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Splinter Cell Wiki

Intro Cutscene and Briefing[]

Sunday, Jun 24, 2007

(WNM intro and music plays.)

Morris O'Dell: The body of kidnapped American computer engineer, Bruce Morgenholt was discovered in a village in Peru this morning. Implicated in the kidnapping and failed ransom attempt is Hugo Lacerda, alledged leader of the People's Voice, a newly formed guerrilla organization.

Sunday, Jun 25, 2007

Morris O'Dell: Here we see the USS Clarence E. Walsh, en route to the Yellow Sea for the first assignment amid rising tensions in the region. Dubbed the flagship of the twenty first century fleet by Defense Secretary Mason, who reaffirmed America's commitment to our Japanese allies.

Defense Secretary Frank Mason: It is our hope that the presence of the Walsh, now the world's most premier electronic and information warfare platform, will help defuse the tensions in the region.

(End News)

Colonel Irving Lambert: Information you recovered in Peru makes it look like Hugo Lacerda was contracted by a third party to kidnap and interrogate Morgenholt. His payment was in weapons. He appears to be using those arms to equip his own men, and pay off debts to other guerrilla groups. Maybe Lacerda is a nickel-ante loser... but maybe he learned things from Morgenholt that we don't want anyone to know. The Maria Narcissa is out to sea, so there's no escape. Board her, search her, find out who Lacerda has been dealing with, and make sure he doesn't have an opportunity to spread what he knows. Fifth Freedom.

Anna Grimsdottir: What Morgenholt knew about the Masse Kernels, recursive computation and weaponized algorithms is akin to what Oppenheimer knew about atoms, or what Turing knew about digital computers. Project Watson... The United Nations investigation into the Masse Kernels will be remembered for centuries alongside the Manhattan Project as fundamental research that changed the nature of warfare forever. Imagine if Che Guevara had kidnapped and interrogated Oppenheimer in 1959 and you have a pretty accurate parallel of the situation we're in right now.

William Redding: We're going to the send the helicopter out about forty clicks ahead of the Maria Narcissa and leave you in the water on her course. You'll board covertly onto the bow. Search the ship and the holds. Find about what you can about the arm shipments and who Lacerda is dealing with. Satelite imaging shows the Maria Narcissa racks a small launch on the stern. That will be your primary extraction. If things go bad, we might be able to arrange to pluck you out of the sea.

Captain Arthur Partridge: We'll keep the Walsh inside of helicopter range of the target vessel at all times. If something goes wrong, we should be able to assist in extraction. If you play it safe, we'll recover you in the ship's launch from open water once you're out of visual range of the ship.


(Sam begins from the ships bow, ready to move along.)

Lambert: Fisher, we just pulled up Celestinia's last dry-dock report for the Maria Narcissa. They have a newly installed central alarm system.

Sam Fisher: Don't tell me. Three alarms and the mission is over?

Lambert: Of course not... This is no video game Fisher. But you don't want the whole place alerted to your presence... Keep it under control.

(Note: If four alarms are triggered in the mission, all unfinished secondary, opportunity and bonus objectives are cancelled and all related dialogues skipped. Most NPC conversations are skipped. Third Echelon dialogue may be different; differences are marked as "Full Alert".)

Lambert: That's their alarm system Fisher... I'm warning you... be careful.

Lambert: Fisher... be careful... if you put the whole ship on alert, you'll regret it.

Lambert: Dammit Fisher, you're a liability.

Sam: It's just another alarm.

Lambert: It's more than that. The whole ship is alerted. Complete your primary objectives and forget the rest.

(Full alert dialogue is used for the rest of the mission.)

Ship's bow[]

(There are three men near insertion, a patrol guard, a lookout, and a deckhand. The lookout and patroller meet and talk.)

Lookout: What are you doing up here?

Patroller: Ugh, just trying to get away from that jerk, Lacerda.

Lookout: Tell me about it. What a pain.

Patroller: We should kill him. Toss him overboard.

Lookout: Yeah… I'd agree with you, but those guys protecting him.

Patroller: Eh, you're right. They look dangerous.

(If Sam grabs a guard, he can interrogate him.)

Sam: Nice night.

Guard: Uhng… wha-?

Sam: Shh. What's the roster? How many men aboard?

Guard: Total? There is 36 of us—I think… but that's including Lacerda and a couple of mean-looking mercenaries he brought with him.

Sam: Where's Lacerda now?

Guard: He was just here 20 minutes ago, complaining about his quarters. He said he wanted another room.

(additional interrogation)

Guard: You won't find Lacerda, for there is work to be done. (OR) Lacerda's probably drunk by now.

(Sam moves aft, passes a sleeping guard and goes into a cargo compartment. He climbs over and between the boxes.)

Objective opportunity: Place tracking devices on any illegal weapons crates[]

William Redding: Fisher, it looks like Lacerda is spreading around his newfound wealth, paying off debts with some of the arms that were delivered to him.

Sam: You want me to scan any more weapons crates?

Redding: Better idea… plant tracking devices on them and we can see who they end up getting delivered to.

Sam: Okay.

(Sam can tag the six crates. The dialogue depends on how many crates are scanned so far.)

Redding: Good job Sam. That's the first crate. Keep your eyes peeled for anymore.

Sam: Alright.

Redding: Okay, Sam. Judging by the numbering on the crates, that's about half of them. See if you can find the rest.

Redding: Good job, Sam. Two more crates to go.

Redding: Way to go, Fisher. One more crate to go.

Redding: That was the last of the weapons crates Sam. Now we'll be able to track them wherever they go and see just how connected Lacerda is.

Inside ship[]

(Sam climbs a ladder leading out of the compartment.)

Redding: Fisher, we just intercepted a radio call from the Maria Narcissa: she's reporting a hull leak and asking for an escort.

Sam: The ship is sinking?

Redding: No, but apparently several compartments are flooded. You'll need to activate the bilge in the forward machine room to access all the cargo holds.

(Sam passes a shut door with water spraying from the cracks. If he approaches it Redding reiterates…)

Redding: Fisher, those compartments are flooded. You need to activate the emergency bilge pump to drain them.

(Sam proceeds to the next room where a crewman is operating a loud belt sander. Sam can sneak up and interrogate him.)

Sam: Noisy down here!

Crewman: Oh my!

Sam: Makes it easier to sneak up on people. What is this hold?

Crewman: The auxiliary pump is here. There are some flooded compartments. The pump should be able to drain them.

Sam: Thanks for the information.

(additional interrogation)

Crewman: I don't want to die! (OR) I'm new at this whole revolutionary thing!

Pump room[]

(There is a vent in the sander room. Sam crawls through a vent to reach the bilge pump hold.)

Redding: There should be a large pump in here that you can use to drain the forward cargo hold.

Sam: I'll find it.

(Inside the pump room are two guards, one trying to operate the pump and another on the catwalk above him.)

Guard 1: You wanna start that pump there or what?

Guard 2: I don't know how this stupid thing works!

Guard 1: Captain Diego says, “Hurry up! Or we'll sink!”

Guard 2: Well, if I do it wrong we might sink faster!

Guard 1: Then don't do it wrong.

Guard 2: Easy for you to say.

(interrogation is the same as the previous crewman, if he was not interrogated)

(Sam activates the bilge pump and the sound of rushing water fills the hold.)

Redding: Good job. That'll drain the flooded compartments. Now you can search for the bill of lading attached to Lacerda's shipments.

Sam: Alright.

Redding: Good work Sam. That drained the flooded compartments.

(Sam moves through the corridor beyond. If he moves too far, Grim gives a heads-up.)

Anna Grimsdottír: Fisher, you just passed the only compartment that you haven't been through. You should see if Lacerda's shipping container is in there.

Sam: Thanks for the tip.

(Sam enters the dripping hold.)

Grim: I'm betting Lacerda's shipping container is somewhere in this compartment. The bill of lading should be mounted on the side.

Sam: I'll have a look around.

(Sam finds the container at the top of the stack and scans the bill of lading.)

Grim: Good work, Sam. It looks like whoever delivered these arms to Lacerda was operating through a proxy.

Sam: Who?

Grim: Mercantil Costa Afuerda Securidad de Panama.

Sam: Off-shore bankers?

Grim: Yeah, the cigar-chomping kind.

Sam: Great… I love bureaucrats.

Grim: The bill of lading says that the arms were delivered to Lacerda using a Panamanian offshore bank as a proxy.

(The continuation of the dialogue depends on which primary objectives are not yet completed so far. Dialogue is not affected by full alert. In order of priority:)

Grim: You still need to recover the transit ledgers so we can figure out who else Lacerda is dealing with. Try the ship's office… they should have that information.

Grim: You still need to find out where Lacerda is holed up.

(if the captain is still interrogable)

Sam: The captain probably knows where he is.

Grim: Good idea. Why don't you head to the bridge and ask?

(if the captain was taken out)

Lambert: They might have logged a record of his room assignment in the ship's computer. The radio and communications center is topside.

Grim: Now all you need to do is keep your date with Lacerda. He's in the captain's quarters.

Sam: I forgot to bring a corsage.

Grim: That completes all of your primary objectives. Get to extraction whenever you want.

Sam: Alright.

(Sam leaves the hold. He can either pass two guards underfoot as he wriggles through a crawlspace, or go back in the hold and wait for the guards to pass by.)

Guard 3: Ay-yai-yaiyaiyaiyaiyai—have you had a look around this boat?

Guard 4: Yeah.

Guard 3: Tell me you found the life rafts.

Guard 4: Somewhere on the top deck, on the side. And there's a powered launch on the stern.

Guard 3: Think there is enough for everyone?

Guard 4: Yeah… but I wouldn't trust ‘em.

(The guards move on toward the bilge pump room while Sam moves on toward the engine room.)

Grim: Sensors in your suit are detecting a lot of fumes down there.

Sam: Yeah… I can smell it, some kind of gas leak.

Grim: Could be enough to be a serious explosive hazard. We can't have any firing in the engine room.

Sam: Wonderful.

Grim: And don't expect the enemy to be smart enough to realize that. They might still open fire on you if they see you.

Sam: I get the message… I'll be discreet.

Grim: Sam, the engine room has a gas leak. No firing in there. Not even a spark.

Engine room[]

(Sam enters the engine room. Two guards begin talking over the din of the engines.)

Guard 5: Uhhh, did you just--?

Guard 6: No… I thought it was you.

Guard 5: Wasn't me. Madre de Dios, it stinks!

Guard 6: Smells like… I'm not sure. Like gas fumes?

Guard 5: Smells like mud!

Guard 6: Yeah. Smells like gas fumes from a swamp.

Guard 5: You think it's dangerous?

Guard 6: Probably not.

(As Sam sneaks through the engine room, he passes two guards and an engineer. He can interrogate any of them.)

Sam: Stay calm. We don't want to make any sparks.

NPC: Who—Who are you?

Sam: I'm the fire inspector. And I'm worried that you or one of your stupid friends might try to squeeze off a shot in here.

NPC: What? Why?

Sam: Can't you smell the gas?

NPC: But… but I didn't think it was dangerous.

Sam: Imagine you needed to stow your ammo to prevent any accidents. Where would you put it?

NPC: Uhhh… The main bunk, up port-side. Just turn left out the back of the engine room. They've got a crate full of new guns back there. Maybe some other stuff too. *groan* Not sure.

(additional interrogation)

NPC: I won't fire my weapon. I promise! (OR) I won't even light a match!

Bunk area[]

(Sam maneuvers through enemy personnel and finds the bunk beyond the engine room and another weapons crate. There is an interrogable guard here.)

Sam: Quiet down here.

Guard: Ungh!

Sam: Quiet, and dark. Great place to hide a body.

Guard: Oh, no. Please. I'll tell you anything you want to know.

Sam: Tell me what Lacerda is up to.

Guard: He- He's delivering arms to people that he owes favors to.  Trying to consolidate support.

Sam: For what?

Guard: He believes in the revolution. He's crazy!

(additional interrogation)

Guard: I have no love for Lacerda. Kill him if you want. (OR) I'll tell no one.

Ship's office[]

(Up a flight of stairs, Sam nears the ship's office.)

Grim: Sam, you're near the ship's office. This deck, starboard side.

Sam: I'll find the transit ledgers there?

Grim: That's where they should be keeping them.

(Inside the office is a crewman at a computer, soon joined by a guard.)

Guard: Hey, did Lacerda pass through here?

Crewman: Yeah, he was here a few minutes ago, complaining about the ledgers. Bastard… I hope someone cuts his throat.

Guard: Lacerda is not a man to trifle with.

Crewman: I'm not going to trifle with him. I'm hoping someone else will do it.

Guard: That someone would experience painful death at Lacerda's hands.

Crewman: Mm-hmmm.

Guard: Where is Lacerda now?

Crewman: I don't know, and I don't wanna know.

(Sam can interrogate the guard.)

Sam: What are you doing here?

Guard: I would ask you the same.

Sam: I have a knife. You go first.

Guard: Right… I- I'm supposed to patrol around the office and the infirmary.

Sam: What else is on this deck?

Guard: Nothing. One deck up is the galley and the cafeteria. Below us is the engine room.

(additional interrogation)

Guard: If you're going to hurt me, please leave me near the infirmary. (OR) I don't know more. It's my second day aboard.

(Sam can access the transit ledgers through the computer or search through the filing cabinet on the opposite wall for a hard copy.)

Grim: The transit ledgers are forged. They say Lacerda's container is full of sugarcane and coconuts from a man named Nakariakov in Malaysia.

Sam: Nakariakov… I remember that name.

Grim: Nakariakov is a code name that Philippine drug dealers use to indicate arms shipments.

Sam: So instead of nuts from Malaysia, Lacerda got guns from an imaginary Russian?

Grim: Lacerda's ledgers are forged. The shipment is transited under the name Nakariakov, a code name used by Philippine arms dealers.

(The continuation of the dialogue depends on which primary objectives are not yet completed so far. Dialogue is not affected by full alert. In order of priority:)

Grim: Exactly. But we still need to find the actual bill of lading. Head back below decks into the cargo holds.

Sam: On my way.

Grim: Exactly. Now why don't you go find out where Lacerda is hiding?

(if the captain is still interrogable)

Sam: The captain probably knows where he is.

Grim: Good idea. Why don't you head to the bridge and ask?

(if the captain was taken out)

Lambert: They might have logged a record of his room assignment in the ship's computer. The radio and communications center is topside.

Grim: Exactly. Now all you need to do is keep your date with Lacerda. He's in the captain's quarters.

Sam: I forgot to bring a corsage.

Grim: Exactly. All of your primary objectives are complete, Sam. Get to extraction whenever you want.

Sam: Alright.

(Sam heads down the hall. He may stop by the infirmary to find a guard and a medkit. Once ready, Sam heads out to the port side.)

Outside, Part 2[]

(Sam finds a crate outside beneath the exterior stairway leading to different areas. He may visit the lower level areas including the cafeteria, or the upper level areas where the bridge is.)

Lower level - Cafeteria[]

(Sam scales the stairway and enters the cafeteria. Two guards are stationed in the cafeteria, with a crate in the galley.)

Guard 7: Hey, Toma. Have you seen Lacerda?

Toma: No, but I heard him yelling at someone a few minutes ago. That's why I came here.

Guard 7: Uh, what was he yelling about this time?

Toma: Complaining about his quarters or something.

Guard 7: Bastard. Thinks now that he's got a little cash he's king of the world.

Toma: He'll get his one of these days. You'll see.

(Sam tags the crate in the galley.)

Redding: Good job, Sam. Two more crates to go.

Lower level - Coffee den[]

(Sam approaches the coffee den behind the cafeteria)

(There are two possible interrogation dialogues. Interrogation 1 occurs if Sam has not yet learned of Lacerda's location, whereas Interrogation 2 occurs if Sam has already learned of Lacerda's location.)

Guard 8: Yuck! You know what I don't understand? Here we are, loaded up with Colombian… best coffee in the world…

Guard 9: And the coffee tastes like bat guano.

Guard 8: Exactly! What's up with that?

Guard 9: Because Captain Diego buys the cheapest coffee he can find.

Guard 8: Why?

Guard 9: Because cheap coffee sweats more. Makes it harder for the dogs to smell what's hidden inside the coffee.

Guard 8: Ahh, that makes sense. Still… wouldn't mind a good cup of coffee.

Guard 9: Tell me about it.

Sam: You look like one of Lacerda's men.

Guard: Uh… uhh… si. That's right.

Sam: Too bad for you. Tell me where I can find him.

(interrogate again)

Guard: He's been wandering around in a bad mood. Said he was going to talk to the captain about getting better quarters.

Sam: So, the captain might know where he is.

Guard: I guess so…

(additional interrogation)

Guard: I'm not really a bad guy. (OR) I'm afraid of dying.

Sam: Tell me something useful. Or I'll have to hurt you.

Guard: Oh no. Please!

Sam: Don't beg. It's pathetic.

Guard: Uh, okay. There is not much on this deck. Cafeteria mostly. Upstairs there is the officer's quarters, quite a few men up there.

(interrogate again)

Guard: Last I heard, Captain Diego let Lacerda take his quarters, up one deck.

Sam: Awfully nice of the Captain.

Guard: He couldn't stand Lacerda's complaining any longer. No one can!

Sam: I'll go shut him up for you then.

(additional interrogation)

Guard: I'm not really a bad guy. (OR) I'm afraid of dying.

Upper level - Officer's quarters[]

(Sam makes his way upstairs through the officer's quarters. There's a passenger Sam can interrogate on the way.)

Sam: Nice cabins here.

Passenger: *grunt*… Si. These are the officers' quarters. The captain's quarters are just down the hall.

Sam: So, you're an officer?

Passenger: No. Just a passenger. Travelling with Lacerda. They let us use their quarters.

Sam: You must be important guests.

Passenger: I think Lacerda is paying the captain very well.

Sam: In arms?

Passenger: I… I think so.

(additional interrogation)

Passenger: If you're after Lacerda, watch out for his bodyguards. (OR) Passenger: I don't want to die on this rusty old hulk.

Upper level - Ship's bridge[]

(From the officer's quarters, Sam makes his way up the stairs to the bridge where Captain Diego and his helmsman are adjusting course. Sam can complete his objective in two ways: Interrogate Diego or access the ship's computer in the radio/comm center on the boat deck above the bridge.)

Diego: Helm.

Helmsman: Si, mi capitan?

Diego: Make your heading 88 degrees, six minutes. Maintain speed.

Helmsman: Si, señor.

Diego: Scopes are clear?

Helmsman: Si, señor.

Diego: Gracias.

(Sam can interrogate Diego.)

Sam: I hear you have a special passenger tonight.

Diego: What—gack!—oh, who?

Sam: I'm the guy who's here to cash the checks Lacerda's been writing. Where is he?

Diego: That son of a— He was provoking my men, so I gave him my own cabin to shut him up.

Sam: That's very kind of you.

Diego: Be careful, he brought some personal bodyguards. They look dangerous.

Sam: I'm not afraid of Lacerda's thugs.

Diego: No, they're not Peruvian… they're Europeans, I think. Pros.

Sam: Hm… thanks for the tip.

Diego: The pleasure is all mine.

(additional interrogation)

Diego: Leave me his corpse so I can feed it to the rats. (OR) I'm glad you're here, but my men will shoot you on sight.

(If Diego is taken out without learning of Lacerda's location.)

Lambert: Dammit, Fisher. That was probably the only person aboard who knows where Lacerda is.

Sam: I guess I'll have to sweep the whole ship.

Lambert: They might have logged a record of his room assignment in the ship's computer. The radio and communications center is topside.

Lambert: Fisher, the Captain might have logged a record of Lacerda's room assignment on the ship's server. Check the top deck to find out where Lacerda is.

(After Lacerda's location is learned.)

Lambert: So Lacerda is holed up in the captain's quarters.

Sam: Where's that?

Lambert: Third deck, port side. The two interior stairwells are the only access to that deck.

Lambert: Fisher, Lacerda is in the Captain's quarters. Third deck, port side. Use the interior stairwells.

Captain's quarters and Lacerda[]

(Sam continues to the captain's quarters and finds a crate near the stairwell. Sam hears the raised voices of Lacerda and his bodyguards. He can listen to the conversation. During the conversation, Lacerda says the name of the Panamanian contact which completes the secondary objective. Lacerda also moves into the kitchenette where he can be grabbed.)

(Sam can interrogate the bodyguards and Lacerda. Lacerda also has a different interrogation dialogue on full alert.)

Lacerda: I tell you, never—never in my life have I been so insulted.

Bodyguard 1: I don't see why you're so upset. He got you passed the inspection. You think it's easy to get through the canal zone with all the crackdowns these days?

Lacerda: I don't care if it's hard. You think my job is easy? No! But this insult: forcing me to bribe an inspector, OUT OF MY OWN POCKET! No, this bigshot. This Vice President Señor Segundo Ruiz de Medeiros. HA! I'll show him!

Bodyguard 1: Fine.

Lacerda: Mark my words, I'll make him pay. I'll make him pay DOUBLE! Or my name is not Hugo Lacerda!

Bodyguard 1: Great.

Lacerda: I need another drink.

(Lacerda moves into the kitchenette and kneels into the minibar.)

Lacerda: Let me see…. Now where would that fat pig stash his rum...? Aghh. Bastard! I want rum!

Bodyguard 1: Hey! Why don't ya pour us a glass, too?

Lacerda: Si, Si, Fine! As soon as I find it. Must be here somewhere.

Bodyguard 2: I'll just have a beer actually.

Lacerda: What do I look like? A damn waiter!? HA! Hm… let's see.

(Either of the bodyguards are interrogable.)

Sam: Who are you?

Bodyguard: Hng… Who?

Sam: You're not one of Lacerda's thugs. What are you doing here?

Bodyguard: I don't know. I—

Sam: Who are you protecting Lacerda from?

Bodyguard: Lacerda has a lot of enemies. He's not very popular.

Sam: What are the guns for?

Bodyguard: Lacerda's using them to pay off his debts. Win some friends.

(additional interrogation)

Bodyguard: Lacerda doesn't have brains, or charisma. (OR) He wants to organize in Peru. It'll never work.

(Sam may grab Lacerda to have a little chat.)

Sam: Shh. Don't make a scene.

Lacerda: Hmph! Madre de Dios!

Sam: Not exactly, but if it makes you feel better to pray…

Lacerda: Please don't kill me.

(if Sam and Lacerda are still in the kitchenette)

Bodyguard 1: Lacerda, come on, bring us a drink!

(Sam interrogates Lacerda again to prevent the bodyguard from getting up)

Sam: Calm him down.

Lacerda: Uh… uh, si. I'm looking for some rum.

Bodyguard 1: What, you need a hand?

(Sam interrogates Lacerda again to prevent the bodyguard from getting up)

Lacerda: No! No, I- I'll find it.

Sam: Good job.

(dialogue resumes from here if Sam/Lacerda is not in the kitchenette)

Lacerda: Please let me go. I won't tell them I saw you.

Sam: You don't understand what's happening here, do you? Morgenholt. Your goons tortured him to death and I'm holding you responsible.

Lacerda: Oh, no! It's not my fault!

Sam: The only thing worse than a coward is a liar. You gave the order, and now you're gonna die for it.

Lacerda. Please…

Sam: First, tell me who contracted you to kidnap him.

Lacerda: I-I don't know. I swear! I was contacted indirectly. I was warned not to try and find out.

(if Sam and Lacerda are still in the kitchenette)

Bodyguard 1: C'mon Lacerda, hurry up!

(Sam interrogates Lacerda again to prevent the bodyguard from getting up)

Lacerda: Uh… un momento! You'd better let me go, or they'll come looking.

Sam: You wish.

(additional interrogation)

Lacerda: I'm sorry. It's not my fault! (OR) I'm a coward. Please!

Sam: Don't bother begging. You're already dead.

Lacerda: W-What did I do?

Sam: Small matter of ordering execution.

Lacerda: N-no, I didn't!

Sam: Morgenholt. Your men tortured him to death.

Lacerda: N-no, please! Arrest me. Put me on trial. I don't want to die!

Sam: Tell me something really juicy. Maybe I'll let you live.

Lacerda: I was hired, you know, to kidnap and interrogate him.

(Sam interrogates Lacerda again)

Sam: By who?

Lacerda: I don't know. They only dealt with me anonymously. They must be pretty powerful.

Sam: Interesting, but not enough to save your life.

Lacerda: No, no, wait, please!

Sam: Save your breath. You only have a few left.

(additional interrogation)

Lacerda: I'm sorry. It's not my fault! (OR) I'm a coward. Please!

(Sam kills Lacerda. The next dialogue depends on whether Sam has completed all his primary objectives)

Lambert: Good job, Fisher. I'll inform the Joint Chiefs that Lacerda is no longer a threat. Your primary objectives are completed. We can extract you whenever you're ready.

Lambert: Good job, Fisher. I'll inform the Joint Chiefs that Lacerda is no longer a threat.

Redding: Fisher, we can't extract you until you complete your primary objectives.

Fisher: Alright, I'll double back.

Outside - top deck[]

(Sam can go outside to the top deck.)

(Up on the boat deck, next to the radio/comm center are two guards who chat.)

Guard 10: What does it mean to “bootstrap”?

Guard 11: Uh, it means to accomplish something by using an entirely internal process. Why?

Guard 10: The Americans say they will have to bootstrap a shuttle launch if they want to save the astronauts on the ISS.

Guard 11: It's that bad?

Guard 10: It's worse. They say that since the wreckage of the first shuttle is still attached to the docking module, the crew will need to space-walk to the rescue shuttle.

Guard 11: Hm… That doesn't sound good.

Guard 10: Well… it will be two weeks before they can even launch the shuttle, so it might not even matter.

Guard 11: And I thought this ship was dangerous.

Guard 10: This ship isn't moving at 30,000 kilometers an hour.

(Any guard on the boat deck is interrogable.)

Sam: There are a lot of guys up here.

Guard: Oh, no uh… uh, yeah. It stinks on this rat trap. The fresh air is nice.

Sam: What's up here?

Guard: Just the communication and server rooms, and the observation platform.

Sam: Anything else?

Guard: There is an emergency ladder down to the launch at the stern.

(additional interrogation)

Guard: I don't know anything else. (OR) I didn't do anything wrong.

Outside - stern[]

(Down the ladder to the stern are two guards talking. Sam can find a crate in this area.)

Guard 12: Ah. I love the smell of the ocean air.

Guard 13: All I smell is burning oil and vomit.

Guard 12: Ah, come on. Enjoy it while you can. Before you know it, we'll be sweating in some jungle.

Guard 13: Never heard of anybody getting scurvy in a jungle.

Guard 12: And I've never heard of anybody getting eaten by an alligator on a ship.

(The stern guards are interrogable too.)

Sam: Boo!

Guard: Madre de Dios! How did--?

Sam: I'll ask the questions. Tell me about the launch.

Guard: The launch?

Sam: The boat up there on the rack.

Guard: All you have to do is pull the lever up there. And get in. What else do you need to know?

Sam: It's not mined or anything?

Guard: Are you crazy? Why would we mine a lifeboat?

(additional interrogation)

Guard: Don't let me stop you. (OR) Go ahead and take the launch. Be glad to see you go. Don't let me stop you.

(Sam climbs up to the launch and boards the lifeboat.)

(Mission Complete)
