts out on the roof of the Displace building.)

Lambert: Fisher, we need to find out if Displace and Zherkezhi are working together.

Sam: But until we know, you want me to keep it quiet.

Lambert: Don't kill anyone, or I'll about the mission. The Pentagon has contracts with Displace all around the world... the President will have puppies if he finds out we're doing this.

(if Sam kills anyone in this mission)

Lambert: Jesus Christ, Fisher... I told you no kills. I'm pulling the plug. Mission over. [Mission failed]

(There are two guards on the roof near a ventilation shaft. They start talking:)

Guard 1: Hey, Marco asked me to ask you when you'll be finished getting the ventilation system running.

Guard 2: I don't know. In a while.

Guard 1: Well Marco says hurry up, says the air is getting stale inside.

Guard 2: The hell do I care what Marco says. I don't even know him.

Guard 1: I'll tell him you said that.

Guard 2: Hah, go ahead.

Guard 1: Boy are you in trouble.

Guard 2: Whatever.

(Sam can interrogate either of the guards:)

Sam: Something going on with the ventilation system?

Guard: Ow! Hey! Who are you?

Sam: Pretend I'm Harry Tuttle.

Guard: Who?

Sam: I'm an ill-tempered and heavily armed heating engineer who's asking questions about your ventilation system.

Guard: I guess, I guess it's not working properly since the blackout.

Sam: So it shouldn't take much to shut down that big fan if I wanted to

Guard: I-I don't know. Why would you want to do that?

Sam: The adventure of travel.

Guard: Uh, OK?

(additional interrogation)

Guard: I don't care what you do to the fan. Just don't kill me! (OR) And don't forget to fill out your twenty six seven B stroke six.

(Sam unlocks the trapdoor on the ventilation system and infiltrates Displace.)

Displace alarms[]

(Note: If four alarms are triggered in the mission, all unfinished secondary, opportunity and bonus objectives are cancelled and all related dialogues skipped. Most NPC conversations are skipped. Third Echelon dialogue may be different; differences are marked as "Full Alert".)

Lambert: Fisher, be careful with the alarms. You're in a building full of mercenaries.

Lambert: I'm serious Sam... too many alarms and these mercenaries will be after you.

Lambert: Fisher... be careful. One more alarm and you'll be in big trouble.

Lambert: Dammit, Sam. The whole place is alerted. You'll have a hell of a time fighting your way out of here without killing anyone. Complete your primary objectives and get out of there.

(Displace will be on full alert.)

Inside Displace - Briefcase Scenario[]

(Sam comes across another trapdoor with a meeting in the room below.)

(Two men will engage in a sequence of conversations in different locations:)

Julian: You're certainly entitled to request protection at that level from the National Guard, I agree. But let's face it: The National Guard is a massive cumbersome organization.

Tom: Sure, that's what we need. A presence.

Julian: On the contrary, the people want protection, they need protection, but they don't want to see protection. It frightens them. Having the National Guard on every corner will keep the peace, but at what cost?

Tom: They'll get over it, Julian. In the end, the thing they'll remember is that the National Guard is cheap. I'm dealing with taxpayers here. The last thing I need is another fiscal accountability scandal.

Julian: Hmm...

Tom: What?

Julian: Come on, I want to show you something.

(Julian picks up the briefcase and leaves the room with Tom)

Grim: Fisher, that executive... he probably has the daily access algorithm for the Displace central servers stored on his laptop.

Sam: Lambert gave me pretty strict non-lethal parameters.

Grim: If you stay close, you should be able to hack into his laptop wirelessly.

Sam: I'll give it a whirl.

(Sam drops down and rounds the corner where the two men pass through a keypad door. If Sam approaches this keypad door:)

Julian: Let me just get these windows before we go.

(Julian switches the electrochromic window so it becomes transparent.)

Tom: Oh man, I love that. We have to get some of those at city hall.

Julian: E-mail me and remind me. I'll set you up with a good deal.

(Sam can either go through the keypad door that the two men went through, or go through a keypad door on the floor below. In the former case, the two men remain on the 2nd floor; in the latter case, the two men walk down the stairs to the 1st floor.)

(The two men move towards an elevator. Julian puts down the briefcase.)

Tom: So, what did you want to show me?

Julian: In the lobby of the Empire State Building, there are four brass rondelles. Art deco pieces. Each rondelle represents one of the four disciplines of skyscraper construction.

Tom: What? Like engineering? Financing? Real estate?

Julian: Machines. Concrete. Decoration. Elevators. Elevators like this one here.

Tom: Huh. Okay Julian, what's your point.

Julian: My point is that, every single day, five million New York executives ride elevators. Elevators that they can't do their jobs without.

Tom: So...

(Julian picks up the briefcase. The two men walk back towards and through the keypad locked door they passed through before.)

Julian: Well, you're worried about the cost, huh? You're worried about what the taxpayer will think. But it's a mistake to think if those two things are fundamentally tied together. Stairs are cheaper than elevators, Tom. Why don't we have stairs as the fourth discipline of skyscraper construction?

Tom: No one is going to take the stairs up 70 stories.

Julian: And does anyone ever question how much an elevator costs?

Tom: Of course not.

Julian: Right. And I'll tell you why. Because the cost of an elevator isn't measured by what you get. It's measured by what you avoid. Displace is expensive, Tom, I mean, there's no denying that. But it's not important how much it costs to hire us. What's important is how much it costs not to hire us. A bunch of good old boys from the Appalachians with M4s in every street corner, I mean, sure it'll get the job done. But in the end, relying on the National Guard is like taking the stairs. If you want to keep those 5 million executives going to work every day, I suggest you take the elevator.

Tom: Hm, well, you maybe got a point there, Julian.

Julian: Of course I have a point. Let's go talk to Mikey.

(The two men walk into the nearby server room to meet a third man.)

Julian: Heya, Mike. I brought Tom to see you.

Mike: Hi Jules, hi Tom. Look, I think we're about ready to go with the presentation.

Julian: I think you can forget about the presentation, Mike. Tom's sold. Aren't you, Tom?

Tom: Uh, well, I guess I am.

Julian: All right. You wait here. I'm gonna head into the other room and do up some paperwork.

Tom: All right.

(All three men walk off. Julian takes the briefcase and walks to the coffee room. He puts the briefcase on the table and sits down to use a laptop.)

(If Sam attempts to remote-hack the briefcase with the EEV but Julian carries the briefcase off the EEV's line of sight)

Grim: Sam, give them a chance to stand still and you might have the time to wirelessly hack into the laptop.

Sam: I'm working on it, Grim.

Grim: Damn... missed your chance. Keep tailing them, you might get another opportunity.

Sam: Okay.

Grim: Damn, that's another opportunity gone.

Sam: Grim, this is not as easy as it looks.

(if Sam knocks out Julian before getting the algorithm:)

Grim: Well, I guess that's one way to deal with it.

Sam: Finesse is for the young and the cocky.

(if Sam destroys the briefcase before getting the algorithm:)

Grim: Dammit, Sam. That laptop had the access algorithm for Displace's central server. You'll need to find another way to get it.

Sam: Any ideas?

Grim: That executive might keep his laptop synched to another server somewhere.

Sam: I'll have a look.

Grim: Dammit, Sam. That laptop had the server access algorithm on it... you'll need to see if he has the info backed up on another server.

(if Sam gets the algorithm from the briefcase:)

Grim: Good work Sam, now you'll be able to access the central server on the first floor.

(rest of dialogue does not play on full alert:)

Sam: This wireless stuff makes life a lot easier.

Grim: Yep... welcome to the wi-fi era.

Sam: Remember, you're saying that to a guy from the era of hi-fi.

Grim: Hi-fi? As in, like, high in fiber?

Sam: Rrrr. Don't put me in adult undergarments yet, kid.

(if Sam gets the algorithm from the server in the training area:)

Grim: Okay, we have the access algorithm. Now we can access the central server on the first floor.

Sam: I'll find it.


(Sam can interrogate Tom:)

Sam: Is New York City thinking about hiring Displace to protect Manhattan?

Tom: Ah! Oh god! Agh!

Sam: As far as PMCs go, Displace isn't so bad. But you have no idea what you're getting into.

Tom: What do you mean?

Sam: Remember the Mafia?

Tom: Y-Yeah. I've heard stories.

Sam: Well, imagine if instead of a bunch of thick-necked goons with stilettos, the city was indebted to an army of sociopathic snake eaters who were loyal to the highest bidder.

Tom: That doesn't sound good!

Sam: It wasn't the barbarians who sacked Rome. It was the legionnaire expatriates who mustered barbarian armies.

Tom: Y-you're scaring me!

Sam: Get out while you can.

(additional interrogation)

Tom: Please! I'm just an elected official! I have no real power. (OR) I-I think I wet my pants!

(Sam can also interrogate Julian. The dialogue depends on whether Julian is at his final destination sitting in the coffee room, and which objectives need to be completed.)

(If Julian is not at his final destination yet:)

Sam: Gotcha. Now give me the server access algorithm.

Julian: I-I can't!

Sam: What do you mean you can't?

Julian: The algorithm is several thousand characters long. I-It's encoded on my laptop, and on a server near the lobby.

Sam: Oh? How do I get there?

Julian: The door code to the lobby is 8136.

Sam: Thanks.


Sam: Where are you going?

Julian: Agh. I was going to the operations room.

Sam: What's in the conference room?

Julian: Oh! Not much. There's a server there. It's where I synch my laptop and get the main server access algorithm.

Sam: Interesting.

(additional interrogation)

Julian: Please, don't kill me. I'm just an executive. (OR) God, please. Don't hurt me.

(If Julian is at his final destination, then the dialogue depends on which objectives have yet to be completed. In order of priority:)

Sam: Nice offices you got here.

Julian: Oh god! Who are you?

Sam: Someone you don't want to run into in the dark. Give me the server access algorithm.

Julian: I-I can't!

Sam: What do you mean you can't?

Julian: The algorithm is several thousand characters long. It's encoded here on my laptop, and on a server in the conference room across the hall.

Sam: Thanks.

Sam: Main server room. Where is it?

Julian: West wing. Bottom floor. Next to the R&D labs. B-But you'll need the server access algorithm.

Sam: Way ahead of you, partner.

Sam: You look like an executive type. What do you do here?

Julian: Oh, oh god! I-I'm the North American business development manager.

Sam: Really? How much do they pay you?

Julian: Who cares about the salary? It's the kickbacks. I'm part-owner of three gold mines in Tunisia. On paper, I'm a billionaire.

Sam: Damn. I'm in the wrong line of work.

Julian: I can get you a meeting with our VP of internal development.

Sam: I'd like that. Where's his office?

Julian: Top floor, with the other executive offices.

Sam: Nedich's office is up there too?

Julian: M-Milan? Yeah.

Sam: Thanks.

Electrochromic windows[]

(Sam can start the presentation in the presentation room where the two men started out, by using the device on the table. The device needs to be used to advance to the next speech as given below, and the presentation ends after the last speech:)

Presentation: Electrochromic windows. Could they be your windows to the future?

Presentation: Dynavision's all-new electrochromic window technology. The cutting edge of modern-day materials and energy research.

Presentation: Our windows are energy efficient and cost-saving, and provide your home or office with a unique and beautiful architectural element.

Presentation: How does this amazing and new technology work?

Presentation: Simple. An electrically reactive sheet of tungsten oxide is sandwiched between two sheets of glass. When an electric current is applied to the tungsten oxide, it is chemically altered, shifting from a transparent to an opaque state, or vice versa.

Presentation: The state of the windows can be controlled using normal wall-mounted switches, or using our patented and all-new Transblaze Conductive Dermis. The windows can be toggled locally at the touch of a finger. Since no energy is used to maintain the windows in either state, you're saving 24 hours a day, regardless of whether your windows are on or off.

Presentation: Call Dynavision to have your home or office evaluated for an electrochromic window retrofit. You'll not only receive the huge saving afforded by a reduction in energy consumption, but also cash in on new government incentives for responsible energy usage. Act now, and we'll include our new Transblaze Conductive Dermis technology absolutely free.

(If Sam sees an electrochromic window change state at any time:)

Redding: Whoa.

Sam: That was weird.

Redding: Yeah, I've heard of this. It's called an electrochromic window. A small electric charge can change the opacity of microscopic crystals embedded in the glass.

Sam: Cool.

Redding: I'm thinking that your OCP should be able to toggle the state of the windows. I'm uploading the specification to your OPSAT.

Sam: Thanks, Will.

Redding: The windows are made with electrochromic glass. Specifications on your OPSAT.

Opportunity objective: Insert tracer programs into Displace's division servers[]

(The first time Sam enters an area where a tracer can be uploaded:)

Grim: Sam, each of Displace's different divisions seem to have their own server farm. I put a program on your OPSAT that will build a little back door into their networks.

Sam: You want me to upload that to each division server?

Grim: I would appreciate it.

Sam: Since you asked so nice...

(Sam can upload a tracer. The dialogue depends on the number of tracers uploaded:)

Grim: Good work Sam, that's the first of their servers. If you can upload that to each of the other ones, I'll be able to snoop around as much as I please.

Sam: I'll see what I can do.

Grim: Good work Sam. Upload that program to the last server and you'll make me the happiest girl in the world.

Sam: You're easy to please.

Grim: Access is a girl's best friend.

Grim: Thanks Sam... that's the last one. I can't wait to sniff around in Displace's laundry basket.

Sam: Awww...

Grim: What?

Sam: Laundry... I totally forgot...

Alternate objective: Discover who is in charge of the Zherkezhi protection detail[]

(If Sam did not complete the secondary objective from the Penthouse mission, there will be an alternate objective. Sam can access one of the many computers in the first server farm, he can access "VIPDetailReport" for the objective:)

Redding: Milan Nedich. VP Protection Operations, Displace International.

(rest of dialogue only plays when not on full alert)

Sam: He was in charge of the Morgenholt detail in Peru?

Redding: Yeah, and now he's in charge of Zherkezhi, and... damn... he's as clean as a whistle. Looks like he's been zeroed.

Sam: Hm... well whoever he is, he's playing both sides. We need to inform Shetland.

Redding: Shetland is on his own. We can't compromise OPSEC for private interests.

Sam: Fine, then I'm going to take a look behind some of those zeroes.

(Note that this alternate objective will be automatically completed if Sam accesses the main server room first.)

Inside Displace - Rest of 1st/2nd floors[]

Coffee room[]

(Sam finds a guard in the coffee room. He can interrogate him:)

Sam: Fresh, ground or dried?

Coffee guard: W-what?

Sam: The coffee machine. Ground or dried?

Coffee guard: I-I'm not sure.

Sam: Then you better tell me something useful and fast.

Coffee guard: You might need the door code out of here. It's eight-one-three-six (8136).

Sam: That'll do.

Coffee guard: Would you like cream and sugar with that?

(additional interrogation)

Coffee guard: I-I'm afraid of pain! (OR) U-Uncle! Uncle!

Training area[]

(On the 2nd floor, the guard near the retinal scanner enters the training area to talk. Sam can plant a tracer here.)

Guard 3: Hey. NASA just reported the astronauts on the ISS got their life support back online.

Guard 4: So they're gonna make it.

Guard 3: Well, probably not, but at least they have time to attempt a rescue.

Guard 4: The shuttle?

Guard 3: Yeah. NASA is working to repair the rocket assembly. They think they might be able to launch in time.

Guard 4: What about the Chinese rescue? I guess we don't need them anymore, huh.

Guard 3: Well, here's hoping nothing else goes wrong.

(Sam can interrogate the guard who started near the retinal scanner:)

Sam: How do I access the main server room?

Guard: You can't get through here. Our doors are malfunctioning.

Sam: Is there another way?

Guard: Maybe through R&D. Might be a way through the ventilation into the server room.

Sam: Thanks.

(additional interrogation)

Guard: Oh god. Don't do what I think you're gonna do. (OR) I cooperated! Please!

R&D room[]

(Sam accesses the R&D room either through the retinal scanner-guarded door and laser hallway, or through a vent from the training area. Two workers are talking in this area.)

Guard 5: It's a pretty cushy posting, that's for sure.

Guard 6: But I heard the guy was really annoying.

Guard 5: The guy isn't there anymore. He's out of town.

Guard 6: What, so you're just watching his stuff?

Guard 5: Yeah. Emptying his liquor cabinet and playing video games.

Guard 6: He's got the new Prince of Persia.

Guard 5: Yeah, I heard it's awesome. Gonna be game of the year, man. Can't wait to play it.

(One of the workers goes to the turret testing area to meet another)

Guard 5: You got any plans for the long weekend.

Guard 7: Jesus, Fourth of July coming up. I forgot.

Guard 5: You forgot? How could you forget?

Guard 7: Ugh, you know, I've been putting in crazy hours, I don't even know what day it is.

Guard 5: Hm, yeah. I know what you mean. Me and Anne Marie are going to head up to Maine, stay in a little bed and breakfast, eat some lobster.

Guard 7: Do they have power back in Maine yet?

Guard 5: Power? Whoa. Forgot about that.

Guard 7: Heh. How could you forget?

(Sam can plant a tracer in a small room near R&D containing a lone computer.)

(if Sam enters the turret enclosure:)

Grim: There's got to be a way through to the server room through this area.

Sam: Firing ranges usually have ventilation to clear the smoke... it probably ties into the AC system for the server room.

Grim: Good thinking.

Grim: Check for a ventilation system. You might be able to find a way through.

Main server room[]

(If Sam first tries to enter the main server room through the keypad door on the 1st floor, the way through will be blocked by non-operable double doors. Two workers are trapped between the doors.)

Grim: Hmm... small problem Sam. A couple staffers got locked between the double doors leading to the server room.

Sam: That kind of makes it hard to get through.

Grim: Yeah, there might be another way. Looks like there are some heat exchange vents in this part of the building. You might be able to find a way out there if you head through the R&D section.

Sam: I'll snoop around.

Grim: It looks like some employees managed to get stuck between the double doors leading to the server room. You'll have to find another way in there.

(The two trapped workers have a conversation:)

Trapped worker 2: All right, all right. Hold on, I think I got it.

Trapped worker 1: Hurry up. I'm getting angry.

Trapped worker 2: Let me just connect this wire here... and...

Trapped worker 1: And?

Trapped worker 2: And... damn it.

Trapped worker 1: You're kidding me. I'm pulling the alarm.

Trapped worker 2: Hold on, hold on.

Trapped worker 1: I've been holding on for over an hour.

(Sam goes through R&D and climbs down a rope to get to the room where the main server is. The two trapped workers have another conversation:)

Trapped worker 2: Okay okay, this time I got it for sure. Hot, neutral, ground, got it all sorted out.

Trapped worker 1: I'm going to sort you out if you don't open that damn door.

Trapped worker 2: No I mean... (to himself) just connect this, yeah, and this, mhm, and... bingo!

Trapped worker 1: Bingo?

Trapped worker 2: Uh, OK, that's not my fault. That's definitely caused by the blackout.

(Sam uses the algorithm to access the main server. The dialogue depends on whether the secondary objective from Penthouse was completed ("Normal 1" if completed, "Normal 2" if not completed), regardless of whether the alternate primary objective in this mission was completed yet.)

Lambert: Damn. It looks like someone has shunted the data we need off the server... Login name, M Nedich.

Sam: Milan Nedich?

Lambert: That name is coming up an awful lot, but we still don't have anything on him.

Sam: Probably a pseudonym. I'll see if I can find out who he really is.

Lambert: In any case, we need to get access to his computer. His office should be on the upper floors somewhere.

Lambert: Damn. It looks like someone has shunted the data we need off the server... Login name, M Nedich.

Sam: M Nedich? Who's that?

Lambert: Hmm... fragments here... looks like he's VP of Protection Operations for Displace.

Sam: He protected Zherkezhi and Morgenholt? Hmm. Either he's not very good at his job, or he's dirty.

Lambert: Echelon has nothing on him. Looks like he's been zeroed.

Sam: Probably a pseudonym. I'll see if I can find out who he really is.

Lambert: In any case, we need to get access to his computer. His office should be on the upper floors somewhere.

Lambert: Hmm... the data appears to have been moved to the terminal of M Nedich, Displace VP of Protection Operations... we'll need access to his computer in the Upper Offices.

(power suddenly resets, then slowly comes back on)

Grim: Uh, sorry to interrupt, but...

Sam: I see it.

Grim: Power's coming back on.

Sam: I see it Grim...

Grim: You got company. You might want to...

Sam: I see it!

(The two trapped workers are no longer trapped. They walk towards the main server and have a conversation:)

Trapped worker 1: Well it's about time.

Trapped worker 2: I told you it wasn't my fault. It was the blackout.

Trapped worker 1: Whatever. Let's just hurry it up will ya?

Trapped worker 2: All right. I want to check the server and make sure nothing got fried when the power came back on.

Trapped worker 1: OK. Give me a shout if you need anything.

Trapped worker 2: Will do.

(Sam can interrogate one of the workers:)

Sam: I had a bit of a problem with your server.

Trapped worker: Ugh! Please don't kill me!

Sam: The files I want got shunted off to another computer.

Trapped worker: There should be a backup here.

Sam: There isn't. They're only on the PC of Milan Nedich.

Trapped worker: Milan? He's the VP of detection operations. His office is on the upper floors.

Sam: Don't you think it's suspicious that he's hiding files?

Trapped worker: Ugh, yeah, I guess.

(additional interrogation)

Trapped worker: I don't know anything else. (OR) Please, please let me live.

(Sam escapes from the main server room. Since the power is back on now, Sam takes the elevator to the 3rd floor.)

Third floor[]

(Two guards nearby talk about Nedich:)

Guard 8: I've been hearing some creepy stuff about Milan. I'm not sure I trust that guy.

Guard 9: Yeah. I heard he got drunk with some of the guys in Istanbul last month. Wandered out of the bar looking for a fight. They found him the next morning covered in blood.

Guard 8: What?

Guard 9: Yeah. Stan thinks he killed someone. Read a newspaper article the next day. Istanbul police found some guy cut to ribbons just a couple of blocks from the bar they were at.

Guard 8: Whoa.

Guard 9: I think we should try and get on his PC in the executive offices, see if we can find anything.

Guard 8: The code to the area is twenty-three forty-six (2346), but I don't know the code for his actual office.

Guard 9: All right. Well, if I find out what it is, we'll go together.

Guard 8: All right.

(Sam can interrogate one of the guards:)

Sam: Gotcha.

Guard: Oh, hey! You're not supposed to be here!

Sam: Tell me something useful and I'll leave.

Guard: Forget it. I won't tell you anything.

Sam: Are you crazy? We're on the 60th floor.

Guard: What? What do you mean?

Sam: You know it's not true that you go unconscious before you hit the ground. You see it coming the whole way.

Guard: You, y-you wouldn't.

Sam: You want to convince me not to?

Guard: Door code to the executive offices is two-three-four-six (2346).

(additional interrogation)

Guard: Please! I'm scared of heights! (OR) I won't tell anyone you were here!

Secondary objective[]

Guard 10: Sorry to bring you in here so late, we needed to put some extra man on the Zherkezhi detail, your name came up.

Guard 11: Zherkezhi? The wacko in the penthouse uptown?

Guard 10: Well, it's perhaps best not to refer to out client as the wacko, but yes, him. Or rather, his penthouse. Milos Nowak is, uh...

Guard 11: Who?

Guard 10: Milan. Milan Nedich. Crazy Slavic names. I always get them confused. Anyway Zherkezhi is out of town, so there won't be a VIP, just the property.

Guard 11: OK, sounds like a breeze.

Guard 10: Well it hasn't gone perfectly smooth so far. You'll get the full VIP rate, and you'll be on duty as though there is a package on site.

Guard 11: OK, got it.

Guard 10: Good, you report at thirteen hundred (1300) tomorrow.

Guard 11: OK, I'll be there.

(If Sam recorded the conversation using the EEV, this completes the secondary objective:)

Redding: Good grab Fisher. Milan Nedich's real name... Jesus... Milos Nowak.

Sam: Milos Nowak? Who is he?

Redding: The Barber of Bosnia. Suspected war criminal from the Bosnian conflict. Allegedly scalped some of his prisoners.

Sam: Wanted in The Hague?

Redding: Yeah.

Sam: Bet you dollars to dinars that he doesn't make it to trial.

Redding: That's okay... I think my money's safer on the Nikkei.

Near Nedich's office[]

(Sam can interrogate a guard near Nedich's office:)

Sam: Nice suit. Italian?

Guard: Agh, oh no! I-Italian, yes, Florentine silk, Andretti...

Sam: Who's Andretti?

Guard: Andretti, the famous designer. Men's suits, tuxedos...

Sam: I'm not a tuxedo kind of guy.

Guard: But, but you are some kind of spy.

Sam: Yeah I'm the real kind, not the tuxedo kind. I'm the kind of spy who gets blood all over your Andretti unless you give me information.

Guard: Oh god, please, don't ruin my suit.

Sam: How about a door code?

Guard: CEO's office. Two-six-zero-nine (2609).

(additional interrogation)

Guard: You're wrinkling the fabric. Please! (OR) My wife will kill me if I ruin this suit!

(Sam accesses the computer in Nedich's office)

Lambert: Hokkaido.

Sam: Hokkaido. Isn't that basically the Alaska of Japan?

Lambert: Yeah... looks like Milan Nedich has secretly relocated Zherkezhi there.

Sam: Interesting... now we definitely need to talk to Shetland.

Lambert: We'll let State Department handle that mess. You're going to Hokkaido. We're sending a helicopter to evac you from the roof.

Lambert: Looks like Milan Nedich has secretly relocated Zherkezhi to Hokkaido, Japan. We're sending a helicopter to evac you from the roof.

(Sam exfiltrates through the fire escape stairs.)

Mission Complete.
