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Splinter Cell Wiki

Intro Cutscene and Briefing[]

Cutscene: Tuesday, June 26, 2007

(WNM intro and music plays.)

Morris O'Dell: With still no word from the North Korean government, China's Long Dan again urged all sides to come to the bargain-- Wednesday, Jun 27, 2007

Morris O'Dell: We have now a late response by Admiral Toshiro Otomo of the Japanese ISDF.

Toshiro Otomo: Despite the ambassador's… effort…

(Hard cut to USS Walsh, Otomo still heard on a radio.)

Otomo: …nothing has changed. The Japanese people must continue to endure harrassment and humiliation. We eagerly anticipate the arrival of…

(Otomo's audio trails off as Sam and Redding are preparing their chopper for takeoff. Captain Partridge approaches the aircraft.)

Captain Arthur Partridge: Hey, I hear you're leaving us. Heading back for Panama?

Sam Fisher: Hate to eat and run, Sir. We have a few loose ends to tie-off before we can rejoin you.

Partridge: Well, if you can make it back for the Fourth of July, I'll show you one heck of a good time, boy!

Sam: Wouldn't miss it for the world.

Colonel Irving Lambert: Fisher, the arms that Lacerda had were purchased by someone using a Panamanian offshore bank as proxy. I want to take a peek inside their records. Unfortunately, it's not as simple as that. This op can't look like a US intelligence gig, so to cover it up you'll need to crack the bank's vault and lift some bearer bonds – property of the French Government.

Anna Grimsdottír: I hit the bank's servers last night but I didn't find much. All their workstations run drivers for plug and play hard-drives. I'm guessing they secure them physically every night. Crazy world we live in where electronic intrusion is more of a threat than physical intrusion. Anyway, they probably store the drives in the main vault meaning they're not going to be easy to get a hold of.

William Redding: First, the good news: you've been in this bank before. You were part of a CIA raiding team that went in in '89 looking for some of Noriega's drug money. Most of the intelligence we have on the bank actually comes from your team. The bad news is that we have a lot of physical security. Lasers, motion sensors, locked doors, cameras, the whole lot, and none of it was there in '89. We've also contacted a… uh… specialist… to help crack the vault. You better talk to him.

Thomas “The Turtle” Standish: Look, I don't know who you are, or why I'm helping you other than it's better than staring at the ceiling in my cell. I hear you have to face a Mason Wells 88. Well, it ain't a one-man job, but they tell me you can do the work of five men. Fine, I says. I had your mate Willy make a little deposit for you. You'll be needing some things from a safety deposit box in the little vault that we can use to crack the main one.

Captain Arthur Partridge: We'll continue on our course for the Yellow Sea and send you back by helicopter to Panama City. I have no authorization to act inside Panamanian borders, so you'll be operating covertly out of the Embassy. You and your partner will be on your own in Panama.


(Note: If four alarms are triggered in the mission, all unfinished secondary, opportunity and bonus objectives are cancelled and all related dialogues skipped. Most NPC conversations are skipped. Third Echelon dialogue may be different; differences are marked as "Full Alert".)

(Being detected by a camera or laser in the bank vault will instantly raise the alert level to full alert)

Lambert: Fisher... watch the alarms... this is a bank robbery after all.

Lambert: I'm serious Sam... too many alarms and you'll have the whole Panamanian Army after you.

Lambert: Fisher... I'm not kidding around. One more alarm and you'll be in big trouble.

(if not all primary objectives are completed)

Lambert: Alright Fisher... this whole mission is a mess. Complete your primary objectives and extract from the nearest possible point.

Sam: Yes sir.

(if all primary objectives are completed)

Lambert: Looks like they just turned up the heat, Fisher. Your objectives are complete. Get to the nearest extraction point.

Sam: Yes sir.

(The bank will be on full alert.)


(Sam is inserted over the wall into the front courtyard. Sam sees a few guards patrolling. For the first conversation, two are talking. There is a second conversation between Guard 1 and another guard later on if Sam waits.)

Guard 1: Hey, Emilio. Did you see these new motion-sensing lights?

Emilio: No. What do they do?

Guard 1: When they detect movement, the light turns on!

Emilio: That's… that's amazing!

Guard 1: Like magic.

Emilio: I think… I think I'll get one of those for my garage. Imagine that. You pull up in your car at night and the driveway lights up automatically!

Guard 1: Hah! You're crazy. This is high-tech stuff, Emilio. It probably costs thousands of dollars.

Emilio: Hm. Si. You're probably right. I could never afford it.

(After the first conversation, the first guard speaks to another guard.)

Guard 1: Did you hear the latest news? The Americans just announced that they have a problem with the rescue shuttle.

Guard 2: What kind of problem?

Guard 1: Some kind of malfunction in one of the rocket assemblies. The parts required will take weeks to manufacture.

Guard 2: I thought they say the astronauts only had a few days of life support left.

Guard 1: That's what they said.

Guard 2: So- so, what? Are they just going to die up there?

Guard 1: That's what it looks like.

Guard 2: That's horrible.

Guard 1: I'll say.

(Sam can interrogate any guard in the courtyard.)

Sam: Tell me something about your security systems.

Guard: Ah! Ooh… okay. We have motion sensors out here. Newly installed.

Sam: Motion sensors?

Guard: Si. They turn on the lights.

Sam: Oh, I see. No alarms, just lights. Like for your garage.

Guard: Uh… not for my garage. Are you kidding? Those things are expensive. High-tech!

Sam: Uh, yeah. Whatever.

(additional interrogation)

Guard: Don't kill me. I beg you! (OR) I swear, the motion sensors are not connected to alarms!

(Sam moves through the courtyard and approaches the bank.)

Grim: Fisher, I just synched your OPSAT with intelligence on the bank that you and your team gathered back in '89.

Sam: Ah, the memories…

Grim: Yeah. Judging from your report, sounds like it was quite a vacation.

Sam: It was actually. I spent most of the rest of that year sleeping in a ditch on the road between Baghdad and Kuwait.

Grim: Oh, well. If it's any consolation, I had a bad year that year too.

Sam: What? You weren't working for the government during the Gulf War?

Grim: No. I was in Tenth Grade.

Sam: Oh. Right. Yuck.

(Sam can either go directly through the front entrance if there has been no alarm and the reception guard has not locked the glass doors, or go around the side for a stealthy way in. If he goes around the side, Sam reaches the roof and sees some promising skylights.)

Grim: Fisher, I've got a copy of a work order here that the bank filed with their insurance company. It says the dome windows over the lobby are magnetically locked. See if you can find a breaker or junction box up here and power down the locks.

Sam: Right.

Grim: Sam, you'll need to disable a junction box on the roof to switch off the magnetic locks on the rooftop windows.

(Sam breaks into the power shed and throws the breaker.)

Grim: Good work, Sam. That shut down the magnetic locks on the windows… hey… wait a minute… power spike. The lobby. It looks like a laser grid just came online.

Sam: Lasers? Lasers are so—

Grim: Nineties?

Sam: I was going to say seventies. Can you please stop making me feel old?

Grim: Got bad news for you, Sam… you are old.

Grim: Lasers just came online in the lobby, Sam.

(Sam unlashes a rope from the dome skylights and begins to ease down. He deactivates the lasers using his EEV to access a nearby terminal.)

Inside the bank[]

Primary objective: Authorize the vault access from the three officers' panel.[]

(Vault access needs to be authorized from panels in three locations, in any order. The dialogues related to the objective are all compiled in this section.)

Lambert: Fisher, here's our advisor. He'll walk you through the steps that'll get you into that vault. Be patient with him.

Sam: Oh… he's one of those.

Turtle: Right! Hello? Is this thing on then?

Sam: It's on. I'm here. Have you been briefed?

Turtle: Whatever. Listen, this is a Mason Wells 88. Each one is unique. You wanna get a butcher's up this girl's skirt. First thing you'll need to do is authorize an opening.

Sam: How do I do that?

Turtle: The Bank President and the Treasurer will each have an authorization lock in their office. There'll be another one in the security office. You'll need to disable all three.

Fisher: Ok.

Turtle: First thing you need to do is tap the authorization locks in the security office, the president's office, and the treasurer's office.

(When Sam taps the first authorization lock, the dialogue depends on which lock is done first.)

Turtle: That's the Treasurer's authorization. Two more to go.

Turtle: That's the security authorization. Two more to go.

Turtle: That's the President's authorization. Two more to go.

(When Sam taps the second authorization lock, the dialogue depends on which locks have already been done.)

Turtle: That's two down, now just authorize from the President's Office.

Turtle: That's two down, now just authorize from the security office.

Turtle: That's two down, now just authorize from the Treasurer's Office.

(when Sam taps the final authorization lock)

Turtle: Right, that's authorization done. The outer cage to the vault should be opening as we speak.

Sam: Great.

Turtle: Just inside the cage there's a small vault full of safety boxes. Your mate dropped off some kit for you in one of them.

Sam: Alright, I'll let you know when I'm there.

Turtle: Authorization is done. Head to the vault. There is some equipment there for you in a safety deposit box.

Opportunity objective: Plant a series of false e-mails to make it look like an inside job.[]

(Throughout the bank, Sam can plant 8 forged e-mails on PCs to frame the MCAS staff for the impending robbery. The following dialogues play as Sam plants the e-mails.)

Lambert: That's a relief. Our installer seems to be compatible with their local OS.

Sam: That's it? Just plug and play?

Lambert: That's the idea. No fuss. Get all eight of those forged mails uploaded.

Sam: Make the robbery look like an inside job.

Lambert: Exactly.

Lambert: That's half of the forged mails, Sam. Four more to go.

Sam: Thanks. I've always found it hard to count past three.

Lambert: No need to be smarmy, Sam.

Lambert: Great work, Fisher. One more forged mail and we're covered.

Sam: Doin' my best.

Lambert: Great work, Fisher. Now any investigation into the robbery will only point back at the investigators.

Sam: So the Panamanian government will end up sending some innocent banker to prison?

Lambert: Innocent if you don't count providing arms to revolutionaries.

Sam: Oh, right, I forgot. Bankers: evil.

(If Sam destroys a computer tower before a forged e-mail is uploaded to it:)

Lambert: Damn... That computer was one of the ones we needed to plant a forged e-mail on.

Sam: Oh... I guess that scraps my opportunity objective.

Lambert: Unfortunately.

(The objective is cancelled and all other dialogues in this section are skipped.)

Main reception and Lobby[]

(Sam can plant a forged e-mail at the reception desk. The reception guard can be interrogated.)

Sam: How many men on duty tonight?

Guard: Madre de Dios!

Sam: Answer the question.

Guard: How many… you mean, including me?

Sam: Unless you think I should remove you from the equation.

Guard: No… n-n-no that's fine. I think… I think there are twenty of us.

Sam: You think?

Guard: That's counting the guards outside and on the rooftop, as well as the technicians and the guards who are on call in case of emergency.

Sam: And is that including you or not?

Guard: Yes! Yes! That is definitely including me.

(additional interrogation)

Guard: That's everyone, I'm sure. (OR) Paolo phoned in sick. We're normally twenty-one.

(There are two paths forward from here: The left path takes Sam past a security checkpoint and up a staircase to a laser grid and two hackable PCs before reaching the security office. The path on the right is locked by a retinal scanner and attended by a lone guard, sleeping tightly in a rolling office chair.)

(Sam can interrogate the guard.)

Sam: I didn't disturb your rest, did I?

Sleepy: *gags loudly*

Sam: Shh. I'm here to rob the place.

Sleepy: The tellers' drawers! Each one maintains an overnight float of… of a thousand Balboas.

Sam: I'm not interested in petty cash.

Sleepy: You'll never crack the main vault. It's impregnable!

Sam: Then you won't mind if I try.

Sleepy: N-no… of course! You're the boss. Whatever you say.

Sam: What can you do to help me?

Sleepy: The retinal scanner here, I can unlock it!

Sam: That's very kind of you.

(additional interrogation)

Sleepy: I wish you luck with the vault. (OR) The gold is heavy. You won't be able to carry much.

Right wing and back courtyard[]

(Sam goes through the right door, accessing the right wing of the first floor.)

(There is a vent in one of the rooms connecting the archive room on the right wing with the bathroom on the left wing. If Sam goes through this vent:)

Sam: Agh, it stinks.

(Past a camera on the right wing is the access hallway to the main vault and the Treasurer's Office, on which there is a sparking keypad with a workman repairing it. When his colleagues are out of earshot he can be heard grumbling to himself. There are two possible dialogues for interrogation, depending whether the workman is interrogated before the door is fixed, or afterward)

Paco: “Fix this, Paco.” “Fix that, Paco.” “This is broken.” “The (inaudible) is dirty.” Always slaving… cleaning up after you. Always taking care of you so you can do your work. “Oh, don't worry. If you break it Paco will fix it. Paco has nothing better to do than fix every stupid little thing that breaks…” Oh, what was that code again? 8-6-4-5. *grumbles* Now, what else can Paco fix for you?

(Sam can grab Paco for a chat. If he grabs Paco before the door is fixed…)

Sam: Hello, Paco.

Paco: Oh, no! A robber! Please, don't hurt Paco!

Sam: Tell me the keycode.

Paco: This door is broken, and Paco cannot fix it. I-I've got to call the security company to come and have a look.

Sam: Is there another way in?

Paco: Maybe if you're a mouse, heheheh— oof! You want Paco to call the security company for you?

Sam: No, that's alright. I'll find another way in.

(additional interrogation)

Paco: These things break all the time. (OR) You want me to call the guy to fix it, just say so.

(If Sam grabs Paco after he fixes the door…)

Sam: Hello, Paco.

Paco: Grrk—Who are you? What do you want?

Sam: I wanted to thank you for fixing the keypad on that door.

Paco: 'Kay. Yeah. That's Paco. Always doing the dirty work.

Sam: You wanna tell me the doorcode now?

Paco: Sure. Why not? It's 8-6-4-5. You want me to write it down?

Sam: No. That's okay.

(additional interrogation)

Paco: 8-6-4-5. (OR) Paco doesn't give his numbers out to just anyone.

(Near the Treasurer's office is vault security, where three guards sit and an e-mail can be planted.)

Guard 7: I'm telling you, it was a rat.

Guard 8: No chance, it was way too big to be a rat. Maybe it was a monkey, or… or a bear.

Guard 7: Ha! A bear. You're crazy! I know that vent is pretty big, but bears are huge. And a bear would have destroyed the Treasurer's Office anyway.

Guard 8: Well, maybe it was a little bear. Y'know, one of those cute ones.

Guard 7: We don't even have bears in Panama.

Guard 8: Maybe it escaped from the zoo.

Guard 7: You're an imbecile.

Guard 8: It was too big to be a rat.

(Sam plants the 4th email.)

(Sam breaks into the Treasurer's Office. He finds the authorization lock on the wall and disables it.)

Secondary objective[]

(Before leaving the office, Sam hacks the computer to plant an e-mail, but stumbles across some intelligence.)

Lambert: Oh, no. Zherkezhi. That's exactly what I didn't want to see.

Sam: Zherkezhi, is that some kind of dried meat?

Lambert: He's probably the best computational theorist in the world. He worked with Morgenholt on Project Watson. Word is he's gone off his nut.

Sam: Sounds like bad guy material to me.

(Sam goes to the back courtyard either through the back door or a vent in the Treasurer's office. He can overhear the shouting of a guard on the phone from the window of the President's Office.)

Guard 9: Well, what else can I do? You want me to check if the President left the air conditioning on in his office, I kind of actually have to ENTER the office!... Of course I used the doorcode!... OF COURSE!... What do you mean not secure?... No one is listening!... You are paranoid! ... What?... Do not say the doorcode?... Three-four-nine-zero. Three-four-nine-zero. THREE-FOUR-NINE-ZERO! THREE-FOUR-NINE-ZERO!!! There I said it! I said the code!... What are you going to do about it?!... Oh. OH! I AM TERRIFIED. ESTÚPIDO!

(Below that open window is a guard patrolling the Executive Courtyard that Sam can interrogate.)

Sam: Alright, I don't know who you are, but this is private property.

Guard: What are you talking about? I've been working here for two years!

Sam: Prove it.

Guard: Prove it? Uh…okay. Well… the keycode to the back doors it—Hey! Wait a minute, you're trying to trick me! You're the one who's not supposed to be here!

Sam: Alright, you caught me. I surrender. Oh, wait. Instead, how about you tell me the keycode anyway and I won't be forced to hurt you?

Guard: Oh, well… since you put it that way, the code is 3901.

Sam: Thanks.

(additional interrogation)

Guard: I'm not afraid of you. GNK! OKAY, I'M AFRAID! I AM! (OR) You almost tricked me, but I'm too smart.

(On full-alert, there is an extra guard on the balcony overlooking the back courtyard who has a unique interrogation.)

Sam: Evening.

Guard: Ungh… How did you--? Ack!

Sam: I'll ask the questions. What are you doing up here?

Guard: I heard the alarm. I came down from the roof.

(additional interrogation)

Guard: I promise I'll tell no one. (OR) Please! I complete my service in six weeks!

Left wing and second floor[]

(From the main lobby, Sam takes the left door. Down the left-hand path is the checkpoint with several guards inside.)

Guard 3: So, you know how the other night I was covering Colón's shift, right? Well, I'm patrolling past the archive room, and I hear something. I look inside, and I hear singing.

Guard 4: Singing? From where?

Guard 3: Well, that's the thing! I search the room, but I can't find anything. But I definitely hear singing. And later, I'm over on this side, I hear Rodrigo singing the same song!

Guard 4: So, it was Rodrigo in the archives room?

Guard 3: No, there was no one there. But you know the vent in the archive room? Well, I think that vent connects to this side, to the men's bathroom. I think that's how I heard Rodrigo.

Guard 4: You mean Rodrigo sings while he's going to the bathroom? *shudder*

(one of the guards goes to the bathroom)

(after a guard returns from the bathroom)

Guard 4: Ohh, these uniforms are uncomfortable.

Guard 3: Oh, that's one of the new American-made ones.

Guard 4: So? That's good. They are not made by second-rate laborers low-balling each other for aPanamanian Army service contract.

Guard 3: Oh, make no mistake. The quality of the uniforms is exemplary. They'll never wear out.

Guard 4: So?

Guard 3: Well, they're about five degrees hotter, they weigh eight ounces more, they don't breathe at all and they're itchy.

Guard 4: Well. It doesn't sound like a very good business move to me. Why would the Americans do that?

Guard 3: From a business perspective, it's a terrible move. But let me ask you something.

Guard 4: What?

Guard 3: Hypothetically speaking, if you had to invade Panama, would you rather fight an Army in disposable, second-rate uniforms? Or, an army that was over-burdened, over-heated, itchy, and couldn't move well?

Guard 4: Oh… I didn't think of it that way.

Guard 3: Neither did our generals when they pocketed a juicy U.S. contract for “everlasting uniforms”. There are many ways to wage war, my friend.

(Sam can grab any guard here)

Sam: Bad news.

Guard: Ack! Heh. Okay, very funny, Tahoe. Hey… Ow!

Sam: I'm not Tahoe.

Guard: I—who—uh… oh, no.

Sam: Stay calm. Tell me something interesting.

Guard: The security cameras. The system is centralized. There's a main camera room. Y-you can access the cameras from there.

Sam: Where?

Guard: Second floor!

(additional interrogation)

Guard: I can't think of anything else! (OR) I told you about the camera room!

(Sam slips a forged e-mail into their computer via EEV and moves up the stairs.)

Grim: Looks like more lasers ahead, Sam. This whole place is singing with photons.

Sam: There's a guard who seems to be walking around here no problem.

Grim: Maybe he has some kind of beacon. Get close and you can stay in his electronic shadow.

Grim: Stick close to the patrolling guard and you can avoid the lasers.

(Sam can follow or drag the guard, but he and another have a conversation if left untouched.)

Guard 5: Hey, I was just thinking something.

Guard 6: What's that?

Guard 5: Did you ever notice that this bank doesn't have any bank machines?

Guard 6: Of course.

Guard 5: Why do you think that is?

Guard 6: Because they don't want people to hack the bank machines.

Guard 5: Hack a bank machine…? Whoever heard of that?

Guard 6: It's not the realism that's the problem, it's just that it introduces a whole resource economy that we don't want to deal with.

Guard 5: Oh, ohh. I see your point.

(Sam can interrogate a guard here.)

Sam: That's a neat trick you do with the lasers.

Guard: Que? Wha—oh, the grids. They detect some kind of signal emitted by a transmitter stitched into my uniform.

Sam: Gimme the transmitter.

Guard: I don't know where it is. I swear. It's just stitched into my uniform somewhere.

Sam: Hmmm… that's bad news for you. Because I still need to get past the lasers… and since I don't want to undress you, that means I'll have to take your body.

Guard: My body!? Y-you mean my unconscious body… I hope.

Sam: Either way works for me.

(additional interrogation)

Guard: You should have just followed me. Now you have to drag me with you. (OR) Please, you don't need to kill me.

(Sam plants a third e-mail on the PC in the laser area and moves on to the main security office.)

Security and President's offices[]

(Sam moves on through the bank on the second floor to the security offices. He can also access the security office from a vent joining the back courtyard's balcony. If he disables the fan, the guards notice the fan fail.)

Guard 9: Agh. Not the fan again.

Guard 10: Stupid piece of junk. How come the air-conditioning in the President's Office never fails, but our fan breaks every night?

Guard 9: Uh, let's see… he's the President, and we are just security guards. Might as well have Noriega back.

Guard 10: Always the poor who suffer for the rich.

Guard 9: Tell me about it. Well… anyway, we better fix it.

Guard 10: No way. I ain't getting my hands dirty. Call that loser Paco up here and make him do it.

Guard 9: Hey, good idea!

(Either guard can be interrogated by Sam.)

Sam: Shh.

Guard: Oh, God! No!

Sam: Are there any other ways in or out of this room that you might want to tell me about?

Guard: *grunt* Uh… birds?

Sam: “Birds”? What do you mean “birds”?

Guard: The vents, above the fan. I think they lead outside. I can hear birds nesting in them!

Sam: Well that is useful information.

Guard: Does that mean I get to live?

Sam: Lemme think about it.

(additional interrogation)

Guard: I told you about the vent. Please do not hurt me! (OR) I don't know anything else.

(Sam deactivates the security authorization lock and plants the sixth e-mail.)

Bonus objective[]

(There is a terminal where Sam can disable the cameras and erase the bank's footage archives.)

Lambert: Good thinking, Fisher. Now even if you're caught on camera they won't be able to ID you.

(Sam takes a short walk to the president's office, through the compromised keypad and a standard locked door to the President's office. Sam plants an e-mail on the President's computer, finds the President's authorization lock and disables it.)

(Once all authorization locks are disabled, Sam backtracks through the bank to get back to the vault.)


(Sam enters the vault.)

Redding: Sam, it's Will.

Sam: Turtle said one of these boxes had some equipment in it?

Redding: Chest-level, right-hand side. Number 1024.

Redding: The gear you need is in safety deposit box 1024.

Alternate objective[]

(If Sam fails to overhear Medieros's name from Lacerda as he yells at his bodyguards from the Cargo Ship level, there is an additional primary objective to complete in the safety deposit vault at the computer. Sam accesses the Panama Canal Admin Files.)

Lambert: It looks like Lacerda's Panamanian contact is Señor Segun Ruiz de Medieros, Vice President of Panama Canal Administration.

Sam: Is that where I'm going next?

Lambert: No. Lacerda's side dealings are a whole 'nother can of worms. I'll send someone else down that trail.

Sam: Someone else?

Lambert: Do I detect a bit of jealousy Sam?

Sam: I'll get over it.

Lambert: Good job Fisher. We just ID'd Lacerda's Panamanian contact.

(Sam retrieves the gear.)

Turtle: Careful with that gear.

Sam: What is all this stuff?

Turtle: The charges are for the vault and the other thingamabob is a telemetric lock pick.

Sam: A telemetric lock pick?

Turtle: Head down to the main vault, we'll walk you through it there.

Turtle: Take the new kit and get to the main vault.

(Sam descends to the main vault.)

Turtle: Alright, next you need to pop both of these locks at the same time.

Sam: That's what the telemetric pick is for.

Turtle: Exactly. It reads your movements in one lock and mimics them in the other lock, real-time.

Sam: You guys use some cool toys.

Turtle: To pick two locks simultaneously you need to use the telemetric pick. Place the male end in one lock and the female in the other. Pick the female end and your movements will be replicated in the male end, if you know what I mean.

(Sam places the telemetric pick in one lock and starts to pick the other lock.)

Turtle: Right. Now once you got the feel for each pin, you have to wait a second for the telemetric pick to synch up. Once it beeps, Bob's-your-uncle, you can pick the pin and move to the next one. Don't try and pick a pin before you're in synch, or you'll have to restart.

Sam: Right.

(Sam fools the linked locks and picks the vault.)

Turtle: Alright, now place the charges over the main pins. Once they're all in place… well, I'm sure you can figure it out.

Turtle: Alright, now place the charges over the main pins and blow 'em.

(Sam places the EMP charge and detonates it over the vault door.)

Turtle: Aaaand… open sesame!

Sam: Lambert… we're in.

Lambert: Great work. Sam, get in there and find those hard drives.

Lambert: Great work. Sam, get in there and find those hard drives.

(Sam enters the vault and accesses a computer controlling the vault's inner cage and containing the hard drive data that is the main objective.)

Grim: I have fragments of a message here from someone named Dvorak. Echelon doesn't have a file on him… wait… that's weird…

Sam: What?

Grim: The deleted messages… they're five-twelve encrypted. I haven't seen five-twelve since Philip Masse.

Sam: I killed Masse outside Severomorsk.

Grim: I remember. And it's confirmed. So, this is someone with access to some seriously classified information.

(If the secondary objective was not completed at this point)

Sam: Who?

Grim: I'm not sure… I'll get back to you.

(If the secondary objective was completed at this point)

Sam: Zherkezhi?

Grim: That's a frightening possibility.

(If the secondary objective was not completed)

Grim: Sam, the e-mails relating to Lacerda are all purged but some fragments indicate that they came from someone named Dvorak. They were all encrypted using a 512 bit key which is extremely sophisticated and classified.

(If the secondary objective was completed before full alert)

Grim: Sam, the e-mails relating to Lacerda are all purged but some fragments indicate that they came from someone named Dvorak. They were all encrypted using a 512 bit key which is something that Morgenholt and Zherkezhi had access to.

(Sam uploads the last forged e-mail.)

(Finally, Sam removes the bearer bonds from the vault cage.)

Lambert: Good job, Fisher. Now the whole mission will look like a robbery. They'll never know why we were here.

Sam: Lambert… now that I'm holding fifty-million bucks… I think we need to talk about that raise again.

Lambert: Hm… twenty-five cents an hour and not a penny more.

Sam: Deal.

Lambert: Good job, Fisher. Now the whole mission will look like a robbery.

(If Sam is detected by the camera inside the vault:)

Lambert: Fisher... I can't believe you came this far to get spotted by a camera.

Sam: Not much I can do about it now.

Grim: Fisher, the whole bank is alert. Army incoming!

Lambert: Cut the chatter people. Fisher, grab that data and get outta there.

Sam: You got it.

(bank is now at full alert)

Lambert: Fisher... I can't believe you came this far to get spotted by a camera.

Sam: Not much I can do about it now.

Lambert: Well, you've already dealt with the armed response. Just complete your objectives and get out of there.

Sam: You got it.

(There is a security laser over the door to the vault that was disabled by the magnetic charges as Sam entered. If Sam fails to disable it again before exiting the vault, an alert sounds.)

Sam: Oops.

Lambert: Damn! What happened?

Grim: Lasers inside the vault door! The whole bank is alert. Army incoming!

Turtle: Bugger this. I'm outta here.

Lambert: Cut the chatter people. Nothing we can do about it now. Fisher, grab that data and get outta there.

Sam: You got it.

(bank is now at full alert)

Sam: Oops.

Lambert: Damn! What happened?

Grim: Lasers inside the vault door!

Turtle: What?! How was I supposed to know?

Lambert: Cut the chatter people. Fisher, you've dealt with the armed response. Complete your objectives.

Sam: You got it.

(after all primary objectives are completed)

Lambert: Alright, Fisher, we'll extract you as planned from the same location you were inserted.

Sam: Over the wall from the front courtyard?

Lambert: That's right. Redding will be waiting for you nearby.

Sam: On my way.

Lambert: Alright Fisher, that's all we need. Time to make yourself scarce. Go to the nearest extraction point.

Sam: On my way.

(at any time after entering the bank, if Sam goes back and tries to exfiltrate without completing all primary objectives:)

Redding: Sam, you need to complete your primary objectives before we can extract you.

(Sam takes the fire escape and returns to the front courtyard, retracing his steps to the front wall and climbing the rope he left behind from his insertion.)

(Mission Complete)
