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Sam Fisher.

Samuel "Sam" Leo Fisher es el personaje principal de la saga Splinter Cell. Su nombre completo se ve por primera vez en Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell, primer juego de la saga, cuando él utilizó el ordenador en el V-22 Osprey para realizar una llamada a casa. Fisher era un agente de campo del programa "Splinter Cell" de Third Echelon, una rama ultra-secreta de la Agencia Nacional de Seguridad (NSA).

"Lo que tenéis que entender es esto, el Sam Fisher que conocéis está muerto. América lo mató, pidiéndole hacer un sacrificio muy grande, cruzar demasiado una linea. Un conductor borracho le mató. Algún idiota anónimo atropelló a su hija y desapareció. Ella era la única cosa de su vida que le hacía humano. Y su agencia le mató. Le tendieron una emboscada, y le pidieron que apretase el gatillo para disparar a su mejor amigo en una sucia base de Nueva York."
Victor Coste le cuenta a Black Arrow la situación de Sam en Conviction


Un veterano de combate de cientos de guerras silenciosas, Sam Fisher es uno de los agentes con más experiencia y más respetados de toda la comunidad de inteligencia estadounidense. Antes de su carrera en la NSA, Fisher fue miembro de la CIA en la División de Actividades Especiales (una fuerza de operaciones especiales) y marine en la armada de los Estados Unidos, donde fue teniente comandante mientras servía en los Navy SEALs como parte del SEAL Team 3, y posteriormente, fue un miembro de primer nivel del grupo DEVGRU del Mando Conjunto de Operaciones Especiales (JSOC)[1].

Se retiró del servicio en algún momento de 1996, pero en 2004 volvió a estar activo para trabajar para la NSA como miembro de la rama ultra-secreta Third Echelon. Fisher es un experto en el arte del sigilo, entrenado en varias técnicas y tácticas para el trabajo de campo. Es extremadamente ágil tanto en combate con armas de fuego como en combate cuerpo a cuerpo, específicamente en SEAL CQB y Krav Maga, y es capaz de comunicarse en siete idiomas distintos (Ruso, Coreano, Árabe, Alemán, Chino, Persa y Español), además de comprender una serie de otros idiomas[2]. Siempre que es posible Fisher opera por la noche y prefiere trabajar solo en el campo.

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Sam Fisher en sus primeros días como Navy SEAL sirviendo en Iraq durante la Guerra del Golfo.

Muy poco se sabe de su vida anterior, pero se sabe que atendió a una escuela militar poco después de la muerte de sus padres cuando era un niño. Se graduó en ciencia política en la Academía Naval de EE.UU.. La documentación de sus actividades a finales de la década de 1970 y principios de 1980 no está disponible y se considera clasificada. Lo poco que se sabe de los datos no clasificados sobre Fisher es que estuvo en una base de la Fuerza Aérea de EE.UU. en el oeste de Alemania[3], donde conoció a la criptoanalista de la NSA Regan Burns, con quien se casó (en algún momento entre finales de 1984 y principios de 1985) tras enterarse de que estaba embarazada[4], mientras trabajaba como "asesora diplomática" en la República de Georgia. En el verano de 1985, Regan dio la luz a la única hija de la pareja, a la que llamaron Sarah (nacida el 31 de mayo)[5].

Más adelante se divorciaron[6] tras cuatro años de matrimonio[7]. Luego, Regan murió con cáncer de ovario cuando Sarah tenía 15 años (en algún momento de 2000[8] [9][10]). En 1989, Fisher intervino en la Operación Just Cause como parte de un equipo de asalto de la CIA en un banco en Panamá buscando el dinero de drogas de Manuel Noriega.

Es un veterano de la Guerra del Golfo (1990-1991), durante la cual participó en diversas operaciones del SEAL en el Golfo Pérsico. Además, estuvo involucrado en la guerra entre Senegal y Mauritania (1989-1991). Estos eventos, junto con su entrenamiento, su experiencia de combate y su historial de servicio, contribuyeron a que Fisher fuese elegido para formar parte del programa "Splinter Cell" de Third Echelon como su primer agente de operaciones de campo tras haber hablado con el coronel Irving Lambert, un oficial de alto rango de la NSA que convenció a Fisher de volver a estar activo.



Durante dos décadas, Fisher participó en numerosos conflictos armados por todo el mundo, varios de ellos poco convencionales. En el transcurso de su amplia carrera como militar sirvió en puntos importantes como el Golfo Pérsico (Iraq, Kuwait, etc.), Irán, Colombia, Senegal[11], y Afganistán, así como tareas encubiertas en Corea del Norte, Corea del Sur, Rusia, Panamá, la antigua Alemania del Este, Myanmar, China, Japón, y la república de Georgia, así como muchos otros. No solo sobrevivió, sino que cumplió con éxito en el campo de las operaciones encubiertas con su trabajo duro, su curiosidad insaciable y su brutal honestidad. El combate, el espionaje y el entrenamiento constante han definido su vida adulta; su experiencia táctica se convirtió en parte de su instinto. Es quieto, instintivo y observador: alguien que observa desde el exterior. Hasta fuera de su trabajo se siente más confortable al margen de la sociedad, muy observante pero fuera.

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Archivo de Sam de Third Echelon y su Five-seveN USG.

A pesar de ser consciente de sus habilidades, Fisher sabe que su supervivencia a menudo ha sido por suerte. Sabe que es humano y que puede errar, y no quiere morir. Fisher posee un distintivo sentido del humor negro, que utiliza para controlar sus miedos y mantenerse calmo durante su trabajo. En cuanto a la personalidad, Fisher es abrasivo y honesto, y tiene poca paciencia para las sutilezas y aún menos para las mentiras, especialmente cuando acarrea problemas. A diferencia de otros jóvenes agentes, no es un idealista ciego.

Pero para tener la disciplina que requiere su trabajo, Fisher tiene que enterrar ciertos aspectos de él mismo. Su habilidad de separarse emocionalmente de una situación para poder cumplir sus objetivos es un atributo excepcional. En raras ocasiones sus emociones salieron a la superficie. Un hombre de pocas palabras, solo es él mismo por completo cuando hace su trabajo - se ha convertido, de cierta forma, en aquello en lo que hace. Tiene una colección admirable de cicatrices, experiencias de guerra, y un sitio en la historia militar. No le queda mucho que demostrar al mundo y no le interesa la gloria. Si lucha, es por que cree que es capaz de provocar cambios positivos.


Sam Fisher ha estado en las zonas más candentes alrededor del mundo. Desde su reclutamiento en agosto de 2004 (o de 1990 según Essentials/Novelas[12]), ha demostrado ser uno de los mejores hombres de Third Echelon, desde su primera misión oficial durante la Crisis de Información de Georgia, a la operación en EJB en 2008 cuando actuó como agente doble fingiendo ser un miembro del EJB (Ejército de John Brown).

Las siguientes operaciones en las cual Sam Fisher estuvo involucrado son de la saga Splinter Cell de novelas y juegos:

1999: Bombardeo de la OTAN sobre Yugoslavia[]

El 15 de febrero de 1999[13], durante la campaña de bombardeo de la OTAN, Sam Fisher fue enviado a una misión para Third Echelon[14] a la Ciudad de Belgrado, en Yugoslavia, para destruir los misiles SAM que estaban siendo suministrados a los Serbios. Su primer objetivo, otorgado por Irving Lambert, era infiltrarse en un carguero y destruir varios de los misiles que llevaba a bordo. Tras destruir los misiles, se infiltró en el refugio donde tenían la lanzadera. Su siguiente objetivo, otorgado por Anna Grímsdóttir, era encontrar evidencia de que los Rusos eran los proveedores de las armas.

Crisis de información de Georgia, 2004[]

El 7 de agosto de 2004 (octubre según la versión PS2), Sam Fisher lleva a cabo el entrenamiento Splinter Cell en el "Campo CIA", ubicado en Camp Peary, Virginia[15], tras reunirse con el director de Third Echelon Irving Lambert,


Fisher completa el entrenamiento.

quien le seleccionó personalmente como el primer candidato para el programa "Splinter Cell".

En algún lugar del Océano Pacífico, Sam bucea en aguas profundas con su hija, Sarah, cuando un barco se acerca a su bote de pesca. Allí se encuentra a Vernon Wilkes, Jr., quien le pone en contacto con Lambert a través de los implantes subdermales. Su primera misión es averiguar el paradero de dos agentes de la CIA (Alice Madison y Robert Blaunstein) desaparecidos durante una misión en la República de Georgia[16].

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Sam durante la crisis de información de Georgia.

En octubre de 2004, la CIA contactó con la dirección de la NSA y les informó de la pérdida de contacto con la agente Madison, que se encontraba en la República Soviética de Georgia. Enviaron al agente Blaustein a la capital, T'bilisi, para localizar a Alice Madison, pero cuatro días después, también perdieron el contacto con él. Temiendo lo peor, Third Echelon preparó a Fisher para su primera misión oficial como Splinter Cell: averiguar el paradero de los agentes de la CIA y evaluar la situación.

El día 16 de octubre, Fisher se infiltró en la ciudad de T'bilisi, y su primer objetivo era encontrar al contacto de la CIA y la NSA, Thomas Gurgenidze, un taquillero de estación que trabajaba dentro del cuarto precinto policial de la ciudad. Fisher entró en un edificio cercano que había sido puesto en llamas, y encontró a Gurgenidze, que informó de que Blaustein tenía una caja negra en su apartamiento que contenía pruebas de que aquello significaba la guerra.

Después de ello, Gurgenidze muere y Fisher sale del edificio para ir al apartamento de Blaustein en el distrito Morevi. A partir de allí, va hacia la comisaría de policía de T'bilisi, donde encuentra los cuerpos de los dos agentes en la morgue con los dos implantes subdermales retirados. Luego, consiguió acceso al sistema de seguridad de la comisaría para descubrir quien cogió los implantes de los agentes, y salió de la comisaría.

Tiempo después de la operación, Fisher descubre una campaña de discriminación contra la población musulmana de Azerbaiyán con la invasión de militares Georgianos, liderados por el presidente Kombayn Nikoladze. Tras la intervención de la OTAN, Nikoladze se traslada y se oculta y declara la guerra a América. Utilizando sofisticados algoritmos de ordenador, Nikoladze desactiva la infraestructura electrónica de América y tiene a su disposición una herramienta nuclear (denominada el Arca) que produciría el caos en américa.

Durante la guerra contra Georgia, varios soldados americanos fueron capturados en el frente. Fisher fue enviado para localizarlos

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Fisher obliga al general Feirong a desbloquear su ordenador en busca de pruebas.

y salvarles. Durante su infiltración en Myanmar, en la embajada de China, Fisher descubrió un fuerte enlace entre Georgia y un general chino, dando inicio a las especulaciones de que China ayudaba a Georgia en su campaña de guerra contra los Estados Unidos. El general fue capturado por Fisher y obligado a desbloquear el sistema de su ordenador, revelando estar involucrado en la guerra. Justo después, falleció por intentar suicidarse a base de alcohol. Después de esto, Fisher llevó a cabo una misión en el palacio presidencial de Georgia, en la cual descubrió en qué consistía el Arca (una bomba nuclear portátil extremadamente poderosa) y descubrió que ya estaba en terreno americano.

Fisher logró poner fin a la crisis neutralizando a la única persona que podía activar la bomba: Kombayn Nikoladze. Algún tiempo después, se infiltró en la zona de Severomorsk en Rusia, y asesinó al terrorista hacker canadiense creador del peligroso algoritmo, Philip Masse.

Crisis de Indonesia/Incidente del Aeropuerto Internacional de Los Ángeles, 2006[]

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Sam durante la crisis de Indonesia.

Cuando EE.UU. establece una base militar temporal en Timor Oriental para entrenar la fuerza defensiva de "la democracia más joven del mundo". Existe cierta resistencia a la presencia militar americana en el terreno del sudeste de Asia, sin embargo, la amenaza que las milicias Indonesias suponen para la democracia de Timor se considera una justificación. De todas formas, a los Estados Unidos no les importa tener o no excusa para instalar una base militar si pueden alcanzar fácilmente Corea del Norte y la mayor población musulmana en Asia.

Suhadi Sadono, líder del grupo guerrillero Darah Dan Doa (y ex-combatiente de la ideología comunista de la región, entrenado por la CIA), actuando con el soporte no-oficial de varias facciones corruptas del gobierno de Indonesia, ataca y ocupa la embajada estadounidense en Jakarta, cogiendo como rehenes a decenas de civiles y personal militar. El agente Splinter Cell Sam Fisher es enviado para destruir un documento de alto secreto situado en la embajada antes de que los hombres de Sadono lo recogiesen.

Posteriormente, Sadono se hace con numerosas bombas ND133 que contienen el virus de la viruela y las coloca en terreno estadounidense, para que se activen si Sadono muere o es capturado. Para poder acabar con la amenaza de las bombas ND133, Third Echelon establece una sub-rama en la organización denominada SHADOWNET destinada a encontrar y desarmar todas las bombas, bajo la protección de una compañía militar privada llamada Armed Guardian Services (ARGUS). Con los ND133 desactivados, Fisher es enviado a capturar a Sadono con vida, misión que cumple exitosamente.

Más tarde, Third Echelon descubre que el ex-agente de la CIA Norman Soth dispone de una ultima unidad de ND133 y la lleva al Aeropuerto Internacional de Los Ángeles, en California, y envían a Fisher. Fisher elimina a Norman Soth y de forma disimulada, lleva la bomba a un sitio más visible. El departamento de seguridad del aeropuerto se da cuenta de que está ahí, acude el escuadrón de bombas de la policía de Los Ángeles y desactivan el ND133 antes de que sea activado.

Agente encubierto en la NSA/Armas robadas[]

En agosto de 2006, poco después del incidente en el aeropuerto, Sam Fisher es enviado en una misión para descubrir un agente encubierto en la NSA, que robaba armas para venderlas a terroristas extranjeros. Infiltrándose en una fábrica de acero en Warsaw, Indiana, Fisher espió a Ernest, luego lo noqueó, y capturó al agente Frasier para que pudiesen interrogarle, encontrando las armas robadas.

2007: Ataques cibernéticos de NY/Crisis de Asia Oriental[]

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Sam en Fort Meade durante la crisis de Asia Oriental.

Después de la polémica decisión de establecer sus propias Fuerzas de Autodefensa de Información (I-SDF) por el almirante Toshiro Otomo, las rutas de pesca de Japón en el Mar Amarillo son bloqueadas por buques de guerra de flotas de China y Corea del Norte, lo cual provoca la intervención de los Estados Unidos. Fisher es enviado a Perú para investigar los reportes de intentos de un hacker informático de volver a desarrollar los devastadores algoritmos creados por Philip Masse, considerados como una de las peores armas del siglo 21. La guerra entre Corea del Norte, Corea del Sur y los Estados Unidos estalla cuando un misil de Corea del Norte destruye el USS Walsh, un buque de guerra estadounidense de información avanzada, el día 4 de julio de 2007. El lanzamiento, sin embargo, no fue intencionado: Sam investiga y descubre que una compañía militar privada llamada Displace Internacional - presidida por el viejo amigo y compañero de Fisher, Douglas Shetland - fue reclutada por el I-SDF japonés para tratar de reutilizar los "Kernels de Masse" y orquestar un ataque a las fuerzas estadounidenses para poder re-militarizar Japón e iniciar la Tercera Guerra Mundial.

Fisher se percata que Otomo esta forzando a las fuerzas de autodefensa japonesas ha revocar la constitución de post-guerra tratando de usar un misil Norcoreano en contra de la ciudad mas importante de Japón. Teniendo como recurso la "Quinta Libertad" (Fifth Freedom), Sam es enviado para capturar a Otomo, quien comete el "Seppuku" como intento de suicidio. Pero Sam remueve la daga para salvarle, ya que los agentes americanos quieren interrogar a Otomo. Fisher cumple la orden y tiene éxito, evitando asi la tercera guerra mundial y terminando la crisis en Asia Oriental.

Prueba Alucinógena:[]

A finales de 2007, Sam Fisher es, de algúna manera, "secuestrado y detenido en un viejo bunker alemán en Normandía, Francia". Desde que el agente de la CIA, Hisham Hamza y Third Echelon se hicieron cargo del "seguimiento de la posición de Sam" y contactáron con él vía implante subdermal, monitorizaron a Sam mientras estuvo bajo el influjo de una droga alucinógena durante toda una semana. Durante este tiempo, apenas pudo escapar de sus captores y vió a Hamza, el cual le rescató. En realidad, Sam siguió drogado hasta el cuartel general de Third Echelon (Third Echelon Headquarters) en Fort Meade, sometiéndose después a una prueba para la resistencia de la droga alucinógena teniéndo éxito algunos días mas tarde, pero inclúso Lambert pensó en persuadir a Sam para que no aceptase las pruebas para el ejercicio de experimentación. Sam reclamó que no tenía recuerdos sobre lo que pasó, y tenía esperanzas de poder recobrar su memoria.

Secuestro de Sarah.[]

Sam Fisher learned that Sarah y dos de sus amigos were kidnapped coming home from a club en Washington D.C. Ellos were stashed in a van, and taken aboard a cargo ship, thus prompting Sam to take the initiative to go after Sarah's kidnappers. He managed to sneak aboard the ship before being contacted by Director Lambert, who asked why he's going on his own. Fisher explained himself and Lambert complies to help his friend. After Fisher retrieved his daughter and her friends alive and in security, he discovered that arms dealer Raheem Kadir was the one who ordered the kidnapping and the target was actually the daughter of a high ranking diplomat. Fisher managed to take down the kidnappers and escape the boat before the police arrival.

2007/08: JBA Deep-Cover Operation[]


Sam operating undercover during the JBA operation.

Version 1:

En Septimbre del 2007, Sam Fisher es enviado on a mission to Iceland. Despues preventing the launch of a warhead, Fisher is quickly pulled out only to find out from Lambert that his daughter, Sarah, was "killed" by a "drunk driver" [17]. After her funeral, Fisher disappeared from sight.

Unable to cope with his mounting personal losses, Fisher is relieved of duty as a Splinter Cell. A few months later, Lambert reassigns him to a high-risk, deep cover operation to infiltrate the ranks of the JBA (John Brown's Army), a dangerous terrorist coalition forming in the United States, led by Emile Dufraisne. After agreeing to take on "the most dangerous mission of his career", Sam's first step was to win the group's trust by freeing one of their senior members from Ellsworth Federal Penitentiary in Kansas, Jamie Washington. He went undercover as an inmate in order to befriend Jamie, who asks him to break him out of Ellsworth to prove his loyalty. After proving himself, Sam joined Dusfraine's organization


Fisher performs recon on a terrorist meeting

becoming a double agent within the JBA. During the course of his assignment, Sam discovered that the JBA had obtained Red Mercury, a substance capable of nuclear weapon-caliber damage, and planned to launch attacks against New York City, Los Angeles and Mexico City.

In a "dirty basement" in New York, Emile offers Sam the chance to prove his loyalty once and for all by shooting Lambert, who had been captured and beaten. Sam reluctantly complies, his cover protected, and Lambert dies after he was pronounced dead due to blood loss from his gunshot wound[18]. Dufraisne and his second-in-command Carson Moss are both killed by Sam before either is able to detonate a Red Mercury device on U.S. soil. Fisher also kills Washington. After the incident, Fisher leaves the NSA.

2009: After JBA operation/Last Goodbye[]

In January 2009, Sam Fisher visits his daughter's grave before being captured and interrogated. He was suspected of helping Emile Dufraisne with several terrorist attacks, and the NSA wanted to find out if that was true. Sam was forced to explain himself over several key points during his career before and during his time in the "Splinter Cell" program which didn't seem to match up with Third Echelon's records. One of the arresting agents, who believed he was innocent, tells of Sam's rescue of Douglas Shetland in Operation Selva Verde in May of 1992.

With Anna "Grim" Grímsdóttir's help, Sam learns that his records had been tampered with by Lawrence Williams, Third Echelon's acting Director, in order to frame him for being a rogue agent, with each of those events rewritten to make Sam appear as if he had completely disobeyed orders or was involved in committing treason and/or acts of terrorism against the United States. Anna Grímsdóttir and William Redding explain what really happened during the events. Director Williams discovers that his hacks to the record had been discovered, and stole the cd containing the evidence from Grímsdóttir. Sam escaped his captors, and infiltrated the NSA's HQ in Fort Meade, Maryland. After sneaking into Williams' office and recovering the evidence, he confronts Williams, explaining he would expose him. Sam then escaped the headquarters taking the evidence with him.

2011: Third Echelon Conspiracy[]

Nexegen Technologies/RDEI Incident[]

Three years after the incident that took place in New York, Sam Fisher, now disavowed from Third Echelon, is under attack from an unidentified infiltration team. 3 days prior to this pursuit, Sam arrives in Vancouver to meet with former Voron agent Ruslan Lupul. Lupul requires Sam’s help for a freelance job concerning stealing some DVR technology from a Korean electronics firm called Nexegen Technologies. In return, Lupul agrees to provide Sam with a file he has concerning the death of Sam’s daughter, Sarah.

During the infiltration of the company headquarters, Sam becomes suspicious, and Lupul admits that Nexegen is actually a front company for the North Korean RDEI (Research Department for External Intelligence). After completing the data transfer Sam is double-crossed by Lupul, but manages to evade security and escape the premises. Sam then confronts Lupul at his mansion and forces him to provide the file on Sarah. Before Lupul is able to provide Sam with the name of his source, he is killed by a sniper bullet. Back to the pursuit, Sam manages to escape the mansion unharmed after disabling several Korean squad members.

24 hours later, Sam is in Valetta, Malta, having a phone conversation with an unidentified source in order to learn more about his daughter’s death in exchange for some Voron intel Sam procured from Lupul’s home.

Man of Conviction[]


Sam en Splinter Cell Conviction

Version 1[]
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Sam infiltrates Third Echelon HQ during the Third Echelon Conspiracy.

After learning that Sarah's death was plotted, Sam decides to investigate who murdered his daughter and why. While at a cafe in Malta, Sam receives word from Grim that a local gang was hired to kill him. Shortly after eliminating the hitmen, he brutally interrogates Dimitri Gramkos, the gang's leader who gave the order, and finds out that an arms dealer/drug trafficker named Andriy Kobin was the man who drove the car that killed Sarah. Fisher then sneaks into Kobin's mansion, eliminating several of Kobin's men as he does so. Sam reaches Kobin and interrogates him by smashing his face into a piano, etc. Right before Kobin is about to talk, Splinter Cell agents storm in and apprehends Fisher, during which he is convinced by Grímsdóttir to go with the agents who take him away.

Later on, Sam obtains equipment such as a portable EMP generator, sonar goggles, which have been upgraded, grenades, and sticky cameras (which are now thrown by hand), all courtesy of Sam's old friend, Victor Coste, and a Third Echelon employee named Charlie Fryman. During his investigation, he discovers that his daughter is alive. He learned from Grim that her "death" was orchestrated by Lambert to lead him to uncover a huge mole in the NSA, Tom Reed, who was soon appointed as Third Echelon's new Director. At the White House, Sam is captured and Grim seems to have gone over to Reed's side. She takes him to the Oval Office, where he is futilely interrogated by Reed. However, this was just a ruse as she later helps Sam take out Reed's Third Echelon bodyguards and rescue President Patricia Caldwell, whom Reed was about to kill and blame Sam for her death. Sam grabs Reed and interrogates him about the whole conspiracy. Sam [the player] chooses to spare or kill Reed, if spared that prompts Grim to kill Reed which ends the conspiracy. If Sam didn't kill Reed then Sam tells Grim how he has chosen to "walk" away.

At the end the game implies that Sam was in the middle of freeing Victor Coste from captivity by Black Arrow.

Version 2[]

Sam Fisher is contacted by Grímsdóttir at the marina, and has to work his way up to the marketplace, where she has hid an ear piece for him under a telescope. After he found the ear piece several men enter the market place to capture him. One of them shoots an RPG at the fountain at the center of the marketplace destroying it. Sam goes further into the marketplace, where a SUV drives up with more men. After dispatching them Sam enters a dockside building, and is chased to a boat where he escapes.

Sam enters another part of Malta, where Grímsdóttir sends him to a lighthouse to turn off the reflector. After disabling the reflector. A helicopter finds him at the top of the lighthouse, and asks for orders. Reed orders the pilot to fire on Fisher. A missile is sent into the top of the tower, and Sam barely escapes by diving into the sea below. Climbing back onto to shore, he works his way along the beach and works his way to the market hall. Sam stealthily takes out several more men, and then interrogates the "Sentinel". Sam convinces the Sentinel to send a message that the place is all clear. However, Gramkos sends reinforcements anyways. A boat docks on a nearby pier, and several men, including Gramkos step out. Gramkos orders them to take out Sam Fisher. Sam defeats them and interrogates him, he tells him about Kobin, and sends him to a museum on George Street. Avoiding the police, he makes it to the museum. Seeing that the way was heavily guarded, he created a diversion by dropping a banner on top them, and then made his way into the garden. Grímsdóttir overloaded the power grid, to turn off the lights, so that he could sneak through. The path to museum was long, and Kobin had men on every street, and a sniper setup in position to ambush Fisher. After taking out the sniper, Sam made his way into the museum, and interrogated Kobin. Other Splinter Cells repelled into the room, and took Kobin away. Grim explained that she was a mole inside of Third Echelon working for President Caldwell.

Heading to Washington D.C., Sam met up with Victor Coste, who gave him "his favorite pistol" and a portable EMP generator from DARPA. He helped Sam infiltrate White Box, MCN Headquarters, where secret Third Echelon Headquarters was also located. Sam first knocked out the power to the surrounding compound. He made his way into the security booth, to disable the security in the building, and took out the satellite antenna's on top of the roof. He then disabled the satellite dish on the roof, and made it inside the building via an elevator into building. Inside he tracked down where Kobin was being held. Sam saves a scientist from some Black Arrow mercenaries, and who tells him about Robertson. After witnessing some more Black Arrow mercenaries murder a scientist, Sam interrogates a splinter cell for a keycard into 3E Headquarters, and saved some scientists that were being held hostage. Grímsdóttir contacted Sam, and had him help her hack into the computer systems. Sam discovered Kobin inside 3E HQ, eavesdropping on him contacting Reed. Sam interrogated Kobin, learning more about the EMPs, and more about his daughter. He then contacted Grim to learn more from her.

Sam made his way to the rooftops of the complex, where Coste contacted him to let him know he was inbound in a helicopter. But Reed had sent another helicopter to intercept him. Reed had the chopper fire a missile at Sam, destroying the doorway behind him. Sam made his way across the roof avoiding the helicopter. Finally reaching some RPGs, he fired them at the chopper, and then sniped the pilot (causing it to crash into the roof). Sam then made his way back into the building to regroup with Coste.

With the crash 3E HQ was in flames, with splinter cells and Black Arrow mercenaries trapped inside, and security system going haywire. Sam made his way through the building to find an exit, meeting Coste halfway. They make there way to the exit before the buildings explode. Coste gives Sam data leading to the location of the EMPs, before they separate.

Both Sam and Coste head to hidden missile base on the shores of the Potomac River in order to disarm the EMP missile being prepped there. As they make there way to the base by boat, they are chased and fired upon by Black Arrow and splinter cells in boats and humvees on the shore. Clearing the way Sam lets Victor off, while he makes by boat to shut down generators powering the search lights of the base. Switching off the generator alerts the base. Sam is chased back to Victor, who takes out the boats with an RPG. They make there way and disable the last few generators. At the last one, Sam interrogates a Black Arrow mercenary who tell him about Prentiss, and the EMP. Sam and Coste then make their way to the missile silo. Sam cleared the forces around the silo, and attempted to disarm the EMP. But the missile was fired.

Sam and Coste quickly few their helicopter to the white house just as the EMP exploded causing them to crash. Black Arrow and splinter cells were already inside the white house trying to capture and kill the president. Sam made his way inside. Inside, Grim contacted him letting him know that they were almost closing in on the president in the Oval Office. Coste also contacted him to tell him that he was inbound with his daughter. Sam ran into Grim, who shot him, to get him closer to the president. Splinter cells enter the room and then escorted him to Reed. After a long speech, Sam got his chance, grabbing Reed, and killing the five splinter cells guarding him. Sam interrogated him, and Grim killed him. His daughter walked into the Oval Office and they were finally reunited. Both walked away from Grímsdóttir.

Expanded Universe[]

For operations in which Sam Fisher was involved that took place in the Splinter Cell series of novels, see The Fisher Files. Each mission summary is listed in sections.


Sam was good friends with Director Irving Lambert as well as with former U.S. Marine Douglas Shetland before the Cyber Attacks of 2007, which resulted in him having to eliminate Shetland. He is also good friends with former Navy SEAL Victor Coste, whom Sam fought alongside with during the Gulf War. Coste gave Sam equipment and vital information about former Third Echelon director Tom Reed as well as found out the whereabouts of his daughter. Even though Sam is sarcastic, he is shown to be very caring with the people he worked with. Shortly before being sent to his first mission in the Georgian capital of T'Bilisi, Fisher met with Vernon Wilkes, Jr. Their relationship only lasted so far up until the extraction from the Kalinatek building in Virginia, during which Wilkes was killed during a firefight with Russian mercenaries. Even though Sam had only briefly known Wilkes, he showed compassion for the man. He was also good friends with co-workers Anna "Grim" Grímsdóttir and Frances Coen, both of whom he shared good-humored banter with during missions.

Sam is very loving to his daughter, Sarah, who is his only child. He felt sorry for having to leave at inconvenient times whenever he was supposed to be at home spending time with her, though he would later call her during mission briefings aboard the Osprey. Sarah was supposedly killed by a drunk driver during the JBA operation. Sam's reaction was a downward spiral into depression. After the JBA operation, Sam resigned from Third Echelon and left the country. He went to Valletta, Malta to hunt for his daughter's killer after receiving word that the hit-and-run accident was plotted. He later discovered that she was still alive while stopping the conspiracy within Third Echelon and the U.S. government.

While undercover during the events in 2008, Sam developed a romantic relationship with Enrica Villablanca, a member of the JBA, only with it to end in Enrica's assassination (only in Version 2 of Double Agent). He also developed a romantic relationship with his Krav Maga instructor, Katia Loenstern, who died from being hit by a stray sniper bullet intended for Sam during the MRUUV incident.


Athletic Skills[]

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Split Jump, Sam's most famous maneuver.

Sam Fisher is extremely agile and athletic. He is capable of many different climbing and scaling abilities, such as step-jumping to climb raised walls, performing the infamous "Split Jump", a split leg maneuver, to keep himself supported for a long period of time, as well as being able to hold on tightly to ceiling pipes or even the undercarriage of a moving train. He is also strong enough to lift the body of a full grown man onto his back and carry it around, and can run somewhat faster than the average soldier.

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Sam performs the "inverted neck break" maneuver.

Fisher uses very unorthodox climbing techniques (e.g. split jumps, half split jumps, difficult techniques to climb pipes, etc). Speculation points to his having cross-trained with Israeli hostage-rescue rappelling and climbing sections, also known as "Terror Monkeys." These people are widely acknowledged experts in climbing in order to conduct assaults from above (e.g. drop kick attacks, inverted neck break). In the novel, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell, Fisher's acrobatic maneuvers extend to using not only walls, but also furniture and even human beings to push off from in order to escape. Strictly speaking these are not unarmed combat techniques - they might almost be some form of the French gymnastic art of Parkour. He also utilizes some aspects of Parkour while surmounting obstacles, albeit in a slightly slower and stealthier way. As a result, Fisher may have combined these three disciplines together, if so, then he has perfected something very formidable indeed.

Stealth Tactics[]

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Sam uses a non-lethal Krav Maga takedown.

As the nature of Fisher's job relies on stealth and non-detection, he is highly adept at blending into shadows and moving silently. As an expert in field craft, he is able to sneak up on most opponents undetected and quickly subdue them using either lethal or non-lethal means. During the Third Echelon Conspiracy, Fisher relied on improvised techniques on top of the training he received during his time with Third Echelon. Biometric data indicated that he's actually better at identifying targets, while operating from concealment, which makes him a very dangerous threat to his opponents in dark environments.

Fisher is also skilled in marking and executing multiple targets simultaneously. His standard M.O. starts with a hand-to-hand takedown, after which he picks his targets and positions himself to eliminate them. He's also been known to mark explosives and environment-based traps this way. Even if the enemy thinks he's not targeting them directly, they may still be in the line of fire. Fisher can vanish, flank his enemies and leave them shooting at the spot where they thought he was, right up until the moment he eliminates them. Although enemies are aware of his actual position, Fisher always catches them off guard by making them rely on his last known, which gets them killed.

Close Combat[]


Sam uses a Krav Maga takedown to covertly kill a guard.

Fisher "exclusively uses Krav Maga" for unarmed combat as well as for split second decisions in combat. Krav Maga or "Contact Combat" is a hybrid hand-to-hand combat system developed in Israel. Israeli military personnel, especially its Special Forces, use them as a way of defense and offense. He has reached the advanced level of 3B under the tutelage of his instructor, Katia Loenstern. This system is widely used by special operators, police, and similar personnel. It also bears mentioning that he had an excellent working relationship with Israeli security services, and he seemed intimately familiar with Israeli weapons (including brand new ones). However in the actual first two games, Fisher's hand-to-hand combat capabilities seemed limited in direct combat with opponents, although he becomes much more effective in hand-to-hand and even gains the ability to use a knife to deadly effect in Chaos Theory. Conviction shows Fisher use a large array of techniques than all the previous games combined such as disarming enemies holding weapons, bringing them into a stranglehold, quickly disabling or kill enemies, and more.


Although Fisher is right-handed, he is also ambidextrous (Chaos Theory and Double Agent), meaning he can switch which hand he fires his rifle and pistol with in order to keep better cover without any apparent loss of accuracy. However, he in the first two games he could only use his right hand to shoot with. It is unknown whether he acquired and perfected this talent in the time between Pandora Tomorrow and Chaos Theory or he always had this ability (without it being included) in the mechanics of the previous two games.


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Sam's standard-issue equipment.

Sam Fisher used both a SC-20K M.A.W.S. and a Five-seveN Tactical as his primary and secondary weapons respectively. The SC-20K (modeled after the FN F2000) held about 30 rounds per magazine and was equipped with a grenade launcher which was modified to launch non-lethal devices such as smoke grenades, sticky shockers, sticky cameras, ring airfoils, and EMP rounds. The Five-seveN (also known by the prototype name "SC Pistol") holds about 20 rounds per magazine, giving Sam more tactical advantages over those who carry smaller capacity magazines. In Conviction, Sam is given a new model of the Five-seveN which is equipped with an LAM (Laser-Aiming Module) and a built-in suppressor. This model is the USG variant of the Five-seveN.

Sam's trifocal goggles is considered by many fans as his trademark in the series and have been changed in almost every game. In the original Splinter Cell and Pandora Tomorrow, the goggles only used night-vision and thermal imaging while in Chaos Theory it added EMF vision, which finds anything electronic to be highlighted, along with a mode called the EEV which allows Sam to hack secure doors and computers from a distance. In Double Agent, a new vision mode was added to the goggles which replaced EMF vision that allows Sam to see electromagnetic waves and sound waves. In Splinter Cell: Conviction, Sam wore a new kind of goggles called the "Sonar Goggles" which uses ultra high-frequency sonic pulses, combined with an advanced AI controller, that penetrate through objects and walls to provide an enhanced visual representation of the engagement zone. In other words, these goggles literally see through walls to identify humans - discriminating between armed targets and civilians as well as detect explosives.

Sam later carried a combat knife which he probably used when he was in the Navy SEALs. This knife was introduced in Chaos Theory (modeled after the Gerber Guardian Back Up). It was later slightly modified for Double Agent (modeled after the Master of Defense Keating Hornet), giving a slightly longer length of the knife and a single-edge blade instead of the double-edge bladed knife.The books,hovewer,state that the combat knife Sam carries with him is actually a WWII-era Fairbairn-Sykes dagger.This knife was gifted to Sam by a family friend,Frank Butch,when Sam graduated from BUD/S in his Navy SEAL days.


Sam in his signature black stealth suit.

Sam's stealth suit was a specially designed outfit that helped him out on a number of missions. According to Pandora Tomorrow and Chaos Theory, a heads-up display (HUD) includes a light meter wired into a series of photocells in his suit providing real-time visibility data as well as a sound sensitivity/ambient noise meter that can pick up sound which are relayed to his OPSAT. The novels go in-depth into discussing the suit's technical information. They explain that the suit is equipped with a thermo-regulation system which Sam can control his body temperature. It was also outfitted with water packs within the skin of the suit which help keep Sam sustained for up to twelve hours. The body armor of the suit is made of Kevlar, RhinoPlate, a DARPA-invented version of Dragon Skin, and seventh-generation Gore-Tex, which helped prevent bullets from penetrating within Sam from long range. However, the suit's body armor is ineffective at very close range. In addition to his standard stealth suit, Sam's suit comes in different colors and camouflages to fit the mission profile for certain conditions, such as white for winter conditions, green for jungle conditions, etc. He sometimes wears a Nomex balaclava, other times he wears some other headwear.



(6 games, 6 books, 1 comic)


  • Sam Fisher is voiced by veteran actor Michael Ironside who also played in such films as Top Gun, Starship Troopers, Total Recall, and various others. He also played in cinematics for Command and Conquer 3.
  • Fisher is mentioned in the "Snake vs. Monkey" game mode of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater in which the main character of the mini-game Solid Snake is talking to Colonel Campbell about the possibility of getting someone else such as Sam (a direct reference to Sam Fisher) or to do the work. He also refers to Gabe Logan (Syphon Filter's main character).
  • Ubisoft's lead character artist Martin Caya established in early interviews about the game that during his career Fisher had served in Afghanistan, where he had an experience in which he was forced to hide under dead bodies in order to avoid being killed. Caya also established that Fisher had served in East Germany and in "other Soviet satellite countries leading up to the collapse of the USSR." It is likely that Fisher was in the CIA during this period.
  • The end of the training mission in the Xbox/PC version of Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell, the first game of the series, established that Sam saw action in Kuwait while serving in the Gulf War (1990-1991) when Lambert tells him "I hope you don't mind I told him ['Junior' Wilkes] some of your stories from Kuwait." Wilkes makes a comment stating "I've heard crazy things about your work". It's possible that Fisher was a member of SEAL Team Three (ST-3) because of the team's Area of Responsibility (AOR) of Southwest Asia. It is likely that Sam served as the team's marksman due to his exceptional skill with a rifle aimed at long range which he has demonstrated many times throughout the games. When Sam is holding his breath, there is no shaking of the reticule on the SC-20K at all. This is even true at thousands of meters.
  • A conversation between Fisher and Douglas Shetland during the mission at the U.S. Embassy to Dili in East Timor in Pandora Tomorrow (which takes place in 2006) established that Sam left the Navy in 1996, when he tells Shetland that he "...Hasn't been Navy for a decade".
  • According to his DD214, Fisher spent nearly three years (2 years, 11 months) as an intelligence (or intel) analyst while serving in the Navy and his service number is 0042073. It also states that he was discharged on 4 September 2008, which is correct because the one (which is only a concept, a mistake on Ubisoft's part maybe) with the effective date of "4 SEP 68 (4 September 1968)" would make him much too young to work for the NSA, meaning that the discharge paper in the photo above is the real one. Also, Sam's DD214 stated that during his time in the Navy he was awarded the Defense Distinguished Service Medal.
  • In Rainbow Six: Vegas 2, also endorsed by Tom Clancy, there is an Achievement/Trophy named 'My Name is Sam' which the player must get 5 headshot kills in a row while using a silenced weapon. This would most likely be a reference to the Splinter Cell series.
  • Due to the constant change of Sam's date of birth, it is undetermined when his exact date of birth is. But it's determined that Sam was indeed born in 1957. The concept for Sam's DD214 says his date of birth is April 17, 1957. However, the real copy of the Sam's DD214 blacks out his birthdate, thus the "CLASSIFIED" status. His exact birthdate has yet to be determined.
  • Concept art from Splinter Cell games has given two different locations for Sam's birthplace. Concept material for Double Agent states that Sam's birthplace was Towson, Maryland[3][4] Concept material in the special edition art book for Conviction states that Fisher was born in Chicago, Illinois[20]. Maryland is the most commonly referenced place of birth.
  • Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell states that Sam Fisher joined the NSA and was subsequently recruited into Third Echelon in 2004 (August 7th in Xbox/PC version, October 7th in PS2/GC version), where he met Grímsdóttir face-to-face for the first time during training. Later she inserted his subdermal and cochlear implants while in the air.
  • On the PS2/GC version, Sam Fisher was apparently already a member of Third Echelon before the events of the game. He had his trademark goggles as well as his subdermal and cochlear implants while out in the Pacific with his daughter. The "training mission" was more for practice and review. He met Grímsdóttir face to face for the first time on the Osprey before heading to T'Bilisi. The manual reprints the material from the PC/Xbox version that states that Third Echelon was founded in 2003 (though ingame may imply it was earlier).
  • Splinter Cell: Essentials retconned and ignored earlier details stating that he had been working with NSA and was one of the "first agents recruited into Third Echelon in the 1990's".[5]. Sam's Splinter Cell training was moved back to the 1990's and he met Grímsdóttir earlier. It shows one such mission in 1999, where he was involved during the NATO bombings in Yugoslavia, Sam is shown using both an SC Pistol and the SC-20K. However, dialogue between Sam and Lambert implies that Sam has been retired since the mid 90's. Ubisoft has not given an explanation for the retcon/anachronisms. Essentials may be following the history established in the novels which also places the founding of Third Echelon and Sam Fisher's membership, and Grímsdóttir meeting several years before 2003.
  • Other gamesPlantilla:Fact states that the F2000[6], which the SC-20K was modeled after, wasn't manufactured until 2001. The Five-seveN[7], which the SC Pistol was modeled after was produced in 2001.
  • Although Sam's birthdate is revealed, Ubisoft stated before Double Agent was released that this age would be "frozen" at 42, hence the "CLASSIFIED". This has apparently been ignored as material for Conviction has listed his birthdate between 1955-1957 (Artbook and Strategy Guide for Conviction).
  • According to game manuals and concept material, Sam is 5' 10". However, in the Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell, he appears the same height as Director Irving Lambert (who has always been referenced to be 6' 2"), and he appears taller than Lambert in cutscenes of Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent.
  • Sam is parodied in one of the trailers for Metal Gear Solid 4, although it was just Snake wearing a pair of night-vision goggles similar to Sam's trifocal multi-vision goggles [8].
  • A intermission cutscene in Conviction shows that Sam is still haunted about his decision to kill Lambert in Double Agent when he is in an elevator while at Third Echelon.
  • The date of Regan Burns' death has differed between various sources. According to Splinter Cell novels, Regan Burns died long after the "collapse of the Soviet Union" (1991), that she died when Sarah was fifteen years old[22] (or approximately 1999 or 2000). An early concept art portraying Sam's psyche profile states that she died in 1992, "...since his wife 16 yrs ago..."[23] The Prima Strategy Guide for Conviction says that she died in 1997-1998 ("...wife died 10 years ago..."). The manual of version 2 of Double Agent stated that Regan died in the 1980s. The Prima strategy guide for Conviction states that Regan died in 1989[24], however this contradicts both Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell novels, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction (game), and the concept art (psych file) which states that she died post-1991. In Conviction Sam states that Sarah's mom is still alive during the Gulf War, "I got a picture from Sarah. I think her "mom" helped her draw it").
  • According to Fisher, he stated that he became further estranged from his family after he and Regan divorced and continued to dedicate himself to his work, operating extensively in Germany, Afghanistan, and the Soviet satellites in the years leading up to the collapse of the USSR. This is not a contradiction however, as he continued to see his daughter occasionally in between missions, when he was in the States.
  • On Rainbow Six: Vegas 2, on the Estate Multiplayer level, you can see a arcade game of Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory.
  • Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction established that Sam's hand-to-hand combat fighting style is Krav Maga, as stated in the first two novels in the Splinter Cell series of books.
  • Sam uses the CAR (Center Axis Relock) pistol stance in Conviction. CAR is mainly use by Special Forces operators for close quarters combat.
  • The picture above shows Sam posing with a FAMAS, a French assault rifle, which is odd considering Navy SEALs only carry American military weapons (e.g. M4A1, Mk 25, P228, etc.) however this was likely done because Ubisoft are a French-Canadian company.
  • In version 2 of Double Agent, Sam has a tattoo on his right bicep.
  • In the game "Vanquish" , there is an achievement called "Fisher is the other sam" which can be get byproceeding on the monorail in Act 3-4 without being spotted by the enemy troops or searchlights. This would most likely be a reference to Sam Fisher
  • His signature weapon is considered to be the FN Five-seveN, because he uses it in nearly every Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell game (including Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction).


  • Essentials is part of the series.[25][26] However, the game contradicts the events of Double Agent. Conviction confirmed that Sam killed Lambert in New York yet in Essentials, he kills him in New Orleans.
  • Although several details from the books have made it into the games, their level of canonicity to the main series is unclear.
  • Sam Fisher would have appeared in the Splinter Cell film. However, production on the film was canceled.

See Also[]

  • The Fisher Files
  • Regan Burns
  • Sarah Fisher
  • Victor Coste
  • Gulf War/Desert Storm
  • Third Echelon
  • Irving Lambert
  • Splinter Cell Program


  1. http://splintercell.wikia.com/File:The_Fisher_Files.png
  2. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (novela), página [??]
  3. Splinter Cell (novel), página 40
  4. Splinter Cell (novel), página 40
  5. Obituario de Sarah, ver sección "Galería"
  6. http://splintercell.wikia.com/File:The_Fisher_Files.png
  7. Splinter Cell (novela), 40, 82, 113-114
  8. "Creo que Sarah tenía 15 años cuando Regan murió", Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (novela), página 40 (apoyado por la guía oficial de Double Agent (..."desde que su esposa murió hace 10 años"...) y citas in-game de Conviction que decían que su esposa estaba viva cuando Sam estaba en la Guerra del Golfo, "Tengo un dibujo de Sarah. Creo que su "mamá" le ayudó a dibujarlo").
  9. Un diseño conceptual del perfil psíquico de Sam decía "...desde que su esposa murió hace 16 años...", o 1992
  10. , "1989" en la guía oficial de PrimaGames http://splintercell.wikia.com/File:The_Fisher_Files.png
  11. Checkmate cap. 24 pág. 161
  12. http://splintercellessentials.uk.ubi.com/indexFlash.php
  13. Misión 3: Ciudad de Belgrado, Yugoslavia, 15 de febrero de 1999, 23:20
  14. "Uno de los primeros agentes reclutados por Third Echelon en los 1990..."
  15. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell, "Entrenamiento"
  16. Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell, introducción exclusiva (PS2)
  17. (January 3, 2008 Double Agent (Xbox/PS2/GC/Wii), Essentials, & Conviction or September 3, 2007 in version 1 of Double Agent)
  18. Coste's dialogue, Reed's dialogue and teaser trailer for Splinter Cell: Conviction
  19. Chaos Theory Intro
  20. Conviction concept art, pg
  21. Error en la cita: Etiqueta <ref> no válida; no se ha definido el contenido de las referencias llamadas ubisoft
  22. Splinter Cell (novel), 40
  23. http://splintercell.wikia.com/wiki/File:Sam_fisher_psyche_profile.jpg
  24. Prima's Official Splinter Cell Conviction Guide, pg 8
  25. [1]
  26. [2]