This page is for cheats, console commands, and exploits for the Splinter Cell series.
Splinter Cell & Pandora Tomorrow[]
PC VERSION ONLY will allow you to press F2 to bring up the console[]
- GHOST: No Clipping
- WALK: Disable no clipping
- INVISIBLE 1 - be invisible
- INVISIBLE 0 - turn off invisibility
- PLAYERSONLY: Freeze Enemies
- PLAYERSONLY 0: Unfreeze enemies
- FLY - to float around
- AMMO - more ammo
- HEALTH - more health
- KILLPAWNS: No Enemies
- MISSION WIN: Instantly Win Level
- PREFERENCES: Change settings
- STEALTH: Change Stealth Stats
Items can be spawned into the game by using the following commands[]
- Med Kit: summon echeloningredient.emedkit
- Thermal Goggles: summon echeloningredient.ethermalgoggle
- F2000: summon echeloningredient.ef2000
- FN7: summon echeloningredient.efn7
- Lock Pick: summon echeloningredient.elockpick
- Disposable Pick: summon echeloningredient.edisposablepick
- Airfoil Round: summon echeloningredient.eringairfoilround
- Sticky Shocker: summon echeloningredient.estickyshocker
- Sticky Camera: summon echeloningredient.estickycamera
- Diversion Camera:summon echeloningredient.ediversioncamera
- Smoke Grenade: summon echeloningredient.esmokegrenade
- Camera Jam: summon echeloningredient.ecamerajammer
- Laser Mic: summon echeloningredient.elasermic
- Chemical Flare: summon echeloningredient.echemflare
- Flare: summon echeloningredient.eflare
- Thermal Mine: summon echeloningredient.ethermalmine
- Wall Mine: summon echeloningredient.ewallmine
- Rappelling Object: summon echeloningredient.erappellingobject
- Frag grenade: summon echeloningredient.efraggrenade
- Flashbang: summon echeloningredient.eflashbang (PANDORA TOMORROW ONLY)
Splinter Cell: Conviction[]
Instructions for playing locked missions in single player mode. The game starts in the "Hunter" mode and the Normal difficulty level. Find the file by the path src/system/Conviction.ini and the lines in it:
- [URL]
- Protocol=unreal
- ProtocolDescription=Unreal Protocol
- Name=Player
- Map=Menu.unr
- LocalMap=menu.unr
By inserting the following data instead of a string LocalMap=menu.unr you will get the necessary map at startup.
Maplist | Description |
LocalMap=C05_Antonov.unr | The plane in the final story of the cooperative campaign |
LocalMap=T04_ThirdEchelon.unr | Third Echelon (DLC) |
LocalMap=T05_Docks.unr | New Orleans |
LocalMap=T06_Cemetery.unr | Portland |
LocalMap=T07_Jail.unr | Salt Lake City |
LocalMap=T08_SecretLabs.unr | San Francisco |
Splinter Cell: Blacklist[]
Instructions for playing cooperative missions for Briggs in single player mode. Find the file by the path src/system/Blacklist.ini and the lines in it:
Maplist | Description |
LocalMap=-D_Kargil_Global_00_strm.unr | Smuggler's Compound |
LocalMap=-D_Bangalore_Global_00_strm.unr | Missile Plant |
LocalMap=-D_Chittagong_Global_00_strm.unr | Voron Station |
LocalMap=-D_Koltsovo_Global_00_strm.unr | Abandoned City |
LocalMap=-D_FPP_Global_00_strm.unr | Dead Coast |
LocalMap=-D_Yacht_Global_00_strm.unr | Billionaire's Yacht |