Intro Cutscene and Briefing[]
News voice: Today, ambassador Long Dan announced Chinese support for the North Korean claim that they did not intentionally launch the missile that sank the Walsh.
(Long Dan speaking on TV at the podium)
Long Dan: We are monitoring these developments while continuing to seek a peaceful resolution. Make no mistake, the Chinese People's Republic will employ all means at our disposal to protect our interests in the Asian subcontinent.
(Cut to Secretary Frank Mason speaking at a podium in the White House)
Mason: Our intelligence estimates that the current number of Korean troops massed at the border runs as high as 200000 men. Monty?
Voice: Montgomery Lewis, the Times.
Montgomery Lewis: Do we know what the possible North Korean strategy will be if diplomatic efforts fail?
Mason: We've known for decades that the NKA would move to capture Seoul as quickly as possible regardless of the cost.
(Scene showing NKA troops running to a helicopter that starts flying in the background. A missile is raised, ready to launch.)
Mason: That is how our defenses are structured. But with the capital less than 40 miles from the border and well within artillery range of the big guns, it is clear that war would be catastrophic in terms of damage done and lives lost.
Colonel Irving Lambert: Fisher, I know you think the shortest distance to solving this problem is to go after Shetland, and you might be right. Unfortunately, the diplomatic situation surrounding the Walsh incident is not softening. We are less than twenty-four hours from open war on the Korean Peninsula. We've located the battery that launched the missile against the Walsh. If there is any credence to the North Korean claim that the launch was unintentional, we need to prove it... and fast.
Anna Grimsdottir: I've been reverse engineering the data you recovered from Zherkezhi's computer in New York. Zherkezhi's algorithm is an advanced extrapolation of the Masse kernels made infinitely more complex by recursion through Dvorak. I think that if you can access the BIOS memory of the missile launchers at the battery, I should be able to ID a fingerprint the algorithm would have left on the system.
William Redding: You'll be doing a HALO insertion into a forest two clicks east of the battery. You'll enter the battery's secure perimeter and infiltrate via the main air shaft. The battery itself has been around since World War Two, but intelligence and satellite imaging show it's been retrofitted several times since then. We have some limited mapping data... we don't know what you'll find.
Secretary Frank Mason: Since the destruction of the Walsh, the USS Ronald Reagan has assumed C and C duties for the Battle Group in the Yellow Sea. Our fleet is on Red Alert. In case of war, we are prepared to conduct precision sorties against high-value targets aimed at reducing North Korean coastal defenses for insertion behind their advancing front. If intelligence indicates that the Koreans are picking a fight, then it's a fight they'll get. Anyone in that battery when the whistle blows better find himself a tin hat and a bible.
Admiral Toshiro Otomo: Japanese I-SDF has been instrumental in determining that the missile that sank the Walsh was indeed fired from this battery. You have the complete support of all branches of the Japanese Self Defense Force in order to determine the rationale for this insane move by the Korean aggressors. We do not have the capability to strike the facility directly, but I-SDF will use any means at our disposal to interfere with their capabilities in the event that our great American allies are forced to declare war.In-Game[]
(Sam starts in an attic space leading to a trapdoor.)
Lambert: Fisher... it's starting to look like war is unavoidable. JCOS is asking all sources for current Division level intelligence.
Sam: So, besides stopping World War Three, is there anything else I can do for you this evening?
Lambert: The base commander should have up-to-date intel about NKA divisional strength down the Kaesong-Munsan approach.
Sam: I'll try to schedule an appointment with his secretary.
Redding: Fisher, since everyone is asking everyone for intel, I'd love to have a few chips at the big table.
Sam: What can I get you, Will?
Redding: Looks like this battery has repair and maintenance capability for mechanized warfare support. Any shipping or repair logs you can recover would be a big help.
Sam: I'll find what I can.
Battery alarms[]
(Note: If four alarms are triggered in the mission, all unfinished secondary, opportunity and bonus objectives except "Determine North Korea's divisional strength down the Kaesong-Musan approach." are cancelled and all related dialogues skipped. Most NPC conversations are skipped. Third Echelon dialogue may be different; differences are marked as "Full Alert".)
(There are two possible dialogues for each alarm level, depending on whether the invasion has occurred yet.)
(if invasion has not begun yet:)
Lambert: Dammit Fisher, watch the alarms. We're on the very edge of World War Three.
(after invasion has begun:)
Lambert: If we weren't already at war, I'd be telling you to be more careful.
(if invasion has not begun yet:)
Lambert: Fisher! Keep it quiet. We don't need to give the North Koreans an excuse.
(after invasion has begun:)
Lambert: Just because there's a war going on, that doesn't mean you can afford to be sloppy.
(if invasion has not begun yet:)
Lambert: Dammit Fisher, keep it under control. One more alarm and the whole base will be alerted!
(after invasion has begun:)
Lambert: Fisher, control yourself! One more alarm and the whole base is on alert. It'll put us one step closer to war.
(if invasion has not begun yet:)
Lambert: Dammit Fisher, you've really stirred up the hornet's nest now. The whole base is on alert. Complete your primaries and get out of there!
(after invasion has begun:)
Lambert: Dammit Fisher! You just put the whole base on alert. Should I inform the Joint Chiefs that we're opening a second front in the war? Complete your primaries and get out of there!
(The battery will be on full alert.)
(Sam drops down the trap door to a loading dock. Two guards converse here.)
Guard 1: Hey Peng, you said there were eight crates in the delivery, but I only see seven.
Guard 2: What do you mean, seven?
Guard 1: As in, one less than eight.
Guard 2: Well, the bill of lading said there were eight.
Guard 1: Did you count?
Guard 2: Uh, well, not exactly.
Guard 1: Not exactly?! It's just not that hard to count eight giant crates.
Guard 2: Look, I will double check, but if you screw this up, I'm going to have to report you.
(Sam can interrogate either guard.)
Sam: Tell me something useful and I won't stuff your corpse inside one of these crates.
Guard: The door code to get to the offices is 1879.
Sam: What? That's it? No resistance, no whining.
Guard: You're the one with the knife.
Sam: All right. Well thanks for your time then.
(additional interrogation)
Guard: Let me give you my water too. (OR) I told you, it's 1879.
(Sam can enter the computer area either through a passage in the underground passageways, or through the door. He can also reach the military sleeping quarters through an overhead vent.)
Opportunity objective - Recover the shipping and repair logs.[]
(Sam can recover shipping and repair log from various areas. The dialogue depends on the number of logs collected:)
Redding: Good work Fisher. Looks like they track shipping and repair through four separate departments.
Sam: Gotta love military bureaucracy.
Redding: See if you can get the logs from the other three.
Sam: Now serving number 67.
Redding: Good work Sam. One more shipping log to go and we'll have an accurate picture of their mechanized capabilities in the region.
Sam: I'll find it.
Redding: Good job, Sam. From the parts and transport requests, it looks like this facility is significantly more important than our latest estimates.
Sam: Well you know me... always where the action is.(Sam can recover a shipping log in the computer area. He goes through the military sleeping quarters where two guards are sleeping, and reaches a storage room with a guard and a camera overlooking the area.)
(Sam can interrogate the guard in the storage room.)
Sam: What's in all the boxes?
Guard: My god, no!
Sam: Yeah yeah, shock and awe. Just answer the question. What's in the boxes?
Guard: I swear, I-I don't know! It's just my job to guard the room.
Sam: Fine, then tell me something you do know.
Guard: There is a-a hatch in the corner. It leads to the sub-floor under the loading dock.
Sam: Really?
(additional interrogation)
Guard: Check the boxes for yourself. I-I won't tell! (OR) I don't know any more.
(Sam can enter the security room where there is another shipping log. A guard is in here.)
(Sam can interrogate the guard:)
Sam: You know any of us?
Guard: Woah, how did you get here?
Sam: You're spoiling the mood. I'm not here for chit-chat.
Guard: Oh, shut up.
Sam: Anything of interest in here?
Guard: We keep a repair log on the computer over there.
Sam: I like repair logs.
(additional interrogation)
Guard: Please! I'm just a scout. (OR) I-I'm not evil!
(Sam heads toward a missile loading room. Two guards are talking here.)
Guard 1: All right, well, that's our work done. Let the control room take over.
Guard 2: Who's in the control room?
Guard 1: How should I know?
Guard 2: So, what? We're just going to leave the missile hanging there?
Guard 1: Orders. Deliver cargo to loading bay at vicinity 27S290. Nothing in there about working a bunch of cranes that we're not trained on.
Guard 2: Hear enough.
(Sam can interrogate either guard.)
Sam: Imagine I wanted to open these big doors.
Guard: My god! Who are you?
Sam: I'm the key master. You're the gatekeeper.
Guard: Oh god! I-I don't know the code! We're not from the base! We just deliver the missile and wait for someone to sign.
Sam: Hm. So how am I gonna get through?
Guard: You have to somehow climb through the shaft where the missile goes through.
Sam: Good idea.
Guard: A-Anything to help.
(additional interrogation)
(Sam is able to move the missile through the missile loading door. Sam follows the missile and drops down into the main missile bay.)
Missile bay[]
(There are various guards hanging around the missile bay. Sam can interrogate them at certain times.)
(If Sam interrogates a guard before going up to the command center to complete the primary objective:)
Sam: Keep quiet, or it's bad news.
Guard: Oh god, please, I'll cooperate.
Sam: Good. I'm looking for senior officers, a command center.
Guard: There's an elevator just there. It leads up to the command center. The base commander should be up there.
Sam: Thanks.
(additional interrogation)
Guard: I didn't do anything wrong! (OR) Please don't hurt me!
(If Sam interrogates a guard after the invasion has started but before reaching the east battery:)
Sam: I heard there's a launch in progress.
Guard: Oh god!
Sam: I don't have time for you to freak out. Where's the missile being launched from?
Guard: The east battery. But you better hurry!
Sam: Thanks for the tip.
(additional interrogation)
Guard: I didn't do anything wrong! (OR) Please don't hurt me!
(Sam can complete a bonus objective here. if Sam primes either of the two missiles with exposed circuits in the missile bay:)
Lambert: I see what you're thinking, Fisher.
Sam: If they're just going to throw protocol to the wind and leave the warhead case unlocked...
Lambert: Even detonating them won't destroy the battery.
Sam: No, but it will make an awful big mess.
(if Sam primes the other missile afterwards:)
Lambert: Good work, Fisher.
Sam: I'm uploading the arming sequence codes for Grim. Lambert, if worse comes to worst... and I'm still here...
Lambert: You don't even need to say it, Sam.
Command center[]
(Sam can either hack the elevator door and take the elevator up, or go in the elevator shaft through a secret entrance and bypass a circuit above the elevator to cause it to move, then sneak through some vents to the command center. There is a computer that Sam can use to get a shipping log.)
(In the command center, the base commander, a captain, and a technician are talking:)
Captain: Sir, we... we have finished our preliminary inspection of the west launcher.
Base commander: And what is your report?
Captain: We did every test we could, sir.
Base commander: And?
Captain: And, well, there was no malfunction, sir.
Base commander: No malfunction, hm. Curious. There is an 80 billion dollar warship on the bottom of the sea, sunk by a missile that left this battery. The world is less than 12 hours from a war that will kill millions of people. And you're telling me that there was no malfunction.
Captain: We... we checked everything, sir. I assure you.
Base commander: Well, captain. The only two people in this building who could authorize that launch without approval are you and I. I know *I* did not do it. So, if it wasn't a malfunction...
(The commander takes out a gun and shoots TBA)
Base commander: I want you to run every test again, then run whatever test the captain forgot until you find out what the hell happened with my missile.
Technician: Sir, yes sir!
Base commander: Get out of my sight!
(Sam can interrogate the technician.)
Sam: Don't panic.
Technician: I-
Sam: You're well trained.
Technician: I am a loyal soldier of the North Korean army.
Sam: Congratulations. Give me some intelligence or you'll be pushing up daisies in the cemetery full of guys just like you.
Technician: I don't have any intelligence.
Sam: Heheh, you just called yourself stupid.
Technician: I am not stupid. I am loyal.
Sam: Boy, you're worse than a washed out jarhead.
Technician: Do not compare me to a cowardly American marine.
Sam: Tell me something useful or we're finished here.
Technician: Death before dishonor.
Sam: Boy. You grunts are all the same.
(additional interrogation)
Merc: Corporal Youngho Kwan (OR) 825775867
Sam: Don't bother with the "Who are you?" crap. We're too old for children's games.
Base commander: Ugh, fine. What do you want, American?
Sam: This battery is on the logistics train down Kaesong-Munsan. What's the divisional strength?
Base commander: Why should I tell you? You'll kill me anyway.
Sam: It's a game of position, Colonel, and you've already lost. Do you need to condemn fifty thousand men as well?
Base commander: They'll be your men, American, not mine.
Sam: They're not my men, Colonel, and they're not yours either. They're just men, husbands, fathers, sons, same as you and I. Do they need to die for our mistakes?
Base commander: We have 8-to-1 force ratios against your second infantry division in armor, artillery and infantry down the length of the approach.
Sam: 8-to-1?
Base commander: You cannot win. Kaesong-Munsan will be the breach point, and Seoul will fall inside of 72 hours.
(additional interrogation)
Base commander: Old soldiers never die. (OR) Fit to serve, fit to rest.(Once Sam completes the objective determining whether the launch was intentional, either from the conversation, or from the computer in the room:)
Grim: That seals it... the missile came from here, but they didn't launch it intentionally.
Sam: So, that's a good thing. We can avoid a war.
Grim: Problem is that someone launched the missile intentionally.
Sam: Isn't that someone Doug Shetland using Zherkezhi's algorithms?
Grim: That seems likely, but I still need to see if there is a Dvorak fingerprint on the BIOS of the launcher that fired the missile.Grim: Sam, they didn't launch the missile intentionally. But we still need to see if we can find out who did, and where they did it from. Tap directly into the motherboard on the launcher that fired the missile.
(After Sam interrogates the base commander:)
Lambert: Good lord, Fisher... those numbers triple our best estimates.
Sam: Damn... I know a lot of guys in 2ID, Lambert...
Lambert: They're good men... but I hope their life insurance policies are up to date.Lambert: Fisher, that's the intel we needed about the Kaesong-Munsan approach... but it's not good. If this thing blows up in our faces, we're in big trouble.
(If Sam takes out the technician before completing the objective learning whether the launch was intentional. Note that interrogating the technician does not complete this objective:)
Grim: Why did you do that? That technician could have answered some important questions...
Sam: Like what?
Grim: Like if they launched the missile intentionally. See if he has any logs or journals backed up in his office.
Sam: I'll take a peek.Grim: Sam, you'll need to see if the technician keeps copies of his report backed up somewhere.
(Sam heads back down the elevator.)
West battery[]
(The bay door to the west battery opens at this point, and Sam heads through. The launcher has a casing that needs to be opened.)
(If Sam approaches the casing. Note that the dialogue is the same regardless of full alert:)
Grim: Before you can tap into the BIOS, you'll need to open the casing.
Sam: I didn't bring my crowbar.
Grim: Whatever... crowbars are for geeky video-game characters. Put the launcher into its maintenance position. There should be a switch in the control room directly beneath you.
(Sam goes to the control room underneath. Once Sam bypasses the circuit:)
Grim: Alright, that opened the casing. You can access the motherboard on the launcher itself and recover any routing data from the BIOS.
Grim: The casing is open. You can access the motherboard on the launcher itself and recover any routing data from the BIOS.
(Sam uses the computer on the launcher after the casing is open:)
Grim: Good work Sam... I'm scanning the BIOS now... yep... that's a Dvorak fingerprint.
Sam: Where did it come from? Hokkaido? The Displace offices?
Grim: Seoul.
Sam: What? As in South Korea? Are you telling me the US just got drawn into a war protecting the people that sank the Walsh?
Grim: I can't trace it back farther than Seoul.
Sam: Well, what do I do?
Lambert: Sweet Jesus Fisher... the NKA just committed... they're coming across the DMZ... we're at war!
Sam: Why? We just found proof they didn't launch the missile.
Lambert: Good Lord... speaking of missile launches... that battery just lit up like a smoker getting off an airplane.
Sam: They're not targeting our ships are they?
Lambert: Active radar is up, and it looks like a launch is imminent. Fisher, you need to abort that missile.
Sam: You got it boss.
Grim: Another complication. Looks like the launch order came through Seoul... I hope we're at war with the right people. Abort the missile launch in the east battery and get out of there.
Lambert: Fisher, the NKA just spilled over into the DMZ... we're at war, and it looks like that battery is about to launch more missiles. I need you to stop them.(Battery launch alarms start up throughout the base, making noise.)
East battery[]
(The bay door to the east battery is now open. Sam goes through and bypasses a circuit to open a door, but just as Sam goes through the door, the missile launches:)
Lambert: Black hell... you're too late...
Sam: The warhead won't arm until it's a few hundred meters from its target. If I can dig up the abort codes...
Lambert: Good thinking. Check launch control directly under the platform.
Sam: I'm on my way.
Lambert: Make it fast, Fisher... flight time on that missile is three minutes.Lambert: You were too late to stop the launch, but you can abort the missile from the launch control underneath the platform. Hurry.
(Sam goes to the control room underneath. There are guards in the room. Sam uses a computer in this room to get the abort codes:)
Grim: Good work Sam. Those are the abort codes.
Sam: I still need to bypass the override circuit from the missile control room.
Grim: Hurry... the missile is closing on the USS Ronald Reagan at top speed.
Sam: Um... hold on... did you just tell me I need to win one for the Gipper?
Grim: Uh... dude... what does that even mean?
Sam: Uh... never mind... you're right, Grim... I am old.Grim: Now that we have the abort codes, you need to bypass the override circuits from the missile control room.
(Sam returns to the missile bay to use the abort code on the computer, stopping the missile.)
Grim: Good job, Sam... missile aborted.
Sam: That's it... it's dust?
Grim: No, but the warhead can't arm. Even if it gets past the Reagan's phalanx, it'll hit the hull and crumple like a beer can.
Sam: Crumpling beer cans? That's what sailors are best at, I guess.
Grim: Very funny... you need to make your way to extraction.
Sam: Right... I'm on my way.Grim: Missile aborted. Make your way to extraction.
(Sam extracts by taking a rappel point from either the east or west launchers.)
[Mission complete]